Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 722: A World Where No One Gets Hurt (Second)

The air grew colder, the mountains darkened beneath the clouds, thousands of alcoves carved out of the rough, scarred stone walls, and the broken bones in dusty Asgardian armor displayed on them. These armors belonged to warriors who fought desperately on the grand battlefield across the galaxy in the past. The terrible scars on the armor pieces all indicate that the owner of the armor has been fatally injured. Numerous honors and medals prove that they have been active in the most dangerous and tragic places. The best dwarven artisans could mend steel, but flesh and blood would perish from such damage—the bones in the armor were mostly imperfect, and she couldn't even call them to battle. But Hela still preserved them, filling their missing arms, leg bones, spines and ribs with black swords, and displaying them together with the past armor and the trophies she had won on the Black Stone Mountains in the Kingdom of the Dead.

The terrifying black sword made a piercing scream on the shield. At the moment when the shield and the sword collided, Salomon took advantage of the power of the goddess of death to turn around and swung the holy sword horizontally at a speed that ordinary people could not see clearly. Hela leaned back and dodged the sword edge across her face, dodging the attack with her soft and slender waist. Although she had encountered such a counterattack more than once, and it could even be said that she had anticipated this situation when Salomon started to turn around, her reaction was not easy at all. She could even feel the unbearable heat from the holy sword drying her skin, making the skin on her face tight.

Hela became irritable again, and had an uncontrollable anger at Odin who deprived her of her power. She counterattacked deftly before the next heartbeat, but was held back by the mystic with the top edge of her shield. Salomon took a few steps forward and pushed the shield like a battering ram. The shield smashed the black sword and made a deafening noise. The heavy hammer that could break the spine and shatter the chest only made the goddess of death back a few steps lightly on her tiptoes as if dancing.

"This is the fourth time." Salomona's panting voice from strenuous exercise came through the loudspeaker of the mask. He felt that the lining of the armor was wet and sticky, and the tingling pain spread all over his body. "You can't kill me, Hela."

Under the action of hormones, the soaring rage and blood urged the goddess of death to throw the black sword over in annoyance, but Salomon pushed it away without any surprise. Occasionally, a fish slipped through the net, and he couldn't leave a scratch on his golden armor, but this was enough for Hela to seize the opportunity.

She summoned hundreds of black swords that had been pushed aside in previous battles, from those nailed to the alcove, those that fell into the cliff, and even those that had been destroyed into pieces, flew towards the mystic from all directions. Accompanied by the whistling sound filling the air and a burst of silver mist, Salomon disappeared in place, and Hela confidently slashed back with her sword "Night Sky". Salomon had done this trick several times, and it was Night Sky. The sword sliced ​​through his gauntlets and leg armor, severed his veins. Unexpectedly, the mystic did not appear behind her this time—then, Salomon in heavy armor fell from the sky, crushing the leg bones of the Goddess of Death from his steel boots.

It takes time for Hela to recover from such an injury.

Salomon took two steps back to give her time to recover her trampled legs. He even supported the half of Haila's body that fell to the ground so that she could heal quickly. But the Goddess of Death, who felt she had been insulted, used the black sword to force the mystic back. She didn't even have time to restore her tattered combat uniform that had been cut in the battle.

For Salomon, he has never met such a crazy warrior in his life. He has indeed seen people fighting without clothes, but it is indeed the first time he has seen the situation where he continues to inflict pain on himself. He began to doubt whether his trip was correct, and whether the crazy Hela could make a proper judgment and agree with his plan for the future?

"It's impossible for her to agree." Frigg shook her head.

Although the clip shown by the supreme mage was not long, the Queen of Heaven could still distinguish the identities of the three girls. The three girls were indeed Saul's granddaughters, and the blond-haired Frigg, the red-haired Elixif, and Atli were indeed of Asir blood, she could tell at a glance, and even if the three girls didn't fight with axes and hammers of amazing size, their rudeness alone was enough to prove their blood. But at the same time, the other future shown by the Supreme Master completely extinguished the joy of the future generations after seeing it-Asgard was completely destroyed and became an abandoned monolith floating in space. All Asgardians were displaced, or became slaves, or completely forgot the glory of Asgardians and became mercenaries. And her child Saul sat on a throne made of stone with white hair, looking at the ruined and lifeless Asgard in a daze.

"This is just an attempt, and violence will only yield to greater violence."

"What if you fail?" Tianhou asked, "What if Hela wants to take revenge on Midgard?"

"It's not impossible for Karma Taj to kill the Eternal, Frigg." His Holiness glanced at the Queen of Heaven. The Queen of Heaven, Frigga, held the fragment tightly, and seemed to be planning to take it home and watch it again and again. "Actually, the holy sword is also available, but that boy Salomon is still very polite. He doesn't intend to unseal the holy sword and fight with all his strength. He thinks it is an insult to the opponent who is at a disadvantage."

"Hela won't appreciate it." Frigga pointed out the key point bluntly. "If Hela escapes, she will definitely put the battle with Salomon on her schedule. What if Salomon loses then? Who do you plan to let Hela stop? If it fails, humans will lose much more than they gain."

"The future is too heavy, and Salomon must find a way to share it."

"Unless he can completely conquer Hela, I don't mind letting him rule Asgard with Hela. On the one hand, the future war is enough to satisfy Hela's bloodthirsty. On the other hand, Salomon's wisdom is enough to check and balance the reckless Sol and Loki, and maintain a good social environment in the Nine Realms. Co-government has occurred more than once in human history, and I think Asgard can do it too."

Frigga's words were astonishing, and even the Supreme Master couldn't help being startled, but the good self-cultivation prevented the Venerable from expressing it. "I don't think Salomon will agree." After a pause, His Holiness finally confirmed that Tian Hou had nothing to say. "He doesn't want to rule a place full of Asgardians. His mission is to revitalize the human race, not Asgard."

"I know my daughter's attitude towards warriors very well. As long as he performs well in Helheim, he might be lying on Hela's bed right now! Don't be surprised, we are not you ascetic monks. It is natural for the Asgardians to take this issue." The queen snorted twice, "At that time, Salomon will be the king of Midgard and the regent of Asgard. Sol will be the king, and Hela will be the warmaster. As long as they unite, no one will be their opponent! Look, as long as your disciple can completely conquer my daughter, Asgard and Midgard will become one, and the Nine Realms will expand again! Your mission, Salomon’s grand wish, and even the wishes of Thor and Hela can be fulfilled. Hurry up and find a way to send a message to your disciple, so that he can make my daughter belly big in Helheim! This is a major event related to the future of the Nine Realms, so don’t waste time!”

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