Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 723 The Last Time (First Update)

"Although this may go against my daughter's own wishes, I don't mind Salomon using coercive means. Your disciple is too shy and chivalrous, but in the face of such a major event in the Nine Realms, the knight's methods can be temporarily put aside." The supreme mage rolled his eyes, and ignored the words of the Queen of Asgard.

Just a few minutes ago, while watching the water mirror, Frigg yelled in amazement at the battle scene between Salomon and Hela, and made stupid exclamations like "have something to say" and "fighting between husband and wife is not good for the government". Hearing the blood pressure of the supreme mage rose-it is true that Frigg's idea was perfect, but it was the smallest of all possibilities. Even if Hela puts down her hatred and conceives Salomon's child now, and establishes a co-governance situation between Midgard and Asgard, Ragnarok will not disappear suddenly.

As the Vanir protoss who mastered many secrets that Odin did not know, Frigga naturally knew the existence of the multiverse. But compared to other bad futures, Frigga would rather bet on a possibility. Now the Queen of Asgard has no opinion on the high bet made by the Supreme Mage and Salomon. Even if the possibility is small, Frigga is willing to bet. Anyway, no matter whether you gamble or not, Asgard lost all chips after Ragnarok, and it is not difficult to make a desperate choice. Salomon and Hela, who were still fighting under the remains of many Asgardian martyrs, naturally did not know the plan of Queen Frigg, and His Holiness did not intend to use this possibility to stop the battle.

Hela became more and more irritable as she beat her.

Salomon's moves are cunning, and when he sells a flaw, he often means setting up a trap. This is especially uncomfortable for Hela, who is not used to delicate sword fights and is used to fighting in open and closed battlefields. She had to sort out her thoughts between flashes and flints to figure out whether she had fallen into the thinking trap set by Salomon, whether she had discovered the mindset of the mystic mage, and whether the next counterattack was the enemy's guidance or the best choice. Even though the sword skill of the mystic is undoubtedly a bit young considering her thousand years of experience in fighting, she has been unable to deal fatal damage to the mystic for a long time.

Again many scars were added to the rough rock face.

When the Goddess of Death became more and more irritable, she didn't care about destroying the remains of her former comrades-in-arms. On the contrary, Salomon had more respect for those dead. He often turned around when Hela was about to attack the remains of those dead warriors, lest she completely destroy the already dilapidated armor and bones, and let Asgard's armor fragments jingle on his feathered helmet-Hela didn't use a long sword. She now held a huge black axe.

She did cause some trouble to Salomon when she first used this weapon, but after the mystic mage put down his shield with a bang and called Pegasus, who was watching the show, to drop the holy spear from the air, the situation reversed again. The mystic held the ax with the holy spear, and then cut off the long handle of the weapon with the holy sword. The sound of the weapon smashing made Hela's scalp tingle.

If she hadn't blocked the holy spear with her sword in time, the vicious Salomon might have cut her in half. This made her very angry, and she decided to give this mortal in front of her a little color.

Pegasus yawned. It stood on the highest peak of this planet without even snow, looking down boredly. It glimpsed a golden light coming from below that grew stronger until it pierced through the thick, icy clouds. Pegasus knew that this meant that the battle was getting more and more intense, and that his master was beginning to show his true strength.

If it weren't for the fierce clash of weapons below, it would have thought it was a dressage rally.

It did nothing but toss the holy lance on its back into the clouds, for its master did not intend to ride it into battle. The sound of weapons colliding reverberated in the canyon, and the rock walls were trembling from the continuous loud noises. A strange tingling sensation rose from the horse's hooves to its teeth. Pegasus couldn't help but touch his teeth, determined to ignore his trembling fat - ever since it was given to Salomon by Athena, Pegasus' weight began to soar. Fruits, spirits and top-quality meat all entered its stomach. While it was unhealthy, Pegasus felt that mortal veterinarians knew nothing about pegasus and mere fat wasn't a problem at all.

The fight had been going on all day, and Pegasus wondered when it would end.

Salomon untied the two stigmata, because Hela had already started to do something unscrupulous and fell into madness. Not only to make up for the physical gap between Asgardians and Earthlings, but also to save themselves in this cruel and bloody sword fight.

Since the huge ax was cut off by the holy sword, she no longer gave up the "night sky" in her hands. The wound caused by the black sword made Salomon feel chills all over his body. He felt that his body temperature continued to drop, and the life support system of the armor also reminded him that the temperature at the wound was continuously dropping. The inflammatory reaction has not appeared for a long time, and his muscles and skin are still necrotic. No matter how many antibiotics the life support system injects for him, and how many antibacterial agents and alchemy agents are sprayed on the wound, the wound caused by "Night Sky" is always due to his self-healing ability, which makes the wound unable to heal.

On the other hand, Hela, she has long been familiar with her characteristics as an immortal.

After recovering, her attacks became faster and faster, and her strikes became more and more vicious, and she began to attack at the gaps in the armor on Salomon's body. Before, Salomon showed no mercy out of respect, which made the battle extremely tragic. Even if Hela had immortality, such damage was a bit serious for her. Now she doesn't want victory, but Salomon's life. The mystic, who knew that he couldn't communicate with an angry woman, knew what he should do, but he hadn't been down-to-earth enough to cast spells in a sword duel.

"If it wasn't for Odin..." Hela's pale face, which had been pale due to massive blood loss, turned livid, and her pale and thin body was covered with blood stains because she couldn't get sunlight all the year round. When her vigorous muscles were exercising, dried blood clots fell onto the rocks like raindrops. Salomon, who is opposite her with a sword, is not much better. "Night Sky" is an important weapon comparable to Mjolnir when the goddess of death fights on the battlefield. Ordinary Ulu metal armor can't stop the edge of that sword. She knew that if she regained her strength, the mortal in front of her might not be her opponent.

If Salomon knew what she was thinking, he would have reminded Hela to put the stigmata and his job in the calculation formula. He is not a warrior, the identity of a knight is actually his part-time side job, his main job is a mystic. From the beginning to the end, Hela had never seen him too many secret spells, only some inconspicuous little spells, which the Goddess of Death naturally ignored.

In addition to [Misty Step], which allows him to teleport in a short distance, he has established an advantage through this spell more than once.

"Is there any way you can reconcile them?" Frigga asked, pointing to the silver mirror. This made the supreme mage begin to suspect that Tian Hou was pretending to be stupid, and wanted to force the supreme mage to come up with more methods. "Frankly speaking, I don't have a love potion with me now." Under the eyes of the venerable, Frigg finally confessed, "I think Karma Taj has such a thing. We tried to throw the love potion into the river Styx in Helheim, so that when the two of them feel that they need to take a rest and drink water, they will drink the love potion! In this way, all plans will be completed!"

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