Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 761 Reckless Behavior (Part 1)

Work on the monolith continues, and Fitz is eager to say something, but Agent Coulson's questions remain unresolved.

"If it's an epidemic," said Leopold Fitz, "I can fix it, just give me time."

"I don't think you can come up with a solution to a parasite that can lurk in your body and eat up your flesh and blood in an instant. Even if you can do it, the parasite with self-awareness will not let you succeed." The mystic said in an electronic voice, "If Jemma Simmons is infected, then she is not her. Her thoughts will be twisted and manipulated by the parasite, and her past memories will become a weapon against the dead." , airtight power armor and flames. Fitz, I'm sorry, but the best way to deal with it is to incinerate."

Agent Coulson gently squeezed Fitz's shoulder, trying to comfort him as much as possible. "How much do you know about this, Salomon?" Coulson looked up at the knight in gorgeous black armor, "Don't lie to me, isn't your goal the boulder? Have you manipulated my mind?"

"Because I can't let a team like yours bet on the fate of mankind. I don't know why you became like this after you died once, but if it is the SHIELD or Nick Fury in the past, you will understand that my actions can be supported." Salomon said, "The current SHIELD is not capable of taking responsibility after failure. You are now a group of vigilantes, not law enforcement officers. You regard the fate of human beings as important as your relationship with your companions, and jump around the edge of extinction events as you like. The world is not a fucking romance drama that allows you to express your feelings and solve psychological problems."

Salomon didn't want to explain too much, his tone became cold, "I have already apologized for the sacrifices you are about to make, and that is enough. The sooner the problem is resolved, the less likely Gemma Simmons will be infected. Our next actions may determine the future direction of the human world! Now either join the work or shut up. We are standing on the edge of life and death. If anyone stops my work...don't make me regret my decision to let you survive!"

"I'm joining, no one knows the boulder better than me." Fitz nodded. He took off his dirty suit and put on the white coat hanging on the wall of the temporary command room. "I'm going to get my research data right now. If Gemma will die, I will die with her. Coulson, don't persuade me anymore, you know what choice I will make."

Salomon wants to master the method of opening the boulder through scientific means, and Fitz's research results are indispensable.

With his participation, the research on the megalith is progressing rapidly. Melinda May (she was going on vacation) and Skye (Daisy Johnson) both visited the temporary command room to inspect the situation, and Barbara Morse and her ex-husband Hunter completely exited the research site after inspection. This is an order from Agent Coulson. Although the boulder is now sealed in a transparent box, it is not a strictly airtight device after all, and any staff who have not been equipped with protective clothing may be infected.

"Detector." Fitz explained to Salomon through the communication channel, "If we can keep the boulder in a liquefied state, then we can use the detector to detect the environment on the other side. But doing so also has risks. As you said, the source of infection may emerge from it at any time."

"Then do it."

"Also, I found out that this huge rock has left traces in history, and I need all the research materials on this huge rock." Fitz cleared his throat, "There is also a scientist who is proficient in the Einstein-Rosen bridge."

"The first condition, I can satisfy you. The second supervisor is still busy, and Professor Savig is also preparing to accept the award. I think my graduate degree should be enough. I assure you, I didn't get a doctorate because I didn't have time, and my knowledge reserve is completely sufficient." This may be the most humane words Salomon has ever said in the history of entering the base, but to Fitz, he doesn't care about this kind of thing.

"Okay. We still need to move the boulder out and put it in another container. Otherwise we can't drop the probe."

"Do as he says." Salomon instructed the engineering team who had been waiting for a long time to start working. At the same time, he also issued a secret order to the heavy weapons team, asking them to accompany Fitz in the experiment. The flamethrowers in their hands can incinerate any organic matter into ashes, even if the hive is a directional mutant biochemical weapon carefully manufactured by the Cree, it cannot escape the laws of physics.

Fitz shrugged, he didn't care who the flamethrower was aimed at.

After a few more hours, Fitz assembled a small wired detector with his bare hands. In the empty temporary command post, Salomon watched him dismantle the submarine probe with amazing efficiency, remove unused equipment and install a walking device, and assembled it into a weird little Mars rover. At the same time, the engineering team also moved the boulder out and put it into a "swimming pool" welded with prefabricated panels. Due to the urgency of time, it was impossible to get a large enough tempered glass panel for a while, so the engineering team could only use the airbags commonly used by pest control companies to seal it. They also prepared two floors and a temporary disinfection room to avoid any toxic substances being carried out.

Before Fitz could prepare the probe's software, the boulder suddenly liquefied, scaring all the researchers in the airbag back a few steps. This happened once before Fizz's return, but because the timing of boulder liquefaction seemed to be irregular, researchers who were still in shock at that time could only record historical data, and then performed a cleaning process to ensure that no infection source reached Earth.

The heavy weapons team staying in the innermost airbag aimed the flamethrower at the boulder for the first time, as they had done before. This is the cleaning process, and pasteurization is the most reliable method. It's just that the current airbags have not been coated with fireproof materials, and their behavior is very likely to cause the airbags to leak.

"My lord!" The Heavy Weapons Team called Salomon through the communication channel, "Something went wrong! Leopold Fitz jumped into the 'swimming pool'!" the man-made man shouted, "He just brought a pistol!"

"I see." Salomon's tone was very flat. He walked out of the temporary command post, stepped on the creaking iron steps and walked towards the orange airbag below. "Where's the detector?"

"It has been released... the data has been received... my lord, the boulder has been restored to its original state, and the cable has been cut." Catherine's voice cut in forcefully, "Leopold Fitz is missing!"

"Inform Agent Coulson of the bad news, and then continue working. We must master this stable portal, and even master the principle of teleportation of this giant stone."

"What are you going to do, my lord?" Stephanie seemed to have just woken up and hadn't figured out the situation yet. Working for several days made her very haggard. Although she had given the samples of the megaliths collected by the Malik family to the Immortal City for testing, until now, the scientists of the Immortal City have not been able to fully understand the working principle of this thing.

Catherine interjected, "There is gravel all around the boulder, my lord, the researchers are testing the gravel. Perhaps this can determine the composition of the material on the other side of the portal, but they will take time."

"I want to go there first." The mystic said in the communication channel, "Collect all the gravel and give it to me after inspection. Open the airtight door and disinfection room, and I will open another portal here."

"My lord!" Stephanie, who greeted him at the other end of the disinfection room, frowned tightly, "I don't think this is a good idea."

"Don't worry, it's just a parasite." Salomon patted the long sword and pistol on his waist, "Everything must be settled on the other side, you understand what I'm talking about."

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