Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 718 Violent Negotiations (Part 1) (Part 2) The Spy Banshee

Lorelei not only wants to obtain the Asgardian method of manipulating the Rainbow Bridge through Simin Yog, but also obtains the research results of the Asgardian wizards on the Rainbow Bridge. These things are the deepest secrets hidden by the Asgardian royal family. Even Kama Taj's library does not have much information about the Rainbow Bridge. It can be said that Asgard’s current status is all based on the research results that allow the army to be delivered over long distances without delay—Asgard itself does not produce too many precious natural resources, and the Asgard royal family is constantly plundering the resources of the enclave outside the system through the Rainbow Bridge, creating an all-encompassing scene and a prosperous economy in Asaheim.

It's the same as the Vikings going out to sea to rob on longships, except that Asgard has a powerful and wise royal family and power, and can seize the opportunity to transform the looted materials into armaments and technology, instead of squandering them at banquets. Hela couldn't understand Odin's intention at all. The so-called peaceful development of the father of the gods was just a helpless move, a mask that could be discarded when the time was right. After the rapid expansion of its troops, Asgard needs to rely on the low fertility rate of the Asgardians to slowly restore the population and society of Asaheim and Vanaheim through long-term plunder and recuperation. Blind expansion will only drag down Asgard's already poor natural resources and industrial capabilities.

In the future, the situation will be reversed. How Bauer and Odin conquered the Nine Realms in the past, what Salomon will do in the future.

The supreme mage believes that his disciples can do better than himself and Odin, and replace the royal family of Asgard as the new ALL FATHER. His Holiness also gave Salomon a secret document about the World Tree as his ultimate means to use the World Tree, a cosmic system and magical entity, after the success of the plan. According to His Holiness himself, this plan was formulated thousands of years ago, but there was no chance to implement it.

"I'm sorry, but I can't send the gift through the embassy." The sudden voice made Lorelai jump up from her chair, knocking over the mead glass on the table. But the parchment was tightly held in her hand, and it was not stained by wine stains. But after seeing who was standing behind him, joy drowned panic and other emotions like a sea wave. The moment the mead wine glass was knocked off the table and was about to hit the ground, an extremely delicate technique suddenly appeared. Immediately afterwards, as if turning back time, all the golden wine returned to the glass, and the glass was firmly placed in its original position.

"My lord!" She couldn't restrain her impulse, and after a brief salute, she couldn't wait to jump into the arms of the mystic. She closed her eyes, whimpered like a kitten, and wrapped her legs tightly around Salomon's waist. She buried her face in Salomon's long hair, greedily sucking the scent of the mystic, "I have received an invitation, and I am about to succeed..."

"I know, I know." Salomon patted Lorelei's back lightly. After a while, Rhine's daughter jumped down with a blushing face. Salomon stopped her from tearing the clothes. "I'm here to listen to the mission report, Lorelai." He said softly, stroking her body with the palm of his hand to ease her anxiety, "This kind of thing can wait until you complete the mission and return to Midgard."

"But, since I came to Asgard, I haven't... Well, my lord, this is your will." Lorelai became visibly depressed. If it wasn't for Salomon's palm rubbing her neck and cheeks, she might really lose her motivation. The mystic was not surprised by this situation. In order to make this evil witch of the country useful to him, he had to completely clear Lorelei's mind built up over the millennia, and turn her into a tool that could not leave him at all.

"Perhaps you will be interested in a rumor, my lord." Lorelei closed her eyes, enjoying the intimacy given by the mystic. "About Asgard's prophecy, Ragnarok. The father of the gods has been looking for clues to Ragnarok for a long time, but recently there is a saying among the neighbors that Thor is not the real heir of Asgard, not even Loki, and the real heir is someone else."

"That's why I'm here, Lorelai."

Salomon walked out of the hotel when the street tavern turned on the lights and the noise replaced the roar of the airship to once again occupy the sky of Asgard. He was wearing a dark gray cloak, and the tattered gray cloth covered his gorgeous robes and gorgeous destructive gestures. He is holding a cane made of dead wood, and the face exposed under the hood is extremely old due to the illusion. It looks like a tramp passing by, not inconspicuous at all.

"Go away, old man!"

Salomon turned sideways silently, letting go of one of the most common drunks in Asgard.

Asgardians consume an astonishing amount of alcohol each year. In their culture, only the man who can drink the most and cut people the most is a man. Whether it is nobles or commoners, the martial ethos has been deeply rooted in the hearts of Asgard after years of battles. Salomon is sure that they don't like to take a bath either, because he just smelled the sour smell of vomit. He stopped at the corner of the street, his cloak covering a seemingly ordinary sign. He tapped the rune lightly with his cane, and disappeared in place in an instant.

"Cassilios, I smell perfume on you." He happily taunted the person standing in front of him, "If we go shopping in the Golden Palace, maybe we can find your old friend through the smell of perfume. I only hope that you can run faster when you are being hunted down by other husbands, so as not to embarrass Kama Taj."

"Little guy, you still don't understand the beauty of Asgardian women. No, this sentence doesn't seem to apply to you. You also smell of Asgardian women's perfume." Casilios said with a smile, "You are really late. If you are late, the spell placed by the venerable will be invalid. I don't want you to be trapped in that ghost place, especially when there is a completely crazy woman there. No one can predict what will happen."

"Relax, the banquet hasn't started yet." Salomon walked out of the shadow that the light could not illuminate. He took off his camouflage cloak, and the light reflected from the crimson holy relic robe and gorgeous gemstones under the faint light filled the secret room. Casilios has a spell cast by the Supreme Mage, which is used to cover Heimdall's eyes, so that Asgard's intelligence chief can detect the conversations of the Kama Taj mystics, and the scroll that Casilios carries with him has a more powerful spell. Its main function is to connect the passage between the Golden Palace and the Kingdom of the Dead for Salomon to enter and exit without attracting Odin's attention.

The mystics of Karma Taj received an invitation letter from the Golden Palace, and Loki, disguised as Odin, invited Karma Taj to a banquet. Salomon intends to take this opportunity to negotiate terms with Hela. Anyway, what Hella wants is an empire that unifies the galaxy. What she wants is the feeling of this battle, and she has no interest in how to govern it. Salomon wanted to try to negotiate to get Hela to support his cause. He really felt that Hela's fighting ability could play a role in the future.

"Have you thought about what to say?" Casilios asked.

"Of course." Salomon patted the golden power armor placed in the center of the room. The holy sword and holy gun wrapped in layers of seals are lying in a soft velvet box next to it, and the Aegis inlaid with the head of Medusa is placed on the other side. "Call the servants to help me put on the armor, Casilios." He said, "I know what language I can hear when facing Hela."

Ask for a ticket!

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