Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 721 The Three Storm Goddesses (Part 1)

Eleudenir, which is built on the mountain, is made of obsidian. It took Salomon and Hela a whole day to walk from the palace to the bedroom on the top of the mountain. Even if they will meet each other soon, Salomon doesn't mind taking this opportunity to chat. Hela has no objection, she knows that the battle she longs for is coming soon, she has endured thousands of years of loneliness, it is not difficult to wait for a few more hours. Like good friends who have known each other for many years, the two overlooked the nine rivers of Styx with white mist floating, and shared the top-level poetic mead that Salomon brought from the banquet.

Hela kept telling Salomon about Odin's cruelty and lies, and the mystic nodded repeatedly, expressing his admiration for Odin's methods and cruelty in his heart. Even though Asgard's history books have been completely erased in the smoke and dust of burning corpses, there are still sporadic records in Kama Taj's books, which allowed Salomon to observe and observe repeatedly and speculate on the political situation in Asgard at that time.

Perhaps it was the inherent rough nerves of the Asgardians that prevented the father of the gods from playing any delicate political tricks, but Odin's choice of the general direction of the political situation was wise. Not only did he completely exclude heirs who had different ideas and were likely to affect the stable situation after the war, but he also borrowed the hand of Hella himself to eliminate the Valkyrie who should have gained a lot of prestige after the war and might even disturb the noble class. In this way, any factors that may affect the recuperation after the war are all excluded, and Asgard no longer has any groups or individuals that can threaten Odin in terms of power and prestige, and has established the supreme authority since Bauer.

"We still have much to say, but not now." He threw the horn of Black Sword over the cliff behind the window, adding another blade to the river Slide where the knives flowed. He put on his helmet, hiding his expression behind a deadpan mask. The scarlet eyepiece was lit up, and a large number of operating parameters of the power armor were fed back to his retina through the electronic eye and projection system. When he moved, the servo system of the joints made no sound, and the motors and his joints operated in sync without dragging the slightest bit.

"Come with me, don't destroy my favorite bedroom. Let's fight on the platform at the top of the mountain. If you are still alive at that time, I don't mind listening to what you want to say." Hela laughed, and her words were full of blood. She jumped off the window sill, gathered her messy black hair, and the crown of swords and spines slowly stretched out.

"Your sword, shield, and spear are worthy of this battle, but I'm not a fool, and long imprisonment is not enough to grind my mind. Note that your armor is made of Uru metal, and it is full of dwarven magic. I don't know how you got in and out of this place. Maybe you have something to do with Asgard and Odin, so I will try to kill you, lest I hear stupid proposals from the Lord of Lies. If you are alive, you will tell me your identity; if you are dead, your corpse will tell me too What I want to know."

"You are so crazy!" No one dared to stop this angry woman.

Perhaps some apprentices who have not seen the world still want to persuade them, but facing a Vanir Protoss wearing scale armor and a golden feather crown, the strength of those apprentices is not enough. The supreme mage opened the wooden door of the quiet room with exquisite carvings and spell protection, and stopped the neatly dressed woman with a long sword on her waist condescendingly. "How dare you let your disciple go to see her again! Didn't we agree to give up this plan?" The Queen of the Asa Protoss blushed with anger, "He almost discovered your magic! If I didn't use the magic of the Warner Protoss to help you cover it..."

"Don't say it here. Frigg, you have already injured some mystics by breaking in from the foot of the mountain."

"No one died, I assure you, just a few broken bones and bruises. Maybe a concussion, just treat it with magic. I'm not here to discuss such trifles, Sorcerer Supreme!"

The Venerable gestured with his eyes, and Modu immediately greeted the apprentices on the training ground to return to his room.

But before leaving, Mordo also sent a telepathic communication to the Supreme Mage, asking if it was necessary to activate Kama Taj's defensive measures. The Venerable refused, and asked Modu not to be too nervous, let alone let the old guys of the Mystic family prepare to start a war.

"Grimnir is not sitting on Hilideskellaf, Fokkin and Wuni are also patrolling in Jotunheim." His Holiness spoke only after the irrelevant personnel had left. His Holiness concealed many of Salomon's writings and did not remind Frigga of what Salomon had done. "Everything I do is to enable the human race to survive in the future. According to my disciple's plan, Hela will be an important helper in fighting against the enemy in the future."

"You and your disciple are taking a hopeless gamble." Frigga seemed to calm down. She strode up the stone steps that had been polished smooth by the soles of countless mystics in front of the quiet room, and approached the supreme mage. "Hela will not give in to anyone, she only has the flame of vengeance in her heart. She is an immortal just like your disciple, and the holy sword cannot completely cut off the lifeline of the immortal. We have already verified it when the dark elves invaded. It is very likely that you will allow her to escape by keeping the dimensional passage where the celestial bodies meet. Even if she is my daughter, I know that when Hela escapes, it will be the day when the Ragnarok prophecy will be fulfilled."

The queen seemed to have to pause for a long speech.

She took a deep breath of the icy Himalayan air and let it out slowly.

"In the plans of you and your disciples, there is no place for Asgardians in the future."

"To be precise, there will be Asgardians in the future world." The Supreme Mage said calmly, "Including Sol, including Sol's three granddaughters. Other Asgardians will be integrated into the future human empire, and finally regain their glory."

"I didn't predict Sol's granddaughter!" Frigga was a little surprised, "This is impossible! The future of the Asir and Vanir races are obscured by Ragnarok, Sol is the last Asir!"

"When it comes to prophecy, Karma Taj is a professional. I have seen it, and Salomon has seen it too, although in different ways. When the three storm goddesses were active, the Nine Realms were in the end of the world. In order to save the situation as much as possible, Salomon had to find all the powers that could help." The fragments of time were captured for you in the vast expanse of the astral world."

Frigg walked over suspiciously.

"In addition." His Holiness said suddenly, "This proves that I am the number one magician in the Nine Realms."

"If Sol really has three granddaughters." Frigga stopped and said angrily, "If this is true, I can help you and your disciples cover Odin's eyes. But Hela must stay in Helheim, there is no doubt about it."

"From the beginning to the end, Odin has been afraid of Ragnarok. The Asir Gods have been preparing for that moment for so many years." The venerable said slowly, "Gullinkambi's cry is getting louder and louder, and there is not much time left for the Asgardians. Odin has to make a choice, but in any case, the future belongs to human beings. Just like Ragnarok, it is the destiny that must come."

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