Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 757 Competitive (Part 1)

A South American rebel officer and the troops that accompany her are far less than the cost of an alien rescue operation.

"I don't know why you are looking for Camila Reyes, but I can only tell you that Camila was released from prison after negotiating with the Peruvian government. She returned to Peru, and SHIELD received information that she disappeared after she escaped. I don't know her current situation. I only know that the Peruvian anti-government army 'Advance' is getting stronger and stronger so far. Even if the leader Alessandro Torre is killed, it can't affect its strength." Agent Coulson spread his remaining hand, "I don't want to scatter on you." Lie, Salomon. But I really need your help, and I'm willing to pay any price."

"Give me the contact information of Camila Reyes, and I will help you." The mystic mage thought about several possibilities. Agent Coulson has revealed enough information. Perhaps it was because of his trust in him, or because of the situation, that Coulson had to throw out his bargaining chips in advance, completely ignoring the dogma of negotiating skills that requires taking the initiative—or, showing weakness is also a part of taking the initiative, especially when the other party's initiative is unshakable. Agent Coulson thought he knew the mystic well enough, and although Salomon's behavior had exceeded his expectations in recent years, he was still willing to take a gamble.

"For the sake of our acquaintance for so many years, I agree to this deal."

Agent Coulson immediately grinned, for Salomon was the only one he knew who could figure it out. At the very beginning of that incident, Agent Coulson planned to contact Salomon to ask for help, but both Melinda May and Skye tried to avoid this from happening. In their hearts, Salomon is now a figure at the level of a big devil. Especially Melinda May, due to confidentiality regulations, she couldn't tell about the Demon War, but this did not prevent her from expressing her dislike for Salomon.

"Give me the information you have, and give me an address. We will meet there. It will be two hours later, in a hidden place."

"It's almost Christmas break, Salomon!"

"I know I know, but this is an academic matter. Besides, Whitehall has already started recruiting, and I plan to enter the political arena!"

After chatting for a few minutes, Salomon turned off the video call and left the conference room, leaving Agent Coulson worried about the absurd fact that he was going to enter the political arena. , Steel high-heeled shoes stepped on the thick wool carpet without making a sound, like a ghost in black armor. She wasn't wearing a helmet, and the mystic could tell by her expression how dissatisfied she really was.

"I knew the soundproofing effect of the meeting room door was not very good." Salomon said in a complaining tone, "Catherine, this is just a trivial matter, and I don't need a chain sword. It's because Tita always keeps you with me that I can't use my real body to go to class."

"Don't make excuses about the lady, my lord. It's not about things like this that make me unhappy."

"Tell me."

"You love number zero too much!" Catherine stepped forward recklessly and put the top of her head under Salomon's shoulder. Her personality is the same as her sword. The mystic does not know whether this personality exists in the training cabin or is acquired. If it is the former, he thinks it is necessary for him to check the equipment in the training cabin. "He hasn't finished his trials yet!" she said. "Right now, Number Zero is not a usable tool."

"I don't regard number zero as a tool, Catherine. You are not a tool that can be squandered, but my daughter."

"I can barely be happy." Although she said so, the corners of Catherine's mouth were already raised uncontrollably. She shook her slightly disheveled short white hair, and followed Salomon briskly, like a duckling following a mother duck. She was not as reserved as Tita, but served him with full enthusiasm. Salomon, who created her and her android sisters using ether particles, is not as connected to Catherine as he is to Dinah, but they choose to be loyal to him without hesitation. Salomon speculated that this could be blamed on a "baby bird plot"?

"I also want to participate in sword practice. I have to let that little boy know that there is still a gap between him and the ability that he must match for his future position." Her tone rose cheerfully, like a white migratory bird taking off from a sparkling stream. Salomon couldn't help touching her head, the atmosphere was as harmonious as a family Christmas dinner.

He planned to hold a Christmas dinner at his manor in Oxfordshire, and by the way invited the members of the sisterhood to attend, mainly the androids and girls in charge of security work (Tita arranged for all the androids with combat experience to perform this task) and the main leaders of various departments. As a team leader, Catherine must be on the invitation list. Agent Coulson and his team didn't get this treatment at all. They didn't even receive Christmas presents this year.

Salomon had guessed in advance that they would hate the mean and vulgar jokes he made at the banquet, so he removed them from the invitation list in advance.

"Really? I don't have any Christmas presents this year?"

"Of course, you wouldn't believe that a man accidentally slipped and slipped an anti-tank shell into his ASS. It's outrageous, but it's true. You wouldn't like this joke. S.H.I.E.L.D. is an intelligence organization, how could it not even know about this kind of news." If Stephanie in power armor didn't stop him from continuing, Salomon would definitely stay on this topic until the topic between him and Agent Coulson completely shifted to the other side of the galaxy. This is Salomon's very relaxed performance. Whenever he is in this state, the phenomenon of running trains with his mouth almost never stops.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn't deal with funny things like someone's ass exploding." Daisy Johnson, dressed in a smart secret service outfit, spoke hostilely. Although the torture that Immortal City inflicted on Jiaying could not be compared with what Whitehall had done, but in order to extract information from her mouth, Immortal City still caused irreparable mental damage to Jiaying. Salomon didn't mind that the Inhuman girl hated him, but for the sake of safety, he still cast a protective spell on Stephanie and himself - [Protecting Sound Waves]. The essence of sound waves is vibration, so this spell can still work. He couldn't afford to lose a department head at the Home Office.

"Calm down, girl." Agent Coulson patted her on the shoulder lightly. "Come with us, Salomon, and we'll transport you and your friends to the base."

"We will take our own transport plane." Stephanie hurriedly said, "I don't need to trouble you."

"It's best not to refute." Daisy pointed triumphantly at the sky, "Hefeng-1 is not comparable to your small transport plane."

"Pause the invisible deck below." Stephanie gave an order while pressing the headset. Immediately afterwards, Daisy Johnson's face changed, because she saw a line of the lower deck of the sky carrier, and countless bombardment muzzles and anti-aircraft automatic guns aimed at the port area where they were located.

"I'm sorry, but it's necessary." Salomon shrugged towards Agent Coulson, fully expressing his helplessness.

Stephanie strongly requested to bring a sky carrier, she was not willing to lose face to the old, weak, sick and disabled from S.H.I.E.L.D. Especially when Salomon found her and wanted to take her to see the end of the Hydra god in the past, Stephanie, who was fanatical with converts, was even more enthusiastic.

Ask for a ticket!

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