Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 772 Suspicion spreads (second update)

The clue provided by Leopold Fitz is very important, especially in the case of the Immortal City restricting the transmission of information, this only clue is invaluable. According to Fitz, if Barbara hadn't called him to hurry back, he would most likely follow this clue. Daisy layered a black burqa over her agent bodysuit in an attempt to infiltrate the mission location by disguising herself as a local woman.

However, Morocco is a Sunni country, and the burqa is the attire of Muslims in the Arabian Peninsula. Her doing so has attracted some people's attention. She was unsurprisingly stopped when trying to enter the house, with two men grabbing her arms and others removing their burqas for weapons. Daisy gritted her teeth, temporarily enduring the thought of resistance.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to find Joseph Haddad." Daisy watched as her password suitcase was taken away for inspection. When the man examining her asked what it was, she replied, "This is my deal with Haddad, I'm sure he wants what's in this box."

"Tell me the password, and I'll judge whether he wants to see you." A man with long curly black hair and a gray-white beard said, "I advise you to obey, woman."

"I advise you to follow our transaction process, I have an appointment." Daisy shook her head. She knew it was difficult for these people to agree with her. "Only I can open this box, and your boss will want the contents of this box no matter what." She said softly, "One last chance, return the box to me, or you will suffer."

"How?" The man asked with a smile, "You don't have a weapon."

"This way!" Daisy Johnson put her foot in the abdomen of the man with long curly hair, then yanked and broke free, and punched each of the two men who had grabbed her arm in the face. According to the fighting skills taught by Melinda May, Daisy skillfully gave the two guys an elbow on the back of the head, completely knocking them to the ground. When the long curly-haired man got up and tried to draw out his gun, Daisy stretched out her palm, and the strong shock sent the man flying, smashing hard against the wall at the other end of the alley.

She picked up the lockbox that had fallen on the floor, and kicked someone in the jaw who was trying to get up.

"Huh! It's really relaxing! Look, isn't this a weapon?" Daisy Johnson shrugged and picked up the pistols of those guys. The anger she received in the base can finally be vented now. When facing magic, her superpowers are really not enough. She still can't understand why those wearing power armor can turn a blind eye to her shock wave. "I'm really not suitable for sneaking missions, Mei." She pressed the headset, "We have to change the plan, Plan B!"

"There is no Plan B, Skye." There was a smile in Melinda May's voice. Daisy's demeanor is exactly the same as when she was young, and she was often talked about by Coulson for such things. "I'm right above you, spying on Joseph Haddad. Capture him before they notice, and I'll provide fire support if necessary so they don't escape that house. We must find the artifact from him!"


"Do we need to send someone to follow up, my lord?" Stephanie asked. "My father can't explain the origin of the huge rock. We have no idea what S.H.I.E.L.D. will get from Tangier."

"No need, let them check." After checking, Salomon put on the suit Stephanie had prepared for him. There was also a wardrobe in Stephanie's own room just for him, filled with her bespoke suits, each of which fit perfectly. He pretended not to see Stephanie's satisfied gaze, because even his underwear was chosen by Stephanie.

"I plan to go see Coulson now."

Mike did not stop Salomon and Stephanie's application for visitation, but for safety reasons, they still needed someone to accompany them. Stephanie and Barbara followed Salomon into the S.H.I.E.L.D. ward. Seeing Salomon walk in, Agent Coulson forced a smile, but his pale face was really not very pretty. "I heard that I have a bio-enhanced organ implanted," he said. "With my arm, will I become a robot in the future?"

"It's not far off, old friend. I suggest you take the alchemy potion, it will make you better quickly."

"Thank you for your advice. It was just an accident, please don't blame anyone."


"There is another thing." Coulson looked at Barbara outside the ward. Barbara Morse winked at him—Mike, Barbara, and Coulson had already figured out a coping strategy when Salomon submitted his application for a visit. Salomon was only allowed into the ward after the plan was drawn up. Agent Coulson said understandingly, "I heard that both Simmons and Fitz were rescued?"

"Yes, they are still carrying out the isolation procedure." The mystic turned his head and glanced at Barbara from the corner of his eye. It is not difficult for him to listen to the surface thoughts of ordinary people. Even if he does not use magic, his spiritual power can still detect part of the content. "Maybe you heard more, Coulson. Simmons brought back an astronaut. According to our investigation, that astronaut lived on that planet for many years. We are not sure whether the NASA astronaut suffered from a deep infection, and Simmons, who has been with her for a while, cannot rule out the suspicion, so they must be quarantined and checked for a long time."

"I understand, I understand." Agent Coulson nodded, "But I hope this work will be completed as soon as possible, because S.H.I.E.L.D. still needs Simmons and Fitz."

"As long as the test results show that they are not infected, they will be released." Salomon said with a smile, "Don't worry, even if they are infected, our scientists have a way to solve this problem."


"Of course it's false, I just said that to comfort you." The expression on the mystic's face remained unchanged. He was pretty sure Barbara Morse had heard what he had to say, and in times of violent mood swings, ordinary people can't control their thoughts. Unless one cuts one's mind like Natasha Romanov, certain key events are easily exposed to the surface of the sea of ​​thoughts, and then easily picked up by a spellcaster like Salomon with a fishing net.

"If someone is determined to be infected, then the most extreme cleanup measures will be taken."

"What cleanup measures?" Coulson asked in surprise.


"He's going to burn us?" Leopold Fitz smacked the tempered glass hard. However, the thickened tempered glass didn't even vibrate at all, and Fitz's anger seemed to sink into the sea. He looked at Mike who was communicating with him before coming to the isolation ward, "There's also Gemma, and Will! I admit that I don't like Will, but..."

"We won't let them burn you, little monkey." Mike sighed. Now the power of S.H.I.E.L.D. has been extended to the extreme, and the part of the agents who are connected with the Avengers to provide Hydra information cannot be transferred away. Melinda May and Daisy are pursuing that clue again. Gemma and Fitz are in isolation. Even Hunter has to perform a secret mission. "But you must be quarantined first, even if you are infected, we will find a solution. Don't worry, everything will be fine."

"I think Tangier's clue is very important, Mike." Fitz glanced at the surveillance camera in the isolation ward, "I hope Daisy and May can speed up, that clue will solve the mystery for us."

"I'll tell them," Mike said meaningfully.

Ask for a ticket!

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