Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 770: The Secret of the Boulder (Second)

After Mike left, Stephanie continued to stare at the timer in her helmet.

She didn't show any impatience, but the two strike team members beside her were a little impatient, fingers frequently on the triggers of the chainsword and bolter pistol. Their aggression couldn't even be concealed by their helmets, and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents walked around them unconsciously. Although they had no complaints about the order to "stay at the base to protect Stephanie and teleport the magic circle", they still longed for the glory of fighting side by side with the monarch.

From the day they were rescued from the hell on earth by the angel with steel wings, they have been looking forward to making the ultimate sacrifice for the monarch on the battlefield of fire and blood. Now this opportunity is close at hand, but they have to stay in this place, with those weak secret agents.

"There will be this opportunity," said the lady in charge. Stephanie does not have the authority to directly order the sisterhood, so these girls actually do not obey her orders, and only a humanoid created by the monarch can be their leader. Hearing what the leading lady said, the young girls reluctantly settled down—compared with the girls who later joined those who were sold as goods and tortured as livestock, the artificial humans were somewhat more stable because they understood Salomon better.

The Sisterhood channeled their hatred and rage, forging the crippled girl into a sword of faith. But weapons have to be used after all, and the girls can't wait to participate in the brutal war after becoming full members, not the small work of cleaning up gangsters.

Stephanie discovered that an electric current began to flow over the glass magic formula, and the readings of various monitoring facilities also began to change.

She immediately informed the sisterhood of the situation, and the assault team guarding her rushed over immediately, aiming the muzzle of the bolt gun in her hand at the airtight glass prefabricated house. At the same time, another assault team broke into the workshop that closed the boulder, and the heavy weapons team followed immediately, ready to open the flamethrower at any time. They couldn't be sure if it was the Sorority Squad or the parasite that was returning—Stephanie took a nervous breath. This is the best chance for the Malik family to clean up the past. Only when the Inhuman arm-legged creature known as a god dies, will Salomon truly trust the Malik family. Only in this way can the Malik family be truly incorporated into the Immortal City, and she can obtain a child with Salomon's blood.

This is key to the continuation of the Malik family.

The flashing current flashed explosively, and the electronic eyes in the helmet automatically reduced the brightness.

The Sisterhood fighter nervously kept his finger on the trigger, ready to fire.

Appearing in the glass teleportation magic circle was a group of Sisterhood armed men covered in dust. The armed men standing outside the glass prefabricated airtight room ordered those inside to take off their helmets and stay away from weapons through the loudspeakers placed inside. "The Σ (zeta) team has arrived." The girl outside said, "The cleaning process is underway. Sisters, take off your armor and weapons for disinfection and conduct a medical examination."

The armed men of the Σ (zeta) squad nodded.

They walked into the preset transparent room at the corner of the disinfection corridor, helped each other according to the procedures under the supervision of others, and took off the power armor. Immediately afterwards, they walked into another room, took off the remaining clothes on their bodies, and then walked into the disinfection room with rain shower head one by one. There, they will be washed with disinfectant liquid, and all waste liquid will be collected for unified treatment. The girls standing at the gate guarding the facility had their guns pointed outside, preventing any S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from approaching. They don't want strangers seeing their bodies.

After a series of lengthy medical examinations, the Σ (zeta) team received their own bath towels and wrapped them around their bodies. Those ordinary human girls looked at their figures enviously—each arc of the artificial human body was designed by Salomon himself, reflecting the ultimate beauty of the female body all the time. Especially after showering with disinfectant liquid, the drops of water on their skin shone like Venus.

While they were checking, two other teams of Sisterhood armed men were going through the process they had gone through. A girl who wasn't on the alien mission, armed with a bolter, escorted the group of beautiful androids wrapped in white bath towels swaggering down the hallway and onto the flying platform. They will be quarantined aboard the Retribution until they are finally cleared of suspicion, or wait for the Sovereign to personally recognize them upon his return.

They also need to report their actions to Tita, so that Ms. Tita can understand the progress of the mission.

Mike, who had just finished Coulson's operation, was now in charge of coordinating various tasks of S.H.I.E.L.D. This group of women with amazing figures wrapped only in bath towels and smelling of disinfectant all over their bodies really attracted the attention of a large number of agents. Mike sighed deeply, and then dialed Stephanie's communication.

"Yes, it seems that the task has been completed." Stephanie said cheerfully.

"What about Fitz and Simmons? Where are they?"

"Leopold Fitz has been brought out by us and is currently undergoing inspection, but he is a little emotional. He jumped into that planet without airtight equipment. Unless we rule out the suspicion that he is infected, otherwise we will not let him leave the isolation room."

"Very well, then..."

"Other matters are the secrets of the Immortal City, and there is no comment."

"Then can I meet Fitz?"

"Yes, but only through an airtight room."

Mike put down the phone and called to Barbara, who was too tired to keep her eyes open after a surgery. "I'm sorry, but today wasn't kind to your operated knee," he said. "But Fitz was brought out, and maybe he wanted us to know something."

"It's okay, Mike. There were a lot of accidents today." Barbara waved her hand and said with her head down, "Let's hear what he has to say. I think those people are interested in hearing what he has to say."

"He's crazy!" Mike nodded. The leader of that group of people was right, Fitz was indeed a little agitated. Fitz walked around the room in a hospital gown. "They dropped a H-bomb before they even found Simmons, Mike!" he said. "He wanted to kill everyone!"

"Calm down, little monkey." Mike called Fitz's nickname. "We don't know what dangers there are on that planet, but I think that since Agent Coulson invited Salomon to assist in the work, it means that Coulson thinks this matter is worth using a tactical nuclear weapon. Don't forget, their people are also on that planet, and they are using their lives as a bet to solve the problem."

"No, that's not the case, Mike." Fitz said, "Agent Coulson didn't invite them at all!"

"What does that mean, little monkey?"

"Salomon manipulated Coulson's mind... He wants to kill things on that planet. His mission is not to save people, but to kill! Mike, he wants something to die on that planet! It's not the first time he knows about that planet, that boulder, he knows a lot!"

"Do you know what?"

"I...I don't know, but I have a clue." Fitz lowered his voice, "I'll tell you where that clue is. Go find that clue, Mike, the secret of the boulder is not that simple!"

Ask for a ticket!

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