Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 771: Isolation Measures (Part 1)

Salomon was the last to walk out of the teleportation circle.

Compared with the artificial man whose body was only covered with a layer of gravel before, his condition was much worse. The high temperature, flames and radiation left too many traces on the armor. The girls standing outside the airtight glass room noticed a golden gleam in his eyes. He refused the help of others, but tore apart the damaged armor and the melted and distorted electronic muscle fibers underneath, and threw pieces of armor and electronic equipment that could not be used again into the ground.

He had cut contact with all the android teams after the H-bomb went off, anticipating that he wouldn't be free to contact them while fighting the hive, so he asked Catherine to bring the girls out. He still listened to reports while he was showered with disinfectants. Stephanie's report indicated that Catherine had performed her task perfectly.

Stephanie took a deep breath. She touched her arm quietly. She really couldn't bear the appearance of Salomon peeling off the armor to reveal his muscles. This scene was too hot. The girls blinked and surreptitiously snapped some pictures using the electronic eye device in the helmet. The ticking sound of the communication system sounded, and the girls agreed to exchange photos after the mission, and then privately made a calendar or a poster to stick on the wall of their room.

Stephanie had intercepted some of the communications, and she promised that unless she was given a copy of those things, she would tell the Monarch now what they had done. "And Lady Catherine," said a girl softly, "she must have one too."

"Then give it to her!" Stephanie gritted her teeth and said, "Why is she the only one who can face the monarch when he is not wearing any clothes!"

At the end of the disinfection corridor, Catherine stood with her hips akimbo, her chin proudly raised, waiting for the award.

Salomon patted her on the head, which made the lively android put on a towel instead of going out naked. In fact, Catherine is also 180 centimeters tall, but she can only be considered short in front of the mystic. Each android has a great figure, all based on Salomon's favorite LOVE DOLL Dinah, so Catherine often shows off her toned figure. Most of the girls who joined later were very envious of the vest line and muscle lines of the robot, which is a large part of the reason for their hard training.

Salomon opened his hands to be examined by the medical team and slapped Catherine's hand away as she tried to apply grease to his pecs and abs. If this kind of behavior is seen by Tita, it will definitely be beaten, but Tita is still on the sky carrier, and Catherine will do everything in order to get closer to Salomon. Salomon liked this mischievous artificial human very much, so he didn't blame her for her misbehavior too much.

"Where are Jemma Simmons and Leopold Fitz?"

"Ahem." Stephanie signaled to Catherine that she could take the olive oil away. "Squad γ brought Fitz back, and Squad T brought Simmons back. It's just that Simmons had one person with him, so Squad Τ had to bring them back together." She asked a member of the assault team by the communication system, and after getting a definite answer, she handed Salomon a headset.

"She also brought back a NASA astronaut." Her voice came through the earphones. "That project was funded by the Malik family. We are now quarantining them in isolation on the grounds of checking for infection, but this kind of thing can't last long. I'm sorry, my lord, we didn't expect anyone to survive on that planet for so long."

The mystic nodded, and then swallowed the anti-radiation medicine provided by the medical team, "I see, use this excuse to hold SHIELD first. Pay attention to isolating the astronaut, and arrange for the heavy weapons team to carry a flamethrower to guard him. After confirming that there is no infection, take him to the sky carrier, and don't let him come into contact with the SHIELD."

"Yes, my lord! And..."

"What else is there?"

"Agent Coulson was injured." Stephanie was a little embarrassed. "It was an accident, my lord. His life is not in danger and he is now recovering. I believe that the biochemically modified heart we provided can help him solve many problems."

"So how did this all happen?"

Stephanie smiled awkwardly. "Well... I think there's another thing you need to care about, my lord."

"What's up?"

"Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. went to Tangier."

Tangier in Morocco is one of the oldest cities in the world, built by the Phoenicians in the sixth century BC as an important trading post between the Phoenician city-states. Daisy Johnson's destination is the old town of Tangier. There are maze-like streets and alleys here, shops and stalls are randomly placed between the houses, and the mosaic decorations on the street corners shine like the warm light of the sea under the warm sunshine of the Mediterranean climate. Under open umbrellas, the smell of mint and coffee, spices and pastries knocks visitors dizzy.

Daisy decided to throw away the guidebook, because she had just been left in a dusty street. Everything here is covered with a fine layer of dust, and all public facilities as far as the eye can see are all painted and rusted. But the description about coffee is true. It is adjacent to the old free port, and many goods are landed here, leather, cork, citrus, vegetables, etc., including a lot of coffee.

"Fitz said the last clue is here?" She couldn't help but press the lower part of the scarf, trying to avoid inhaling the dust herself. She can also use this action to press and hold the headset to communicate with her companions on the Quinjet. "How could he think that the clues are here, is there any high technology here?"

"Fitz believes that the huge stone has a very long history, so there must be records about the huge stone in human history. He investigated and found that a gang leader here has a collection of extremely valuable historical documents, and is now looking for a buyer."

Melinda May's tone was as calm as ever, but Daisy wanted to laugh. "I thought I would carry out the task alone." She said, "I didn't expect Barbara to tell you that Coulson was injured, and you rushed back immediately..."

"I can take a vacation anytime, but it doesn't look like a good time to leave S.H.I.E.L.D." Melinda May's statement is very reasonable. There are not many people in S.H.I.E.L.D. now, Agent Coulson is still recuperating, Barbara just had surgery on her knee, and Mike can't handle so many things by himself. As for Barbara's ex-husband Hunter, everyone tacitly agrees that he can't perform the logistical tasks of the base.

"Won't Andrew be angry?" Daisy asked about her ex-husband, but Melinda May refused to answer the question.

"He's a therapist," was all Melinda May said, before asking Daisy Johnson to focus on the task. "You have to know that we must not sell weapons to gangsters," she said, "so you must evacuate quickly after you get the mission target, and the Quin-style fighter will provide you with fire cover. Go and come back, remember?"

"It's like performing a mission for the first time." Daisy Johnson muttered softly, poking her head out to observe the old house full of local characteristics at the end of the street. Her goal is inside, and now the problem is how to get those things.

"Don't waste time." Melinda May said calmly. "They refused to let us talk to Simmons and the astronaut. We have to find clues before they take the astronaut away, or they will bury those secrets forever."

Ask for a ticket!

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