Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 778 Full of Confidence (Second Change)

Daisy Johnson was drowsy in her seat, sleeping through the difficult return journey. Melinda May also relaxed. After setting the Quin-jet fighter to autopilot, she sat in the driver's seat with half-closed eyes and recovered the energy consumed by performing the mission. If she wanted to return to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base, the Quin-jet fighter had to cross the Atlantic Ocean. Melinda May rushed back from her home to the base without sleep, and then flew from the base to Morocco, without a good rest at all. The Quinjet fighter plane was very quiet, except for Joseph Haddad's groans of pain when he was half asleep and half awake.

"What happened? May!" The plane was violently bumped, and the back of Daisy's head was slammed on the soft cushion behind the cabin seat. The female hacker woke up screaming. She glanced at Melinda immediately, and found that Melinda May was also awake, frantically adjusting the console.

"Engine failed! Hell, it must have been out of service for too long!" May yelled. She glanced out through the cockpit glass, and then made a decisive decision, "Daisy, protect Joseph Haddad, we may need a little help."

"My lord, the assassins have forced the plane of Melinda May and Daisy Johnson to crash-land in the Atlantic Ocean." On the way back to the Immortal City on the sky carrier, Stephanie received a briefing. She immediately took this briefing to find the mystic who was sitting at the command seat, and without affecting Salomon's other work, she wrote a summary by hand. "The assassin has completely wiped out all the clues that might lead us back, and has now landed in the safe house numbered AE.10041.26." She said, "Joseph Haddad has also fallen into the hands of the assassin, and is requesting permission to conduct the interrogation process."

"Agreed." Without raising his head, the mystic pressed his electronic seal on the tablet in front of him. At the moment he pressed the seal, the assassin was performing simple operations on Joseph Haddad, sealing blood vessels, removing bone stubble, suturing muscles and skin, and so on. He is not a doctor and has no qualifications to practice medicine, but the knowledge taught in the teaching machine is enough for him to complete the operation, and the medicine and equipment in the safe house can also support him to complete this work. The place he chose for the forced landing is even more so that Joseph Haddad can be transferred to the safe house before he bled to death.

An extremely complicated dynamic pattern flashed in the assassin's helmet, and a large amount of data flow was used to compare an electronic signature.

After scanning the password pattern on the seal and comparing the dynamic encryption key, it can be proved that this is an order from Salomon and the interior department. Many people in the Immortal City did not know Salomon's name or his appearance, and they all confirmed their orders through this complex encrypted pattern. There was also such a seal on the parchment that Stephanie handed over after reading the briefing-the order to capture Joseph Haddad was Stephanie's idea, and she wanted to find out the origin of the huge stone. Not only because the boulder involved the Malik family, tracing down would help the Malik family complete their research on the boulder, but also because of Salomon's reminder.

If that boulder is really related to aliens, then they'd better master the method of killing aliens first.

On the other hand, some mystics in Karma Taj, located in the Himalayas, began to examine the past materials, trying to find out the secrets about the megaliths. This is a extinction event, and Karma Taj must not sit idly by. Even Salomon himself didn't expect that now his prestige in Karma Taj can be questioned by not many people except the supreme mage.

After years of compilation and filling, the magical works written by him in the secret law library are must-read classics for apprentices other than the "Book of Emperor Weishan". Although they are all basic knowledge, such as "Theory of the Elements", "Astral Boundary and Aether", "Research on the Causes of Dimensional Gaps", "Illusions, Interaction of Nerves and Hormones" and other boring tomes, there is almost no literature, but the supreme mage praised them. His Holiness praised Salomon as the most knowledgeable mystic in Kama Taj's history, comparable to Agamotto.

Even Baron Mordo or Casilios would not mind the orders from Salomon, as would a series of mystic families represented by Mage Hamil. The Supreme Master understood that this meant for Kama Taj a schism in the future, but His Holiness didn't care because she believed that her disciple was capable of solving such small problems.

As long as the future supreme mage is not killed.

"To solve this matter, I will open Karma Taj's communication to you." The mystic gave Stephanie another authority. He has great trust in this young (under forty) girl, because the Malik family has completely fallen for him, and there is no room for turning back.

"No matter the cost."

Stephanie understood by heart, regardless of the cost means that the collateral casualties can be ignored.

"My lord, there is another matter for you to decide." She said, "General Haig, as the NAZI faction Hydra under Whitehall, wants to join our cause. She wants her daughter to join the Immortal City—that is, Ruby, Dr. Whitehall's eugenic product, becomes one of us. The girl you met at the Hydra youth training base—she has been unable to cope with investigations from various aspects. At present, only we can help her."

Salomon raised his head and stared into Stephanie's eyes. The daughter of Hydra recognized this expression, and she hurriedly said, "I personally think the concept of the Hydra youth training camp is worth absorbing. I suggest that we follow a similar method to cultivate internal affairs talents. General Haig will definitely play an important role in it."

After a while, the mystic turned his gaze away.

Stephanie breathed a sigh of relief, she felt that she had no secrets under the monarch's sight, as if she had no clue.

"Ruby, Ruby, she can play a bigger role. Dr. Whitehall's eugenics research is not groundless. Ruby's physical fitness is indeed excellent, and she just needs a little mental polishing." Salomon didn't think too long, "As long as General Haig can abide by our confidentiality procedures and help us install personnel in the US Department of Defense, let her bring her girl here. I promise to give Ruby a place, but before that, I have to talk to her face to face."

Stephanie nodded.

"Your itinerary has been arranged, just after you picked up the cat from the veterinary hospital in New York and had dinner with the witch (emphasis). Oh, you don't know—" The little secretary watched Salomon's expression change from seriousness to shock, and finally helplessness. She said happily, "Ms. Bayonetta called a few hours ago, claiming that your cat was taken to the hospital because she vomited too much. Ms. Bayonetta needs you to go to the veterinary hospital to pick up the cat because she is busy shopping for Christmas gifts."

"Damn it."

"My lord, do you need me to send someone to solve this matter?"

"I'll go myself. It's the same veterinarian who spayed the Cheshire cat, right?"

"Also, this is the list of gifts that Ms. Bayoneta gave you. I personally think that the witch has good taste, except that she didn't invite me." Stephanie coughed twice pretendingly, "With all due respect, you need to find a balance between family and life. My lord, my father also encountered this situation when he was young. Perhaps his experience can help you."

The mystic cannot deny it.

Ask for a ticket!

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