Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 729 Cutting off the lifeline (first update)

Salomon didn't care about Wilson Fisk, how many lives he had in his hands, and even less how much dirty money he made. Perhaps Wilson Fisk, nicknamed Jin Bin, has some profound past and some charisma, but Salomon doesn't care. In his eyes, he was just a gangster. No matter how powerful a gangster was, he was not violent enough, at least not violently. If it wasn’t for the news from Matthew Murdoch, who had recently discussed with him, Salomon would have almost forgotten about the “black space” and the shadow plane. If it wasn't for Kunlun's repeated requests for assistance from Karma Taj, he wouldn't have cared about the hand association of big cats and kittens. The bones of the real dragon that these two organizations fought desperately for before could only be used as a living room display in his place.

Even without the backing of the Immortal City, the disputes between mortals would not be enough for him to worry about. As long as King didn't risk his life to touch the red line of human trafficking on the East Coast, he didn't even bother to pay attention.

Because Salomon had promised Tita that nothing like that would ever happen on the East Coast. Not long ago, the Sisterhood wiped out the private army of the Clinton family, and the Rockefeller family’s private use of public assets instigated the US intelligence agency to investigate—the relationship between former US President Bill Clinton and the Rockefeller family could not be hidden from the intelligence network of the Immortal City. In fact, everyone in Little Rock knew about it. Bill Clinton is actually the illegitimate son of Arkansas Governor Winthrop Rockefeller. There are strong ties (see Hillary Mailgate for details). No matter how the outside world praises Bill Clinton's inspirational legend, the fact is always the story of the international financial group's endorsement of the spokesperson.

If you still have the interest to look forward, you will find that Washington and a lot of people related to the Declaration of Independence are actually related to secret societies. That's why Salomon laughed at the Avengers' pursuit of Hydra. They didn't even know that their country was built on secret societies, and even the Celtics that the venerable once ruled were connected with those secret societies. Ever since Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Templars, was burned to death by Philip IV, money has found the most suitable partner, the military-industrial complex. Unless there is a global reshuffle and Tony Stark beats himself up again, it is absolutely impossible to completely clean up Hydra and a series of behind-the-scenes chaebols.

These plutocrats who advocate free economy hate the supremacy of the royal power, so those people are the future enemies of Salomon. Salomon's recruitment of the Malik family was not a random decision. What he wanted was to completely eliminate and digest this force. When other people's eyes are still on the bright side, he has already made a plan for a hundred years later. It is difficult for ordinary people to understand how so many closely connected plans are formulated, let alone implemented. Even Thanos is a tool in Salomon's plan.

Having said that, due to the super battlefield projection capability of the Immortal City, the Department of Homeland Security and the CIA are now having a headache. They have no idea where this high-tech power came from. After the massacre, they didn't even leave anything on the information level. The only evidence was the bomb crater left at the scene, which allowed the CIA to link the massacre of Clinton's private army with the Langley Air Force Base attack. It's just that the previous incident was a complete scandal, and the Epstein incident has not been over for a long time. Naturally, the CIA will not be stupid enough to bring this incident to light. If they had contacted the Avengers, they would have known who the only person in the world using this high-caliber self-propelled ammunition was. However, this kind of thing can only be investigated in private, but even the progress of their investigation is under Salomon's control. Malik and his daughter faithfully report to him anything he wants to know, and help him secretly plunder the property and power of those secret societies by various means.

Including but not limited to putting evidence of high-level corruption on the Internet, assassinating key figures, and amending wills to force chaebols into inheritance struggles. The agents and assassins under Victoria Hand completed the mission perfectly, and no one was aware of the interference of foreign forces.

Even with the bloody massacre of the destruction of the private army, the Clinton family and the Rockefeller family did not restrain themselves and continued to do their own way. Wilson Fisk, the newly emerged New York underground leader, became the best candidate for the white gloves—only after Wilson Fisk visited the former mafia boss Elijah, he quickly understood what he couldn't do. Especially during the time when Salomon and the witch were still living in New York, the sisterhood was never relentless in suppressing Manhattan gangsters who might disturb Salomon. This smart guy didn't step on the red line even under the pressure of the Clinton family and the Rockefeller family, sending young women to celebrity dignitaries, which also temporarily removed the sorority's chain sword from his throat.

But this can't make Salomon look at him differently. After all, the gang leaders who die every year can fill a container, and Jin Bing is just one of them who is destined to have such an ending. Salomon just wanted to use this incident to persuade his adoptive mother’s close friends to think more about it—Vanessa, as a very talented artist (although Salomon doesn’t like abstract art, but he has to admit Vanessa’s artistic attainments), there is no need to find a guy who doesn’t even have a proper job and may kill his head because of gangster vendetta as a partner. Before he came to Athena's apartment, his adoptive mother was talking about it with Vanessa, and he only mentioned it because of Athena's request. However, Vanessa seemed to have made up her mind, and neither Salomon nor Athena could say anything more.

After all, life is her own, and they have no right to dictate her choices. After Vanessa left the apartment, Goddess of Wisdom spoke. "Remember to hold a funeral for her, we are the only real friends she has in New York."

The paintings given by Vanessa are now hanging on the walls of the apartment, wonderful and colorful arcs following the beauty of mathematics that goes deep into the soul. Athena drank the wine from her glass. Both she and Salomon saw Vanessa's fate clearly, and they couldn't stop it. Rather than saying that they gathered in this apartment to persuade Vanessa, it was better to say that they came to see her for the last time.

Salomon shrugged, "I can kill Wilson Fisk first, anyway, he will die sooner or later."

"Fate is not such a simple thing. Even if Wilson Fisk dies, Vanessa will fall into death. Go and meet your sister, I need to be alone for a while."

"You will never be alone, my mother." Salomon kissed the goddess of wisdom on the cheek. "I still have things to do. I will stay here until evening and have dinner with you and little Lorna. Tomorrow someone will come to install a sentry machine gun tower for the orphanage. Recently, New York has become more and more unsafe, and the sisterhood is gradually withdrawing from New York. I have to ensure that when you are not present, the safety of those children will not be threatened by outsiders."

Ask for a ticket!

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