Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 720 Violent Negotiation (Part 2) Hall of Valor of the Dead

Asgard is a society with distinct classes. The difference between nobles and commoners is almost equivalent to two different species. Whether it is lifespan or strength, the nobles with more divine blood have the upper hand. The average life span of ordinary Asgardians is only 500 years, while that of nobles is measured in thousands. The so-called "equality" does not exist in this world at all. Perhaps there are some nobles who have lived long enough to still remember the years when God Odin fought in the Nine Realms, but they all kept this secret, because they were able to survive the bloody cleansing and continue the Wannian family to this day because they kept silent.

Those nobles still remember Odin's brutal methods.

Countless ancient families have been uprooted since the rule of Odin's father Baoer and Baoer's father Bulli. The horseshoes of the eight-legged celestial horse Sleipnir walked past the corpses of countless men, women, old people, and children, and stepped into the resplendent and resplendent longhouse of the family hall. All books on that man were burned, all supporters of that man were killed, all statues and steles extolling great deeds were smashed, and all bards' tongues were cut out. The smoke and dust of burning corpses even covered the magnificent spire of the Golden Palace for a time-the great Valkyrie, the mighty Valkyrie, the invincible Valkyrie, the cruel Odin did not hesitate to erase the honor of the warriors who fought for him in the past, and the one-eyed king on the throne extinguished the flames of betrayal with cold lies. Knife, ax and blood have become an excuse for forgetting, the ancient legend about the Valkyrie in the tavern has been distorted and changed, the newborn Asgardians have grown up listening to lies, and there is no truth in the carnival of mead and banquet.

Everything has something to do with that damn prophecy.

But they knew that the dusk of the gods would come one day, and the poisonous dragon Nigelhold, who ate the roots of the world tree, would spread his wings. At that time, the same cruel and ruthless Goddess of Death will take the longship Najrfa made of dead people's nails, from the cold and foggy world of Eternal Night, lifted by ice springs and poisonous snakes to the kingdom of the gods, bringing destruction to this world.

"Of course, these are legends. Look around us, my friend. Niggold is just a fairy tale to deceive children, and the goddess of death does not exist at all. No one can live in that Helheim place on the north side of the Kinrungar gap. There belongs to the dead and here belongs to the living."

Asgard's astronomer is a commoner. He was appreciated for his knowledge, so he got the opportunity to work in the golden palace. He was the one Salomon had seen last time at the Asgard Observatory. After drinking two glasses of wine, the old fellow swore, "It's just a fairy tale created by the ancestors of Asgard after they were afraid of the vast astronomical wonders when observing the universe. It reflects the worries about the survival of tomorrow and our close relatives, the giant family. Then it was sung by bards. In order to win attention, they naturally exaggerated and sang it, and we as scholars must not rely on it."

"I didn't know Asgardians would talk like that." Casilios winked behind the old guy, and continued to use this topic to attract the attention of stargazers. Salomon wore a cloak and passed through many drinking and having fun in Grazheim, "I thought you would express fear of this legend, or analyze the rationality of this prophecy to me based on the past history."

"I am a commoner, not a wizard like you. I believe in numbers. My life span is at most five hundred years, and even if I use the most expensive soul forge for treatment, it will not exceed a thousand years. I have no time to indulge in noble legends. For a short-lived commoner like me, the pursuit of truth is the most important thing in this life. We were not created from ash or elm branches, and the world was not born from Ymir's corpse. The light elves and dark elves were not creatures transformed from maggots. The giant Brimir has nothing to do with Bláinn's flesh and blood. Just because the Aesir are gods doesn't mean we have to be superstitious about them. If you don't mind, I'm going back to work..."

Casilios was a little surprised, he didn't expect the scholars in Asgard to have such wisdom. He put down the original task, and turned to ask the old man a question in a slightly respectful tone. "Please wait a moment, respected seeker of truth..."

Salomon squeezed through the door and opened the Venerable's scroll in front of the model that reflected the state of the World Tree in real time.

"Good evening, my dear goddess of death." He released the spell in the scroll and said softly at the same time, "I hope you are satisfied with my gift."

"You're here at last! Before the Winter of Fimbul comes!"

When the pure white horse spread its wings and descended from the sky with light and heat through the dark clouds, the queen who was cut bloody by the throne of swords and thorns stood up. As the most powerful immortal in Asgard, those wounds healed in an instant. This is her characteristic, a God's Chosen from the concept of death, but she still thinks that this is her innate talent, just like her talent for necromancy, it is her proof of being the future king of Asgard.

"It seems that you are ready to face death with the most valiant attitude." The goddess of death looked at his equipment, and then raised her chin proudly. She opened her hands and took a deep breath of the cold death-filled air. The white mist on the surface of the Geol River was pushed away by the wind curled by Pegasus' powerful wings, and the top of the forest of iron trees shone with a cold white light. She welcomed Salomon loudly, "If your performance satisfies me, I will allow you to stay by my side forever, as my most powerful guard, and share the glory of ruling Asgard with me."

Salomon sat on Pegasus's back and responded with a smile, "Then, before everything begins, would you mind enjoying the banquet in Asgard first?"

"Of course, we didn't have a chance to talk properly last time. This time, I don't mind showing you the generosity of the master before the fight. Hurry up, slow, lazy! You rotten corpses, brittle bones, and stupid skeletons, hurry up and bring up my guests. Well, you two idiots don't plan to move? Oh, I forgot that you are already dead." . Hela's palace, Eliudnir (miserable), has a very wide passageway, and the palace that occupies the entire mountain has countless rooms. Those rooms are filled with ghosts and bones.

The goddess of death walked happily, showing everything about herself to her guests.

"Look! This is my food 'Hunger', here is my tableware 'Glutton'...Come on, come on, let me show you my bedroom, its name is 'Destruction'. Come on, open the curtain called 'Fire' and you will see nine rivers, look, that river is called 'Slid' - into which I throw the blades I created every day. The Lord of Lies has held me here for so long that now the river is full of sharps Have you seen this big bed called 'Sorrow', warrior? I like warriors, and I like fresh flesh. If you defeat me, you will have the right to lie on it and share the pleasure with me."


"As long as you don't die in my hands, you have this qualification."

Ask for a ticket!

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