Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 779: Chain Reaction (Part 1)

Stephanie had told Salomon more than once how much Gideon Malik had doted on her after her mother died. In Stephanie's mind, Gideon Malik was quite the caretaker of the family, and while he didn't always have time for his daughter, he was able to meet all of Stephanie's needs as a child and adolescence. It's just that Salomon thinks that this kind of education can only raise silly girls-before he took over the Malik family, Stephanie was so devoutly devout to the multi-armed creatures that the Malik family had worshiped for hundreds of years, that Salomon always made fun of it.

He asked Stephanie with his eyes, and the daughter of Hydra immediately handed him a tablet.

While they were talking, the Immortal City agents stationed in the S.H.I.E.L.D. base were gradually withdrawing, returning to the Immortal City base by assault transport boat. They put NASA astronaut Will into an isolation box, and then used engineering equipment to move it to the transport boat. Although Agent Coulson wanted to stop it, seeing the murderous appearance of the sisterhood, his last effort to keep Will failed.

"I hope you can urge them to come up with the test results." Agent Coulson said to Barbara Morse, "I'm sorry, Barbara, we need people now, we need Fitz and Simmons. Also, May and Daisy are still drifting on the sea, and you are the only pilot in the base. I need you to take the maintenance personnel to bring May and Daisy back, and finally take a detour to talk to Dr. Garner. We must be frugal, because S.H.I.E.L.D. There is no way to bypass Congress and the Department of Defense to produce such aircraft, and every Quinjet fighter is broken and one is lost."

"I can't finish so much work in one day, Coulson." Barbara felt a dull pain in her injured knee, "Have you considered recruiting new people?"

"Unless we can rebuild the SHIELD Academy, or we only have these people." Agent Coulson shrugged, "Have you visited the SHIELD Academy?"

"Yes, I've seen it." Barbara was silent, and she would never forget what she saw in the ruins of SHIELD Academy. After the Hydra rebellion on the aircraft carrier was quelled, Agent Weaver returned to the SHIELD Academy with a group of people to try to save the young and loyal students. However, Hydra's penetration in the Aegis Academy was deeper than anyone imagined, especially in the War Department, and almost at the moment the order was issued from the Tricurve Wing headquarters, a massacre occurred in the Aegis Academy.

Many loyal young men died. When Agent Weaver and her team arrived at the scene, the rebellious Hydra had already fled, and a large pit was dug out in the former playground of SHIELD Academy, which was filled with the corpses of thousands of students. So Commander Gonzalez made no attempt to contact the S.H.I.E.L.D. survivors as they hurriedly withdrew.

"Although I don't agree with many things Salomon said, there is only one thing I quite agree with, that is, we need well-trained agents. Even Daisy is not very experienced now, no wonder Salomon thinks it is a very irresponsible act to entrust the task of saving human beings to her." Coulson laughed at himself. You and Mike are needed, and I want you to become Agent Instructors after this is over."

"If Mike has inspected all the planes, maybe he will agree to this matter." Barbara said, "Just before you gave the order, Mike had already organized a rescue team to help May and Daisy. The last communication they sent showed that they were not in danger, but the sea was a bit cold."

Coulson sighed, "Look, that's it."

The mystic who is far away in the sky doesn't know what Coulson is thinking, even if he knows, he will only complain, "I told you a long time ago". It was enough for him to know that the missions he arranged were proceeding according to the established steps, and his curiosity about the NASA astronaut could not be satisfied until the isolation box was transported back to the Immortal City.

Before that he had to attend to other things.

Salomon once cast a spell in the Hydra youth training camp to detect the only young man in the entire school at that time, and that young man was Ruby. Her mother was General Hale of the Ministry of Defense, who was also a Hydra. According to Stephanie and Whitehall's information, General Hale also studied in this school, and he was the best of all young Hydras at the time. As a result of the deal between Alexander Pierce and Dr. Whitehall at the time, the young Hale gave birth to a girl through artificial insemination, and that girl was Ruby. Ruby's performance in school is even better than that of her mother, and she is worthy of being the product of the experiment of the top biologist Whitehall in terms of physical fitness and intelligence.

As compensation for Hale, Alexander Pierce put Hale into the military.

It's just that before he could use this power, Salomon simply and neatly seized the results of the Hydra rebellion, even taking away the sky carrier, leaving nothing to Alexander Pierce.

The mystic intends to give Ruby, the ruby, to Stephanie for education, and her mother, General Hale, will get an interview with him. Although General Hale doesn't have much actual combat experience, Salomon still needs a general—not only to help Stephanie's manpower control the US Department of Defense, but also to gather a large number of war resources and soldiers in future wars. Salomon was not arrogant enough to think that he could save the world alone. To achieve that goal, he needed soldiers who had undergone systematic training, even the worst ones.

General Hale will fly in an unmarked gunship, and no one will be able to track her down.

The CIA is not the MI5 that allows terrorists to walk in and launch missiles. After the Langley headquarters was attacked, the entire intelligence world was in turmoil. Even if the FBI disagreed, the CIA still used its own power to screen the Hydra forces in the country. This is also an opportunity for General Hale to fall to the Immortal City. The situation in the United States is becoming more and more tense, and even the military has begun to quietly check itself. General Hale has already received wind through his own relationship. This was Salomon's feedback on arranging Natasha Romanov and other assassins to sneak into Langley headquarters to steal information and assassinate them. He did not expect that a mission he arranged would increase his own strength in disguise.

Although he knew that the result of the so-called "internal investigation" was "no result", General Hale was not sure how strong this investigation was, in order to ensure that he could continue to hide, instead of being uprooted and put in prison. In extreme tension she approached Gideon Malik, a former member of the World Security Council. Although the abolitionist faction in the United States is extremely rampant, the abolition of the death penalty is only for politicians to meet the psychological needs of the White Left Virgins. Such a good thing as avoiding death is absolutely impossible to happen to Hydra.

But that's a few days later, and he now has to go to the veterinary hospital to pick up the Cheshire cat, and then have a good chat with the veterinarian about the cat's weight loss plan. The Cheshire Cat was really fat. The last time Salomon saw it, the fat on its belly was almost hanging to the floor.

Ask for a ticket!

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