Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 763 Alien Legend (Part 1)

Accompanied by the blinding flash of transmission, the suddenly expanding air screamed piercingly, extruding a huge hemispherical cavity in the dust and sand all over the sky. But the sandstorm engulfed them again with a more ferocious posture.

For ordinary people without protection, the sand and gravel carried by this storm are like fast-flying needles, repeatedly tearing the skin until the flesh and blood are peeled off, exposing the bones. But for the heavily armed sisterhood, this sandstorm is nothing more than a small noise on the surface of the armor, and it is difficult to shake their steps.

The assault team and the heavy weapon team formed a defensive formation the moment they landed, and Catherine activated her beloved chainsaw sword and looked around vigilantly. The detection equipment built into their helmets clearly outlines the positions of teammates with bright lines, allowing them to maintain the results of training in the sand and dust.

The average temperature of this planet is lower than that of the earth. After the detection of the power armor, it can barely reach the level that allows human beings to survive. Due to the rotation period, the night of this planet is extremely long, and the huge satellite reflects the light of the star, dyeing everything on the surface a dark blue. Huge dust storms spread across the planet, stumbling around like shambling giants. If the Immortal City can launch satellites, they will see that the surface of this planet is full of dark blue deserts, and only a few surfaces can receive sunlight and maintain temperature.

No one is interested in doing geological survey work now.

The dust storm not only affected the Sisterhood's weaponry, but also damaged radio communications and the air filtration of the power armor. After barely confirming the information and location through the communicator, the assault team and the heavy weapon team escorted Salomon to the target location.

The materials used for positioning are only sand and gravel from this planet. All Salomon can do is send combat forces to this planet, but the target location of the transmission cannot be controlled. The only way to minimize errors is to ensure safety. Therefore, the first thing they do after landing on this planet is not to search for traces of Leopold Fitz or Gemma Simmons, but to join other teams to form a close-knit combat force

At the same time, Salomon was also listening carefully to the voice of the planet. This was not a difficult task for him. He quickly screened out the lives of the non-Eternal City combat team from the spell feedback.

He heard the faint evil cries in the sandstorm. This malice floated above the sandstorm, like algae floating on the water, drifting around with the sand and wind—this is a consciousness, a broken soul, a collective consciousness composed of countless tiny consciousnesses. When the mystic master came into contact with that consciousness, he dug out its memory, its pain, the wailing of this creature for thousands of years replaced the roar of atmospheric movement, and penetrated into the gene sequence of this planet and the intelligent creatures that once existed. Salomon deleted part of the information and sent that malicious position into the minds of every combat team leader. He played the role of monitoring its movements, preventing the combat team from inadvertently bumping into the malicious creature.

He can be sure that the distorted consciousness is the guy that the Malik family has worshiped as a god for thousands of years, and this is also the goal of his trip. It's just that for his own reputation and promise, he had to gather his people first to rescue the two helpless guys from the S.H.I.E.L.D. science team, and then try to solve the problem.

"I don't feel... not so good." The stubble-faced man repeatedly chewed on the goose bumps he felt just now, as if something had swept over his body. Since he picked up the woman outside the residence, strange things happened one after another. He first knew that many years had passed on the earth, and then there were frequent sandstorms and auditory hallucinations.

Someone is calling that woman's name

"Maybe someone is outside!" Jemma Simmons sniffed.

On this planet, every drop of water is a precious resource. She hasn't bathed for a long time, especially Will, who is a NASA astronaut. The only way to clean it is to learn from birds to take a sand bath, and to wash off the dirt produced by the metabolism of the skin surface through friction. Simmons rejected this painful-sounding way of taking a bath, and tried to save water every day so that he could wipe his face.


"I'm here, Will." Simmons pointed to himself, "am I not human?"

Will smiled jokingly, "You mean, there will be another unlucky person in this world passing through that boulder?"

"Well... I just forgot to lock the door." Simmons tilted his head. She thought of Fitz.

Ever since she came to this planet, she has often thought of Fitz, and she knows that Fitz will use any means to find her. This thought kindled a small warm bonfire in her heart full of despair, trying to support her in finding her way back to Earth.

Will poured her a cup of hot tea. The tea leaves in the airtight box became useful after Simmons arrived, and with the addition of an additional labor force, the work efficiency of finding water sources also doubled. Will wouldn't mind brewing today's water ration into tea. "Sometimes, when the sandstorm hits, I have heard the roar of the devil." Will said softly, holding a teacup, "I know this is superstition, you think there is life on this planet?"

"I don't think anyone else is going to be here but us."

"But I heard the sound of a giant moving. On countless nights, when I was tossing and turning in bed, I heard that voice lingering at the door. I stayed up all night, holding a self-made spear tightly in my hand, and my vest was covered with cold sweat. After the sandstorm, I went out to check the situation, and found that there were a few snake-like wriggling marks on the sand. Circle... that thing is trying to eat me, Simmons. It's waiting for me..."

"That's a good story, Will. You'll have a story to tell when we get back to Earth." Simmons patted the table with a smile. When NASA, or the Malik family put Will on this planet, they specially prepared a large amount of supplies for him. These materials supported Will to live until now, and also supported Simmons to perform calculations. Especially the hand generator, which has persisted until now.

"I'm not the first astronaut to be here," he said. He didn't ask Simmons to immediately believe what he said. Maybe he was an impatient kid back then, but years of alien life have polished him into a patient survivor.

"I know."

"Not the last one." Will said calmly, "They all died, but I survived. You are a scientist, and you should understand that the conditions for decay are almost impossible to form in the desert. However, the corpses of the astronauts you saw are already boneless. Have you thought of anything?"

"Beast?" Simmons shook his head, dismissing the idea himself.

If those astronauts were really killed by wild beasts, it is absolutely impossible for them to find the complete skeleton of the astronauts, and Will, who has lived here for a long time, will definitely encounter it. She suddenly felt that although Will's words were a bit funny, they represented some kind of possibility, some kind of mysterious creature that left snake-like tracks and devoured life.

The sandstorm is getting stronger and stronger, knocking on the roof.

Simmons shuddered.

Ask for a ticket!

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