Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 769 The Power of Technology (Part 1)

All the components in the power armor have been unable to operate due to overheating, and the mystic locked inside is like being in a big stuffy tank. With the destruction of the thermal insulation coating and the outer armor, the high temperature completely eliminated this high-tech power armor. The delicate bionic electronic muscle cables composed of countless tiny alloy wires melted due to high temperature, and cooled due to contact with sweat and blood. Forcibly cast him into a steel statue.

The automatic detection system was completely damaged, and even the display screen was burned due to the high temperature, releasing toxic smoke, but the deaf and blind Salomon could still hear the wail of the hive—the parasites with weak flying ability had no time to escape, and large areas died, and those parasites that barely survived in the cracks tried to drill into the sand in an attempt to avoid the high temperature. But at the fusion guillotine chosen by Salomon, the desert became a pool of molten glass.

He would not allow the ancient gods of the Inhumans, the genetically engineered slaves of the Kree, to survive.

With his eyes closed, he listened carefully amidst the severe pain of burns, the dizziness of dehydration, and the stench produced by inhaling the toxic gas produced by the burning of electronic components, until the main body consciousness of the hive continued to weaken and finally disappeared. The sandstorm originally controlled by the hive completely disappeared, and the high temperature of the vaporized steel ensured that no creature could survive.

This is one of his plans, using himself as a bait to concentrate the power of the hive, and then blasting a small-yield hydrogen bomb in the air. Only fire and radiation are the only way to kill the hive, so he adopted the most thorough method to eliminate this monster that may destroy civilization. Even if the Hive encountered a hydrogen bomb attack before it devoured this civilization, it underestimated the determination of its enemies, Salomon, and Kama Taj, who raised the thug Salomon. This primitive man has never heard the name of Karma Taj, nor does he know how crazy Karma Taj, an outright war organization, can be in order to destroy the enemy of mankind.

If Kama Taj had time, he would have chosen to burn this planet into a star. Salomon, who was pressed for time, simply couldn't do that, but his solution was similar.

The hottest flame storm and disappearance, the sudden explosive decompression almost threw Salomon forward onto the ground full of molten glass. Leaning on his long sword and shield, he stood up with great difficulty. With his movements, the teeth-stinging sound of metal being torn was heard one after another, joint bearings and servo motors frequently burst out electric sparks, and the outer armor was almost burned in half, revealing the deep black electronic muscles that melted and solidified below, and the exquisite gold-plated decorations also melted into a puddle of golden water.

It wasn't until this moment that the cryogenic spell released to resist the high temperature showed its effect, helping him pull his leg armor out of the molten black glass. Under the high temperature of the hydrogen bomb explosion, the temperature lowered by magic at most helped him survive and reduce some heat. The reason why he can survive is because his protective spells are strong enough. Protective spells are Kama Taj's professional spells, but all the mystics chose the shield to smash people's heads.

As for why he didn't teleport away from the explosion area, it was because he wasn't sure that there would be no parasites in the gaps of his power armor when he was so close to the hive. He doesn't want the hive to have a chance to escape, so he won't try anything that will allow a single parasite to survive.

He took off his helmet and breathed in the air full of radioactive dust. Salomon tore off his armor, and forcibly pulled out the metal wires that were fused into his muscles. This process was accompanied by great pain, but there was no expression on his face. The burns on his face were slowly healing, just like the other wounds on his body, with the help of the stigmata, his mysterious genes began to work. This was a tragic victory with his own life as a bargaining chip. Salomon was not sure that he would survive, because he had never pushed the stigmata to such a height. As the night fell again, he walked expressionlessly on the fluorescent radiation glass, his golden eyes looking around for any signs that the hive might survive.

"Squad γ, please call back!" Catherine looked anxiously at the center of the explosion. The command team is the closest combat force to the nuclear explosion. If it weren't for the protective spell cast by the mystic for them, they might even be destroyed by the violent high-temperature wind. Although very reluctant, Catherine still followed the order from the monarch, tried to stay away from the center of the nuclear explosion, and called the combat teams scattered all over the planet.

"This is... γ... found the target... Leo..." The radio communication equipment with electromagnetic shock resistance transmitted intermittent communications from various teams. Catherine announced the new assembly point to them and sorted out the information they obtained. Originally, this work should be completed before encountering the hive, but the situation did not develop so smoothly. Catherine had no idea whether her sovereign was still alive, but there was still a small hope in her heart. Praetorian Zero is not as sentimental as Catherine, and he still fulfills his responsibilities.

"Find those two mortals and bring them out!" Catherine said viciously, "If it wasn't for them, we still have time to get support from the sky carrier."


"Who is the sky carrier firing at?" The loud noise of the Retribution's firing couldn't hide from the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s investigation. After receiving the situation, Mike immediately walked to the warehouse. He didn't see Stephanie until he collected the weapons. Daisy Johnson, who had come with him, was left outside, with several bolters aimed at him.

"I thought you were here to thank me." Stephanie didn't turn her head, but stared at the magic formula made of glass. Whenever Salomon and the Sisterhood combat team teleported, Stephanie's heartbeat became more and more rapid as time went by. She had just received an encrypted communication from the Retribution not long ago, and Tita said she had received orders from the Sovereign to launch a tactical nuclear weapon and some missiles into the portal. Stephanie deduces that the Sovereign has had an encounter with the ancient god of Hydra, and the strike has already begun. Just as she was fully expecting the next order from the reader, Tita claimed that this was the only communication, and there was no news from the monarch after that.

"Listen, I'm grateful for your medical staff and the biochemically modified organs you provided, but that's another matter." Mike said calmly, "Your sky carrier is right above the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, and the base has no air defense facilities. Your random firing behavior will cause the agents to panic and more likely lead to the base being exposed. I want to know who you are firing at. We have not monitored any facilities or aircraft that have been hit."


The S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were quite annoyed by Stephanie's sparing attitude, but now that the other party sent a large number of armed personnel to carry out rescue missions, Mike really had nothing to blame. The only thing he can do is to persuade Stephanie to avoid some actions that may expose the base. After all, S.H.I.E.L.D. is still a terrorist organization in Congress and among the people.

"What kind of enemy?"

"The enemy on another planet." The head of the interior department said softly. "We dropped a tactical hydrogen bomb to destroy the parasite. I know you will have a better way, but time is running out, and your agents may be infected at any time."

"Don't your agents know?" Mike asked.

Stephanie pointed to the prefabricated disinfection corridor covered by a glass circle. "This is the order I got. People who come out of there must be strictly disinfected. I remember that I have asked someone to bring two hundred sterile bath towels. Why haven't they arrived yet?"

Ask for a ticket!

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