Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 767: Sweeping away the haze (Part 1)

How massive would a creature be if it ate all the biomass on a planet with a gravity level similar to Earth's, and that creature didn't have a regular metabolic system where all the biomass would be converted into a body? This is a question that the mystics have been thinking about-given that the hive has eaten every animal and every plant on the planet (some are extinct due to ecological collapse) so that the biosphere collapses and the climate is completely out of control, the number of nano-parasites reproduced by the hive must be quite amazing, and even the size of the hive can influence the direction of the sandstorm.

Salomon knew that his cyborg armed team could only die if they encountered such a monster alone, and there was no other possibility. The air filtration system of the power armor will be blocked by endless nano parasites, and the servo motors and chips will also be short-circuited due to the parasites drilling into it. It is precisely because of its tiny size that the hive defeats the technology on this planet and devours every alien. Salomon does not think that the technology of the Immortal City can be an exception. Even Wakanda's technology with vibranium as its core may be damaged by all-pervasive parasites.

He didn't understand why the Cree gave up this terrible biochemical weapon. It might be because of the high cost of cultivation, political struggles, or some other messy reasons. In any case, the Cree left this mess on the earth and left it to Salomon. But fortunately, this matter is not without a solution. Since the size of the hive parasites is too small, it only takes one breath to blow away the not too dense swarms. In addition, the flame can also deal with parasites that are organic in nature.

In order to save the androids he created, he must attract the hive's attention.

They shouldn't be sacrificed here, the opponent of that monster is him.

He raised the pitch-black longsword with the golden grid.

At first, the blade was densely covered with electric current, making crackling electric current sounds, and scarlet sparks were constantly spreading outward. Even though everyone wore helmets as instructed, the smell of burnt protein still lingered. This is the scout of the hive, the tiny parasites that keep dying. Salomon uttered a short incantation, a cluster of flames exploded on the sword, his eyes also burst into golden light, and the golden eagle wings on the shoulder armor spread out like living things, announcing the start of the battle together with the other five flame storms that were still rushing toward the horizon.

No matter what this planet was called in the past, the long night that enveloped it ended. The flames replaced the stars to illuminate half of the skyline, and at the same time illuminated the black sandstorm that swept from the horizon.

His voice is transmitted through arcane methods, so that all intelligent creatures can hear it. At the same time, the heavy weapons team's plasma weapon was activated, and the coils were charged, ready to heat the compressed gas at any time. The assault team also activated the chainsword and power sword, ready to kill any hostile creatures that appeared in front of them.

"You are going to die here today, disgusting brachial primitive man.!"

"I heard it!" Simmons waved a white embroidered scarf and shouted back to Will, "I recognize this voice!"

"Stop! Stop!" Will panted and ran forward.

"I guarantee these people are here for us!" She pointed forward excitedly, "Colson asked our friends to help, and we can return to Earth! You must not believe in magic, but it does exist, and I think we may return to Earth via an Einstein-Rosen bridge!" Simmons slowed down, waiting for Will to catch up. When she saw Will's expression, she asked with a puzzled look, "What's wrong?"

"Sandstorm! Look there!" Will grabbed Simmons, then pointed at the sky and shouted, "It's coming! The sandstorm means it's coming! It smells of blood, we have to hide, Simmons!"

Jemma Simmons followed Will's instructions and looked into the distance. She took off her sand goggles and squinted hard.

The planet's light level was really too low, but the brightness was quickly replenished, and Gemma Simmons was able to see the distant scene clearly - a faint orange-red light suddenly lit up between the skylines, like a thunder hidden in the thick clouds, flashed past, faintly visible, and then another. The frequency of orange-red rays of light is getting higher and higher, and it is getting brighter and brighter. Accompanied by loud noises, more and more orange-red flames gather, like a newborn sun, and the gathered rays of light light up in the sky. It seems that the haze that has covered the planet for a long time has been vigorously pushed away by an invisible burning giant hand.

A gust of hot wind rolled to her feet along with the gravel.

This is the first time for Gemma Simmons to see the clouds and starry sky of this world clearly, like a tumor hanging on the body of this dying planet, the electromagnetic radiation from outer space that should have been blocked by the strong sandstorm created a brilliant blue-green aurora in the atmosphere. The boundary between the sun-like flames in the distance and the blue-green aurora is not so obvious, and the two colors fall together into the dreamy night sky of dark blue like a boiling soup pot.

"What the hell is that! Whatever it is, we should hide!" Will gasped, repeating. His pale cheeks from the lack of sunlight and his pupils accustomed to the dim environment seemed a little difficult to adapt to what happened in the distance.

"I don't know who your friend is, but it looks like he's having a problem with that monster. Anyway, it's not something we're supposed to be involved with. We're going to hide and wait until it's over, OK?" He tried not to provoke Simmons because she didn't seem too convinced by what was happening. "As I said, that monster does exist. It's nothing surprising. After all, we were sent to an alien planet by a stone!"

"I saw it." Simmons said softly, "Those people are coming!"

The sandstorm hit again, enveloping the command team.

Catherine fired a bullet that shattered a parasitic arm protruding from the black sandstorm. She turned around and swung her sword, the hot rotating blade cut off another line of wet flesh trying to get close to the communicator, and then the heavy weapons team used plasma weapons and flamethrowers to completely kill all the approaching parasites. Salomon used the force field wall to form a hemispherical transparent protective force field, trying his best to filter those tiny parasites, forcing the hive to form a larger entity. The Sisterhood's weapons can only be used if the Hive is to take this offensive approach.

These parasite arms broke through an invisible barrier with great difficulty, and then they were immediately attacked head-on by the sisterhood. However, this loss is nothing to a monster that ate all living things on the entire planet. This sandstorm is a storm made of sand and parasites, and the air outside the force field wall is full of scalp-numbing tiny parasites.

Catherine watched Salomon outside the wall of the force field step by step into the dark storm.

He ordered five fire storms to hit the command team's position, cleaning the air around the force field wall with flames. And he himself went deep into the storm with a long sword in his hand, because he noticed that the center of the black sandstorm had the main consciousness of a group of creatures. Perhaps out of curiosity, the hive specially opened a passage for him, so that Salomon could see the dark figure standing in the center of the sandstorm. It is inviting Salomon to come into the center, it wants to communicate.

In its view, Salomon is an Inhuman race, and it has a grand plan to implement.

It wants to convince the mystic.

Ask for a ticket!

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