Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 762: History Repeats Itself (Second Change)

Catherine quickly took control of the apron with her assault team and forcibly opened the gate above the underground apron. The airtight gate of the sky carrier also gradually opened, and the assault transport boat full of combat teams descended from the sky and landed inside the base. The heavily armed sisterhood came out in a single file, and Praetorian Zero, who was wearing a knight power armor similar to Salomon's, walked in the front with a weapon. Before the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents could react, they broke all the way into the warehouse where the boulder was stored, and came behind Salomon.

In addition to the armed personnel who must stay on the sky carrier to avoid invasion, the combat forces of other sisterhoods have come here. Agent Coulson and his team wanted to break in to see what was going on, but the Sisterhood's armed men lined up from the room all the way to the corridor, and they couldn't squeeze in at all.

In front of the mystic, a complex pattern drawn with gravel was slowly forming. These gravels all came from the other side of the boulder, and Salomon used it as a precise location casting material for teleportation. A curious artificial man glanced at it, and immediately became dizzy because of the huge amount of information contained in this magic formula. The naughty ghost immediately knocked the head of the team leader she belonged to.

Stephanie stood behind him and checked the information with all the team leaders and Tita on the sky carrier through the communication channel. After confirming that all preparations were completed, Stephanie said to Salomon, "My lord, according to the plan, every two teams will be equipped with a communicator." Each Sisterhood team consists of an assault team, a heavy weapon team, and a communicator. In order to cope with this operation, they carried enough explosives and weapons that would be banned by international conventions.

Salomon turned to face the Sisterhood and Praetorian Zero.

"The opponent is a nanometer-level parasite. According to the plan, the heavy weapons team will undertake the task of attacking the fortress." Salomon repeated the battle plan to them, "The information detected by the detectors cannot give us a complete understanding of what is happening on the other side of the portal, but we must resolve this matter there. We must not allow the disgusting creatures on the other side of the portal to descend on the earth. If the teleportation locations are inconsistent, pay attention to the orders received by the communicators and then assemble as trained. Stephanie, the countdown to combat begins."

The mystic began to cast the spell, and the loose gravel was instantly heated to vitrification, and the air was filled with the stench of scorching sand. He took the lead in walking to the open space reserved by the magic formula, and started teleporting with Catherine, Guard Zero, a heavy weapons team, and a commando.

Before the operation was completed, he called the manor in London through the private communication channel in the helmet.

"here it is……"

Salomon cleared his tense throat, "Honey, um... I may need a day to go back."

"Really? I'm going to pass on the good (accent) news to Jeanne." Bayonetta chuckled. Salomon could even imagine the upturned corners of her eyes, the deep purple eye shadow and the beauty spot on her chin. He began to wonder what Beunita was wearing. "When Joan can't see you, she is as frantic as a puppy who can't eat snacks. This news can temporarily calm her down. If you miss the appointment again, just wait for your art homework to be shot by her!"

"Joan's performance is definitely not that exaggerated. If she knows how you describe her, the manor that has been renovated with great difficulty will have to be redesigned."

"Oh, you can try it~"

"I'm about to go. Light a fire and a cup of tea, my dear, and I'll be back soon."

"I love you, little boy. Be careful when you kill that hapless bastard. I don't want the sweater I knitted for you to have an extra sleeve."

"Don't worry. I love you, honey."

With a flash of blinding white light, they disappeared. The other armed personnel followed closely, stepping into the range of the magic formula in an impromptu team before the molten glass cooled. It wasn't until everyone had teleported that Agent Coulson barged in with Barbara Morse and Daisy Johnson. However, they had to take a few steps back, because Stephanie led a strike team that was left on the base and turned their guns on them.

"Don't think that your vibration ability will work, little girl." She put her finger on the trigger, "Stand back, or a bullet will shatter your bodies."


Stephanie shifted the muzzle of the gun slightly, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Daisy Johnson raised her hand before she could turn the gun on her and Coulson. Unexpectedly, Stephanie was not affected by her superpower, and a milky white arc-shaped light film flashed away. The bullet that rushed out of the gun chamber with the flame did not stop like the other bullets, but exploded out of thin air, triggered by the twisted reactive explosive cap, and the small fragments moving at high speed rammed into the warehouse due to their hardness and the highest right of way, wantonly destroying everything that would be penetrated by them.

including the human body.


Daisy was surprised to help Agent Coulson sit down, completely unaware that her arm was also cut by a piece. Agent Coulson was obviously very surprised by this situation, and it took him a while to react. Immediately, he showed a wry smile—similar to the location where Loki pierced in the Battle of New York. Only he couldn't get the quip out because he was out of breath now, with a small molten shard lodged in his lung. Although the fragment cooled down quickly, his internal organs were still pierced. Stephanie calmly pointed her gun at Agent Coulson and Daisy Johnson. At the same time, the assault team also activated the chainswords in their hands, and the harsh noise instantly drowned out Daisy Johnson's shouts.

"Get out of here." Her voice amplified through the loudspeaker. "Being killed by a chainsword is far more painful than being killed by a bullet!"

Daisy Johnson glared at them with resentment.

Seeing the unexpected situation in the monitoring room, Mike and Barbara rushed over. They didn't have time to investigate the responsibility of the accident, but wanted to carry Agent Coulson into the operating room as soon as possible for rescue. "Pulmonary arteries, possibly even the heart. Come on, we're running out of time!" Barbara confirmed the situation. "I'm worried that the debris will travel with the blood to other organs, just like Tony Stark did back then."

"I want him to live." Stephanie said without changing her face, "then he won't die. Leave him here and we can cure him."

"No!" Daisy yelled.

Mike waved his hand very bluntly, "The most important thing now is to save Coulson's life." He suddenly yelled, startling Barbara, "Daisy, stand there! I care what you think! If you have anything to say, let's talk about it after the rescue is over! Melinda is gone, Simmons and Fitz are both missing, we can't lose anyone! Do you understand?"

"I...I see." Daisy nodded dejectedly.

"Very well, we must operate immediately." He said to Stephanie, "Let the medical personnel come over quickly, there are not enough medical personnel in the base."

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