Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 751 Doubt and the start of the mission (first update)

Before Natasha Romanoff started to act, she questioned the mission. She approached with the smell of shower gel and shampoo, hot black tea and butter biscuits. "Holy Trinity? I've never heard of this organization!" she said. "The name of this organization does not appear in the S.H.I.E.L.D. files. Is this an organization similar to Hydra?"

"There are so many things SHIELD doesn't know! In fact, SHIELD has just touched the surface of the water, and it ushered in an underwater counterattack." The mystic curled his lips in disdain. He was quite happy to tell her about Kama Taj's 1,500-year-old observations of the world, provided that Natasha let go of the inherent idea that "SHIELD knows everything".

In the long time of Karma Taj's development, the secular agents of the Supreme Sanctuary inevitably had conflicts and cooperation with certain groups in the economic aspect. This is an extremely long and wonderful story. Even secular agents have formed secret societies based on families. No matter how the members of the secret societies change, their main purpose is to provide Kama Taj with supplies and population.

In secular families, mystics are called angels and masters. Talented young children in the family will join Karma Taj to study and stay away from trivial matters in the world. This phenomenon is called "ascension", and like the Blackstone ceremony of the Malik family, it is a method of building a family consensus. Likewise, apprentice mystics who ascended to Karma Taj from mundane families formed the original family of mystics, but that's where the relationship ended. Without His Holiness' order, the mystic will not pay much attention to his own blood relationship. After all, the pursuit of the two parties is fundamentally different, and they cannot talk together.

The development history of those secular families provided rich experience for Salomon's purge, because there were not no secular families who regarded Kama Taj as a legend and then tried to become independent. Under normal circumstances, Karma Taj would allow this kind of behavior, but if some secular families wanted to touch the secrets of Karma Taj, the mystic family from Karma Taj would take action to erase it.

"Hydra, Freemasons, Illuminati, and Knights Templar are all secret societies of the same type, and they are all typical of business alliances. At that time, there were still nobility and monarchy in the world, and kings everywhere issued orders prohibiting secret associations, but with little effect."

Salomon put on a class posture and tirelessly helped the agents sort out the business alliances of hundreds of years. Natasha giggled, she just thought that Salomon put on glasses and pretended to be very cute, especially the pair of round glasses made his face look very childish.

"The only thing that can prevent capital from chasing profit is a centralized government. Therefore, for their own benefit and long-term survival, secret societies conspired to overthrow the monarchy. These organizations have made extremely important contributions to the whole world getting out of the feudal system and entering a capitalist society. You can find the shadows of these societies in the signatories of a series of important documents such as the Declaration of Human Rights, the Declaration of Independence, and the Bill of Rights in the French Revolution. Even in Germany during World War II, the Jewish family Rothschild family still survived. Organizations like snakes also have a positive impact on the world, and we have to look at these secret societies with a dialectical and materialist perspective, at least they have liberated productivity from inbreeding bloodlines.”

"You've recovered some of Hydra, so why not keep doing it?"

Natasha was almost mesmerized by his eyes, which reflected the flashes of the silent TV on the round vintage glass lenses.

"Because the mission of these secret societies to this world is over now. When they started spying on the invisible kingship, their fate was to be swept into the dustbin of history." Natasha smelled blood from Salomon's shrewd answer.

Perhaps those secret societies rejected his recruitment (almost certainly those secret societies absolutely rejected the recruitment, if he really recruited), or the two sides had irreconcilable conflicts (Natasha's existing information could not be speculated), or Salomon had already laid out the world after the war (the probability was as high as 30%). In any case, Salomon is determined to destroy organizations such as the Holy Trinity, because he believes that such organizations will hinder his plans. She doesn't mind performing such a task, because the mystic has already revealed to her what the existence of Hydra means. Unless Salomon's plan is carried out, there will always be Hydra in this world.

She was suddenly in a trance, and instinctively guessed that this matter was not that simple.

She found that she never asked Salomon how far he would go to save the entire race, and whenever she thought about it, she was distracted by other matters thrown by the mystic. A bitter premonition stirred in her heart, and she thought that Salomon's ability to manipulate people's hearts might be far beyond her imagination—recalling her attitude towards the Immortal City. From worry to surveillance, from suspicion to approval, until she agreed to join the Immortal City, all psychological changes seemed to happen unconsciously. As she began to examine herself, she began to suspect that it was the power of magic. However, she also believed that if Salomon wanted to exert the magic that affects her mind, there is no need to wait until now. He has always been full of patience with her, and he took the trouble to clarify his ideas and behaviors to her.

"For a long time, the actions of the Immortal City have only destroyed Holy Trinity's armed forces, but if the source of funds for this organization cannot be cut off, their mercenaries and heavy armaments can be bought with money. So I need you to enter Langley's server room to steal information—there is no need for MI5, it is simply a spy distribution center—to help the intelligence department sort out the internal relations of Holy Trinity, a financial group. As long as we can guide the direction of the Immortal City, we can launch a quick attack on the real key people instead of superficial management personnel, and completely eliminate them in a physical sense. Get rid of this organization."

She also joked with Salomon that he was acting like a modern-day Philip IV. Salomon affirmed Philip IV's achievements, and compared the current situation with Philip IV's eastern expansion. He believes that the game between the distinguished French king and Pope Boniface VIII is worth learning.

"Of course, this is just a small task."

The voice of the mystic seems to be entangled in the cab, echoing the white shock waves whistling outside the tempered glass. "Your value is comparable to a million corpses. Don't bury yourself because of the mission. I need you to pass on your skills, knowledge and enthusiasm." Natasha wanted to shrug her shoulders, but remembered that the seat belt of the Quinjet fighter jet restrained her movements.

The speed of the fighter plane gradually slowed down, like a black dagger piercing into the sky. Natasha also gradually came to her senses, and she found that the sky gradually became darker and darker, the sunlight had faded from her face, and the starlight penetrated the cold void and shone into her retinas. The time between take-off and lift-off is extremely short, and the life support system of the armor ensures that she will not die because of it. The Kun-type fighter followed the set route and drew a beautiful arc. At the same time, the route of another pitch-black aircraft completely coincided with the Kun-type fighter. It followed the Quinjet fighter silently, just like the passengers it carried, undiscovered by anyone—they had only one mission, which was to ensure that Natasha Romanov could survive, and even sacrifice her own life if necessary.

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