Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 758 Harsh Words (Second)

"I bring wisdom and war, Agent Coulson."

"This is just a rescue mission, there is no need..."

The agent struggled to control the emotional changes deep inside him, because the scene in front of him was far beyond his plan. He quickly sorted out the evaluation of Salomon by the S.H.I.E.L.D. intelligence analysis department, as well as the action plan and information left by Nick Fury for him. Agent Coulson came to a predictable conclusion. "You already guessed that I was going to find you, right? Or, your spies have gone deep into SHIELD?"

"Just as you treat me as a friend, I treat you the same way, so I won't tell you something too bad about the future. Because I'm a fucking prophet, understand?" Salomon did not deny the second possibility. He invites Agent Coulson and Daisy Johnson aboard the assault transport that has landed. Because of the twin large-caliber bolter machine guns on the gunboat, the overlong gun barrel, and the thick armor painted black visible to the naked eye, Agent Coulson believed that he should try to avoid conflicts with Salomon. Salomon promised that he would not disclose the location of Coulson's base to others. This guarantee he made is more credible than the laws of the US government.

"The disappearance of Jemma Simmons is related to an event that may exterminate humanity." He didn't mention Stephanie's thoughts so that Agent Coulson would not focus on her. It is not difficult to investigate Stephanie's identity, but Salomon does not want the Malik family to go wrong at the critical moment of whitewashing, "That is why I will bring this sky carrier."

"Why can't we be honest with each other, Salomon?"

"Because some things are too scary for ordinary people, Agent Coulson. Ignorance is the greatest happiness. It took me a long time to understand this sentence. If you blindly pursue information transparency and a free society, then the whole world will fall into extreme madness. I don't know what happened to you, but I always think that the concept of SHIELD in the past is very good. Some things should not be known by unnecessary people."

"Are you saying we're unnecessary?" Daisy Johnson buckled up her seatbelt, but she looked like she might get up and fight Salomon at any moment.

"Yes." Stephanie pointed out bluntly, "SHIELD should play its own game, pretend to maintain the 'democratic society' in your mind, and then do your best to wipe the ass of the chaebol. This is your job."

"You..." The Inhuman girl was so angry that she almost jumped off the seat, as if Stephanie's words were like a pepper stuck into her nostrils, making her face flush with anger. I don't know if these two people are born with conflicting personalities. They will try their best to taunt each other every minute, and even the bumping of the assault transport boat can't stop them from bickering. Salomon glanced at Agent Coulson and found that his expression was similar to his own.

The speed of the sky carrier is not slower than the Hefeng No. 1 of SHIELD. With the technology of the Immortal City, the fully enclosed sky carrier has a very high flying speed. If Salomon wanted to, the sky carrier flew to the moon after carrying enough supplies.

The airtight gate on the tarmac was slowly closed, and after the swollen-nosed pilot (that is, Number Zero) notified that the outside air pressure had been balanced, the two members of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Salomon got off the plane together.

"I feel like I'm back in S.H.I.E.L.D. You know, the time of the Battle of New York, before I died." Agent Coulson looked at the orderly appearance of people coming and going in the command department, and tried to make a wisecrack. Although Agent Coulson wanted to see what Salomon changed the sky carrier into, he didn't have time, and he asked eagerly when he could start working.

"Relax, let the navigator set the course. Establish communication with Hefeng No. 1, or we will have to shoot it down when they counterattack." Salomon stood on the podium, pretending to fiddle with various buttons. Catherine quietly stretched out her armored hand, and firmly grasped the mystic's fingers to prevent him from messing with the sky carrier and sinking it. This was ten thousand feet, and no one would survive the fall of the sky carrier—mostly the mortal crew of the carrier, and Catherine didn't think this kind of disaster would be enough to kill the mystic himself.

"Your throne is behind, my lord." She lowered her voice and carefully glanced at the two members of S.H.I.E.L.D. "You just need to give the order."

Salomon smiled at Catherine. It's a good thing that the artificial man's EQ has suddenly increased. Maybe Catherine's usual roughness is just a disguise. "Give the hard drive to my little secretary, and we'll start working soon." He waved his hand and greeted the physicist and Agent Coulson who came to accompany the ship. "I promise I will do it. After all, we have a deal, haven't we?"

"thank you very much for your help."

"It's okay, as long as you take care of your little hacker and don't let her destroy everywhere."

"Do you know where her opinion of you comes from?"

"I know. I want to thank Jiaying, because she has revealed the secret I want." Salomon's face turned cold, and he said blankly, "I want to tell you another thing. That is, I deliberately made Jiaying crazy, because I think you shouldn't know about that. SHIELD can't face such an enemy. Only the Immortal City and only I can do it."

Coulson sighed.

Salomon's approach is really nothing compared to the past of S.H.I.E.L.D., frontal lobotomy is the easiest and quickest way. He himself has presided over several ice pick operations on renegade agents with important information. It can be said that the current S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Immortal City are moving toward the two extremes of the past S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Coulson is well aware of this—an organization representing sensibility and humanity, and an organization representing rationality and order collide with each other. Perhaps this is what Nick Fury is willing to see, otherwise he would not give some of the assets of S.H.I.E.L.D. to Salomon. Perhaps the former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. may have thought both were indispensable, or maybe he only wanted one to win.

Coulson couldn't figure out what his former boss was thinking.

"Don't let her know, Salomon, don't let her know."

In fact, after visiting this base last time, Salomon still knew the location of this base even though Agent Coulson had done enough to keep it secret. After Coulson communicated with the base, the concrete gate on the ground slowly opened to both sides, and at the same time several assault transport boats loaded with armed personnel and researchers rushed out of the airtight lock. These assault transport boats dived all the way to the ground, pulled up with incredible maneuverability when they were about to hit the ground, and docked firmly on the tarmac.

Salomon, Stephanie, Catherine, and two representatives of S.H.I.E.L.D. landed in the base on the last assault transport boat. They were greeted by Melinda May and Barbara with long blond hair. Barbara may be the tallest woman in the base, but she still looks very short in front of Salomon.

"Hefeng No. 1 is still behind." Stephanie, who was wearing a helmet, yawned. She stretched, then deliberately turned on the loudspeaker that came with the armor, and said casually, "If we want to take that thing, we might as well bring a French chef. At least we can have a complete dinner instead of filling up with sandwiches."

Catherine was still thinking about how to ridicule the simplicity of this base.

However, her literary accomplishments were not particularly good, and she couldn't say some harsh words as quickly as Stephanie.

"I like her." Barbara blinked and whispered to Melinda May. Melinda May responded with just a blank stare.

Ask for a ticket!

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