Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 730 Little Cake Salomon (Second)

Salomon believes in accurate prophecy, but he sees prophecy as a guide rather than a definitive end.

The great seer Nostradamus was a member of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield and played a vital role in the battle to destroy the Celestial Cubs. Salomon had read the notes of the famous prophet, and he deeply understood how important the interpretation of the prophecy was, even for the Delphic oracle in the Temple of Apollo. Just like the Vanessa incident this time, Salomon felt that letting the sisters send the bomb into Wilson Fisk's head would solve most of the problems. Otherwise, find a gangster, squat the RPG-7 on the outside of Wilson Fisk's office, find the opportunity to shoot, and this will also solve the problem. It just so happened that Salomon's personal lawyer, Matthew Murdoch, wanted to use the power of the mystic to collect evidence that could send Wilson Fisk to prison, so he didn't mind giving the evidence a bullet.

Salomon licked his lips and frowned, but stopped when he was about to give an order.

Could it be because of my actions that caused Vanessa's death? The mystic couldn't help thinking of this possibility. Perhaps it was the killing of Wilson Fisk that caused Vanessa's death, or maybe it was the evidence he sent that Vanessa used to threaten Wilson Fisk. Salomon was not sure of the details.

Although there are a lot of tragic stories about evading prophecy and finally leading to prophecy, this does not mean that everyone must face fate negatively, which is also his attitude towards prophecy all the time. It was just a hint from the future, a possibility, not practical. Although he didn't care about the entangled fate among mortals, he suddenly felt the malice from fate in this matter, as if Athena asked him to observe Vanessa's fate for this matter. He had to go back to Karma Taj and scour the cosmic cauldron for all possibilities from the timeline.

Without exception, Vanessa will die whether Salomon takes action or not.

"The node of time is the key to distinguish different multiverses." The Supreme Master said, "The difference will only appear when it reaches the relevant node. Vanessa's fate is a very important node for the multiverse, which cannot be changed or observed. Just like Strange... This analogy is not accurate. Strange is very likely to become a node, but it is not a certainty."

"Is this a sermon you and Athena gave together?" The His Holiness' footsteps were so soft that no one could detect it. Salomon didn't look back, but continued to stare at the tiny fragments that appeared like starlight in the cauldron of the universe. Countless dense light spots gathered next to his fingers, waiting to be salvaged ashore. The fate of mortals lies in the shallow water layer, and he easily drew it out with his fingers.

"That depends on how you look at this lesson." The supreme mage raised his eyebrows, and also came to the cauldron of the universe to look inside with his disciples. This ancient artifact did not come from Weishandi, but it has a full connection with Agamotto. Before Salomon was born, the Supreme Sorcerer salvaged the largest piece of history from the cauldron of the universe, and the development of events now proceeds as shown on that piece of time.

"Future plans will inevitably involve the fate of many people, so do you think your behavior is a crucial node in the multiverse? How many of you do you think there are in the multiverse, child?" said the supreme mage, "I believe that the Mother Earth has revealed your creation process to you, so how many times do you think such a thing will happen?"

"Are you talking about the process of mashing souls from other universes into a puree and then heating them in an oven?" Salomon's absurd metaphor made His Holiness roll his eyes. Although this metaphor is absurd, it is very accurate and allows ordinary people to understand his birth process in the most intuitive way. "Is there an animal version of me? I've seen animal versions of other people. It's as ridiculous as a cartoon for children. If that's the case, I hope to become a cheetah, because witches can also become cheetahs."

"Don't try to change the subject, little cake." The Venerable smiled and patted his disciple's shoulder, laughing at Salomon's claim. Salomon's height had already surpassed the Supreme Master, and the Venerable could only pat his shoulder instead of his head. "Only once, the god of blindness and ignorance made only one deal, which also means that your actions are the key to changing the multiverse. You steer the river of fate on a rampage, inevitably causing many things that would only happen in other multiverses to appear in this universe."

Salomon chewed on this sentence over and over again.

"Then what about the attitude of the Eternal Great God? It is impossible for him not to care about this kind of thing."

"He doesn't care. He is the universe itself. Regardless of whether the universe is in heat death or not, this universe is Him, and He is the only existence that cannot be excluded from your plan. But your plan is too grand, and you must obtain His support. I know your attitude towards the 'First Cause' [Note 1], but this is the reality. Only by obtaining His permission can human beings have a future."

"Then why is there any need for my plan! It's just reducing the destiny of mankind to one!"

"No, he doesn't care about anything."

"Very well, then how do I talk to the universe itself. Every molecule, every life, even every stone is Him..." Salomon suddenly felt suffocated, and he thought of a person who still lives in the Karma Taj Temple in New York. "Eye of Calamity!" Extreme disgust rose from his heart, and he barely squeezed out a few words in a tortured tone, "He is already by our side?"

"He has been watching what you are doing. My child, Calamity Eye is just a witch favored by Him. That woman's brain can't bear such favor, so she became crazy. As you said, every molecule is Him. It doesn't matter whether He sends Calamity Eye. He just needs a mouth that can speak." Pastrami, His Holiness had decided before coming. "Take care of her. When necessary, His voice will be conveyed through the mouth of Calamity Eye. And I think you are actually quite happy getting along with Calamity Eye, don't you?"

"I suspect that her brain has been destroyed badly. The mystics have to worry about whether she will pick up the things on the ground and eat them every day." Salomon sighed, and his emotions returned to normal. Immediately afterwards, he fully expresses the smoke on Lady Calamitas. "She likes to reveal the truth in advance when others are watching suspense dramas!" He said, "I suspect that her trance is just an illusion, otherwise why every time we rest in the temple, she always arrives on time before the TV show!"

"It's not a good habit," His Holiness said with a smile, "but you can overcome it, can't you?"

[Note 1] The first cause: a term in theology and philosophy, which is considered to be the initial cause of the entire causal chain, also known as the ultimate cause.

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