Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 768 Risking Yourself (Second Change)

Catherine rather disliked the situation.

Flying sand and gravel are pervasive, the servo motor fails frequently, and the bearing rotation can even feel stuck. She didn't like the enveloping flame storm even more. Even if the temperature control system was fully operational, everyone in armor was still sweating. But without these flame storms, the density of parasites they have to face will increase several times, and there will be more integrated arms breaking through the force field wall. Catherine loudly ordered the heavy weapons team to make up for the firepower vacancy that the assault team's bolt rifles and chainswords could not fill, while leading the assault team to slash and kill.

"When are you going to fix that damn thing!" Catherine yelled. She cut off the arm and leg that had just been wrapped around a commando's arm armor, and at the same time added a shot to let the special explosive ammunition solve the problem, "Can't you hurry up?"

"I don't have the magic knowledge of the monarch, I need some time!" The Imperial Guard Zero lay on the ground, writing and drawing on the ground with his combat dagger. This is an order from the monarch, and Guard Zero needs to rely on his own memory to copy a spell. This is not a difficult task, the number zero course of the Praetorian Guard has magic, and the task arranged by Salomon is definitely within the difficulty range of the number zero course. After a while, Zero excitedly stuck the dagger on the ground, and began to recite the spell that Salomon had recited in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base. It's just that in his mouth, this incantation is far less fluent than Salomon's own recitation.

"I succeeded!"

"Sisters!" Catherine waved her chainsword and shouted at a combat team that had just been teleported inside the force field wall, "Shoot, swing swords, we need every strength now! Our lives are not our property, we are the king's warriors, and we will sacrifice for him! This is his training for us, follow his will, fight!"

Without saying a word, the combat team immediately joined the battle. To fight to the death for the monarch has always been the creed of the Sisterhood. Guard Zero continued his work. He became more and more proficient. He teleported two combat teams one after another, but when it was the third team's turn, the teleportation spell suddenly didn't work. He told Catherine the news immediately. "Gamma team, I understand. I will contact them after the sandstorm clears." Her tone was calm, "Skip the γ team to teleport to other teams. Sisters, tighten your formation and don't let the enemy disturb Zero!"

The violent flame storm gradually cut away the gravel around the dune, and the huge orange-red scorching flame column hovered around the command team, melting and vitrifying the gravel around the dune where they were located at an astonishing speed. The Sisterhood is standing on top of a huge stone sculpture left by an alien civilization. The flames are gradually peeling off the dust that has covered this great work of art for thousands of years. However, no one has the interest to record the traces left by this civilization. The creatures from the earth are fighting desperately on their corpses.

Salomon cut off the attacking arm with his long sword, and the electric current and flame went straight to the sandstorm that stretched out the arm, killing a whole piece of parasites, as easy as cleaning garbage. Just two levels of magic, in the hands of Salomon, is enough to exert extremely terrifying power. The hive continued to lure Salomon deep into the storm, and the mystic also walked through it with ease. The Sisterhood is responsible for killing the extended consciousness of the hive, and he is responsible for killing the main consciousness of the hive.

When he finally went deep into the center of the sandstorm, the figure in a black tattered cloak was already waiting there.

Salomon was pretty sure he was far enough away from all the Sisterhood combat teams, about fifty kilometers away. Only here can he carry out his battle plan. "You are not an ordinary Inhuman, child." The voice in the black robe had infinite malice, even if it didn't speak, the mystic could clearly hear the hunger and greed contained in its soul. "I don't know why they sent you here, but you must be extraordinary. It would be a pity if you die here, are you interested in hearing about my plan?"

Even when it was talking, the disgusting wrists and feet from all around were still pouring in continuously. Without a word, the mystic rushed forward, with flame and light, smashing any hive clones that came close to him with his long sword and bombs. Whenever the hive tries to overwhelm him with a dense swarm of parasites, a surrounding flame shield will suddenly appear, burning the tiny parasites that come close.

"No time." Salomon said coldly. He needed to attract the hive's attention and force the monster to concentrate its strength to besiege him—Catherine noticed that the flame storm around him gradually subsided, and the sandstorm seemed to change direction, rushing towards the position where the monarch was. She could vaguely see the flash of the Sovereign's sword in the dark storm. He turned his wrist, and orange-red flames flickered over the palm of the ring-wearing palm. Even though he hasn't sorted out the coordinates of this planet, he can still do some things.

For example, take yourself as the coordinate.

"Of order, my lord!" Tita nodded, and issued an order to the fire team below the podium. At the same time, several portals with orange-red sparks appeared around the sky carrier Retribution far away on Earth. The end of the portal was located above the atmosphere of a planet, and a huge amount of air poured in through the portal. Tita ordered the gunners to fire at the portal with full force, and dropped a strategic weapon into the portal at the same time.

"I really like your ability, child." Hive raised her head, and the deformed eyes under the black hood looked at the flickering sparks with interest, "Your ability is very powerful. Is this flame? Simple but the most powerful ability, you are definitely the most powerful alien besides me."

"But I don't need you."

Hive laughed, a few tiny tentacles emerging from deep beneath the shadowed hood, "A lot of people say that."

The mystic clenched his fists tightly, and a golden shield wrapped him up.

Before the hive could comment on this thing beyond its knowledge, a large number of light spots descended from the sky with a dense howling sound, and the missile with the mark of the immortal city flew all the way down from outer space, and then exploded, shattering the thick soup composed of sandstorms and parasites. Immediately afterwards, the planet suddenly quieted down, the whistling sound from the sandstorm disappeared, and one of the brightest missiles swelled into a ball of dazzling light in the blink of an eye. The high temperature of hundreds of millions of degrees Celsius broke out in the atmosphere, like a big hand crushing all the haze and bringing light back to the world.

It's an apocalyptic sight, and the hive finds the name of the phenomenon in the memory of the person it has recently eaten.

"This is a hydrogen bomb, Brachiopod. Why do you think I'm talking to you?" Salomon said softly, "In order to kill you, I'm willing to pay such a price."

The detection system in the helmet is operating at full capacity, preventing the wearer from being blinded by excessive light. But just like the temperature control system of the power armor, the electronic eye went on strike after a few struggles, and the servo motor and energy backpack emitted smoke because they couldn't dissipate heat. But the disgusting smell of burnt electronic components was quickly blown away by the blowing hot wind, and all sounds disappeared, as if the pause button had been pressed on the whole world. The high temperature enough to vaporize steel and the sound waves capable of crushing reinforced concrete came like sea waves, and the creamy clouds rolled up to the stratosphere.

The mystic half-kneeled down and raised the shield with difficulty, the air circulation system of the power armor whistling out hot air full of scorching smell. He felt thirsty, dehydrated, deaf and blind, but managed to stay conscious. At some point, a copper shield inlaid with a gorgon appeared in his hand. He couldn't see anything, he could only feel the power armor heated red, almost molten, and the arcs of flames jumping on him. He smelled the smell of his own burnt flesh, dried blood and engine oil leaked from the gaps in the power armor, and then these things were carbonized on the surface of the broken armor, and finally, together with the armor coating, were blown into ashes by the hot wind.

He didn't know how long it had been, he felt like he was dying.

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