Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 752: The Little Secret of the Immortal City (Second Update)

"Damn CIA!" Victoria Hand spat, fully expressing her disdain for her old opponent.

The employees in the aircraft carrier's command center are all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who are wanted by the United States. They are Victoria's cronies. They are accustomed to their boss's attitude. When the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau was not yet destroyed, one of Victoria Hand’s many jobs was to avoid external infiltration—Hydra was an internal infiltration, and no one would blame her for this—CIA was the department that infiltrated the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Hand dealt with the CIA most often when doing this work, but in order to ensure that she would not tear herself apart from the US government, at that time she could only pull out CIA agents from various S.H.I.E.L.D.

The last person she suspected before S.H.I.E.L.D.'s downfall was actually Peggy Carter's niece, Sharon Carter, though she didn't say so publicly due to Peggy Carter's political clout. This matter has always been buried in her heart, but due to the mission, she has never had the opportunity to verify this idea.

"you sure?"

"A little secret mission, if you can, please look up information on this. The last time the Sisterhood raided Langley Air Force Base, not the headquarters next to the Lincoln Monument, so this is the first opportunity for us to get in touch with the secret files of the CIA." Victoria Hand said in the cold tone she usually used when commanding operations, "I remember you carried out the mission of stealing CIA confidential documents when you were still in the Red House, didn't you?"

Victoria caught glimpses of her employees whispering, occasionally lowering their voices so that the laughter would not be heard by her. She doesn't mind letting these intelligence analysts know about it. They have worked under her for many years and are completely innocent after review. There is no risk of leaking intelligence and collaborating with the enemy.

"Only once, and then they improved the security measures." Natasha Romanov smiled, not shy about her past missions.

"But this time you are also carrying a high-tech armor that you didn't have before, didn't you?" Victoria said without hesitation. "In fact, my lord believes that the CIA's internal information on the American Council on Foreign Relations will show us the intricate plutocratic relationships in the United States. Such as JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Martin and other international financial complexes and military-industrial complexes. You should be able to understand my lord's ambition and the importance of this mission."

Victoria's voice carried some electrical noise in Natasha's ears. Although it was a bit harsh, she didn't mind having a good chat with Agent Hand during the time she arrived at the destination. After all, it is so boring to always look at the sky, and the autopilot of the aircraft can completely replace any manual operation. "I thought he would choose to exploit rather than destroy."

"My Lord quoted a sentence, that is, the consumption, proliferation and compromise of capitalism. Although these groups will succumb to the sword for a while, but when the time is right, they will delusional to become the master. Therefore, before using them, they must break their spines and let them see the authority of totalitarianism."

"Tsk—you actually read the book he wrote?" Natasha suddenly felt a toothache.

"This is just rambling. After these groups formed the United States, the military-industrial complex provided them with protection, and it is difficult to have anything like the Knights Templar. The price of becoming a modern-day Philip IV is enormous, but I think my lord can afford it."

"Why do you say that?"

"Your authority can know this matter, but you have joined for too short a time, and you definitely don't have time to browse your intelligence database." Victoria pressed the button, and the transparent soundproof windows of the command room slowly lowered. She smiled and said, "Next time, I can ask my lord to take you to other planets. The secret of the Immortal City is not just a space battleship."

"Of course I own more than one spaceship, Malbus. But I can't do research for you right now."

"Why! My lord, why?" The Fifth Demon God Pillar was agitated. When he heard that Salomon finally handed over a battleship to him intact so that he could board the space battleship to inspect it, the excitement in his heart was almost immediately reflected in his multifunctional prosthetics and augmentation components—specifically, electric sparks jumped everywhere, and lubricating oil gushed out like a fountain. This also started a small fire, though thankfully there were no casualties, minions or servo skulls.

"Because I need you to digest the space battleship technology first, Malbus, I need you to accumulate enough technology to be able to use technology to completely replicate a battleship. Only by doing this can you conduct research on the next battleship. We don't want these space battleships to be idols, we need to produce, build and repair them. These warships alone are not enough to accomplish our goal. What I want is an expeditionary fleet of thousands!"

"However, my lord, even Xandar has never had such a terrifying battleship. We only need one, and we can easily destroy the orbital power of Xandar's parent star."

"Xandar lost to the Kree Empire and Malbus precisely because the warships were not strong enough. It is precisely because the Kree Empire and Xandar are not strong enough that they have carried on the war to the present. Although they are all products of the Celestial genome engineering, we must do better than them. Only in this way can we explain the potential of the human race, and only in this way can we prove that we are superior to all aliens."

"I will do it, my lord." Marbus lowered his head, not expressing any opinion on Salomon's words full of human chauvinism. He didn't care about humans, he joined the Immortal City only because Salomon was his master, not to mention that Salomon could provide a lot of technology that didn't exist in Hell - the only real place in that damned nightmare world - for him to study, nothing was more important to him than that.

His hologram flickered a few times. Apparently the small fire not too long ago had affected his projection equipment, and the anti-gravity thrusters of the stupid servo skull were somewhat damaged.

"Don't forget the robot I want, it's a project we designed together."

Malbus nodded. He had known for a long time that Salomon needed a ground war machine that could determine his fate, and now he and the monarch had a preliminary plan and design. In order to speed up the progress, he had to use artificial intelligence Ultron to work. This act was agreed to by Salomon, but it must be carried out under extremely close surveillance.

"Your work is very heavy, we must arrange everything before entering the space-time warp." Salomon looked serious. The conversation would have been serious enough to clog the windpipe and suffocate if it weren't for a gray, chubby shorthair cat who kept trying to fiddle with the hologram of Malbus. After a while, a delicately dressed maid rushed over and took away the fat cat on the holographic projection table. Only then did Salomon resume the call with Malbus, "We must make all preparations. After this, only you will face that horrible time alone, and I don't want any mistakes."

Ask for a ticket!

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