Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 724 Lord of Humanity (Second Change)

"Enough!" Salomon turned sideways, and the eagle with wings on the thick shoulder armor had its head cut off. He finally couldn't bear it anymore, and cut off Hela's arm with the holy sword, and the tip of the holy spear was pressed against the throat of the goddess of death who fell to the ground. Such tragic injuries and pain finally made Hela wake up from her madness. The mystic stepped on the black sword "Night Sky" with his combat boots, completely cutting off Hela's hope of fighting back. The almost damaged sound unit in the throat barely let out his voice, but it was accompanied by the whistling electric sound, which made it difficult to hear clearly. Perhaps it was Marbus who deliberately used precious materials for the sound unit in consideration of future needs, which allowed the sound unit to block Hela's sword and save the mystic from the fate of having his throat cut.

"Now you are not my opponent!"

"You're not bad either." Hila spat. The scalding sweat was quickly cooled by the cold wind on the top of the mountain. She tried her best to calm the anger in her heart and let her reason return to her brain. "If it wasn't for damned Odin..."

Through the electronic eye servo system, the mystic looked at Hela's stubborn eyes that refused to give in. Due to Hela's madness, she had to use more power than usual to turn the original fighting skills into a contest of strength, which made the mystic who originally enjoyed sword fighting a little dissatisfied. But he also knew that now was not the time to indulge in the thrill of fighting. "I admit that your combat skills are excellent. If you have the opportunity to go out from here, maybe we can still compete!" He said, "But now is not the time to feel sorry for yourself, if you are willing to listen to my advice..."

"No matter what, you beat me, and the winner is eligible to raise conditions. You are a powerful fighter, and I look forward to a showdown with you in Asgard." Hai pulled his barely recovered arm, and then got up from the ground. Even though her clothes were disheveled and her body was covered in blood, she still maintained a haughty attitude, believing in her heart that she was only slightly defeated. She raised her chin, "Speak, your queen is listening!"

"Oh... shy child! Hurry up and carry her into the room!" Frigg jumped anxiously in front of the silver mirror.

What Salomon made to Hela were all promises of unity and concessions. It is conceivable that even the exhausted Hela could not agree to such proposals. She has not lost her mind enough to give up Asgard, which is about to be acquired, for the position of an empire that has not yet been formed.

"I know you won't accept such a suggestion, but don't forget, I'm a wizard." Seeing that Hela was about to fight to the death, Salomon said hastily, "Ragnarok will eventually come, and Asgard will soon cease to exist, and Asgard after its destruction will not return to life. I can provide you with a chance to conquer the galaxy and open up territories for the Nine Realms. Endless war, this is what you want most, isn't it?"

"I am the future king of Asgard! I am not a weapon to be driven by others!"

"King of the ruins and the dead, is this what you want?" the mystic taunted. He didn't look at the Goddess of Death who was cleaning up his own blood, and sat on the cliff alone, overlooking the unchanging Helheim, where the steel forest and the River Styx shone with eerie light.

"You are always a weapon, a weapon used by Odin to expand the territory of Asgard. I am a tool created to fulfill a certain mission. Unlike you, I understand my mission, and I am willing to do it." He said, "You can go your own way, and when the time comes, will your men have anything to rule except bones? Do you want to be the king of all stones?"

"What a tongue! Don't want me to give up my revenge on Odin, mortal!" Hela shouted angrily, "I knew that you must be sent by that liar Odin to convince me! What did he promise you so that you would come here to die?!"

"I have nothing to do with Odin, and I never intend to stop you. I know you won't agree to my suggestion until you see the ending." Salomon took off his helmet, revealing his sweat-soaked black hair and almost pale face. The wound Hela brought to him has been unable to heal for a long time, and the power from the concept of [death] is slowly but firmly taking his life away. But he never showed pain or fear on his face, as if the terrible wound under the armor was just a blot on the parchment. "In fact, you are the prelude to the dark future." He said, "After complex calculations, I found that if I can recruit you, then the future human empire will reach a different height. I need you, Hella, I need you to bring the post-apocalyptic Asgardians into human beings, and then together with me complete the tasks that the Asirs failed to complete."

"Unify the galaxy?"

"Yes, unify the galaxy and completely complete the unfinished upgrade of humans and Asgardians." Salomon's eyes were burning with golden flames. Hela knew exactly what Salomon was referring to. Even if she was not interested in history, she also knew the origin of life in the Nine Realms and the genetic engineering of the Celestial Group. In a sense, Asgardians and humans share a common blood, which is the blood of the gods. Even though the Asgardians call themselves gods, they are still a long way from becoming true gods. Human beings have the potential to ascend, but they have not yet reached the threshold.

She was almost moved by the vision, but she soon woke up from the charm of Salomon's voice.

"I am the King of Asgard!"

"As long as you can accomplish my goal, it doesn't matter if you are willing to call yourself the king of the galaxy." Salomon looked into Hela's eyes, "Take a long-term view, Hela. At that time, both Asgardians and humans will be able to completely get rid of the fate of the universe. As long as you are willing, it doesn't matter what you want, because after completing the mission, the human race will not need me."

"Will you give up your power?"

"Power to me is a means and a tool, not an end."

Hela felt that a pair of hands were holding her heart tightly. "You fool!" she shouted. "Are you so willing to be a tool?"

"I was born for this, and I know that I never had free will. I don't mind, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to follow in the footsteps of the ancient gods." Salomon said softly, "I'm a tool of mankind, a tool of myself."

"What's the difference?" Hila asked.

"There is a difference. I have a plan..."

The supreme mage stretched out his fingers, disturbing the originally calm water surface of the silver mirror.

Frigga raised her head in horror and looked at the Supreme Mage. She was still reeling from the horrific plan Salomon described. "This is your real plan?" She couldn't help but clenched the hem of her sky-blue battle dress, and the exquisite gold ornaments twisted in her palm, "Do you know what this means?"

His Holiness said calmly, "I know, and so do my disciples. In fact, he was the one who came up with this plan."

"You are even crazier than I imagined! You are against the entire universe! You will not end well!"

"But this is also the only way to free human beings from being manipulated by the gods." The supreme mage looked firm, "I share this plan with you to gain your support, Frigg. Do you want to watch Asgard go through the twilight of the gods in the reincarnation, and the soul becomes the food of the ancient gods?"

"What arrogance!"

"This is the human race raising the flag of rebellion against the ancient gods who manipulated fate!" the venerable said loudly, "Salomon's birth is an opportunity. Do you think I have forgotten the fate of Camelot? Humans must not repeat the same mistakes! I found the opportunity to train him into what he is today in hundreds of millions of possibilities. I killed him tens of millions of times! Saved him tens of millions of times! Educated him tens of millions of times! What has been done! Only such a person is worthy to be the master of mankind!"

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