Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 780: The Aftermath of the Bar Fight (Second Change)

"I'm sorry, Fitz, the clue you want has been dissolved by sea water." Daisy wiped her wet hair with a dry towel. She and Fitz talked through thick tempered glass. It is said that this is to prevent parasites from spreading through the air. All the air in the room must be filtered and heated before it can be exchanged.

Since she had just soaked in the icy sea not long ago, Daisy was not wearing a black elastic vest as usual, but was wrapped tightly in a thick blanket. Daisy looked remorseful, "As for Joseph Haddad, I'm sorry that he has sunk into the sea."

"It doesn't matter, one picture is enough." Fitz stretched out his finger and tapped the tablet computer in his hand, he didn't care about Joseph Haddad's fate. According to the original isolation procedure, he was not allowed to touch electronic products, but Agent Coulson insisted that Fitz could also work in the isolation ward. Salomon said that it doesn't matter, as long as the isolation regulations are in place, he doesn't care about other things at all.

"I once read a book in the Bodleian Library, and I should be able to borrow it if I go now." Fitz said, "The history of that giant stone is quite long, and it has left many traces in human history. From the Germanic tribes to the Hundred Years' War, from the Napoleonic Wars to England, the parchment can only prove that the origin of the giant stone is the Middle East. As for how the giant stone arrived in Europe, I have no way of guessing without any historical evidence."

"Can you...can you point out which book it is so that we can find clues." Daisy spread her hands and shrugged. "At least I have to wait until the bathroom is free and I'll take a hot shower before setting off."

"I can't do it. I just looked up information when I was idle in school." Fitz said that he couldn't help. "I'm not a professional historian, and Simmons has never been involved in topics other than biology."

"Historian? I thought of someone!" Daisy laughed and jumped up, "Damn it! I should have thought of it earlier! Do you remember that Asgardian, Professor Randolph, the owner of the Berserker's Cane? I believe he must know something!"

The country with the best and most humane prisons in the world is none other than Norway. Hadel prison not only has woods, churches, gyms, but also activity rooms, clinics, libraries and greenhouses. The sofa appliances have everything you need, and the mattresses in the cells are as soft as feathers. Professor Randolph was very envious of this, and he very much wished that he could be put in such a prison. When S.H.I.E.L.D. agents found him, he was squatting in a cell that was far from what he'd expected. There is no soft mattress, no gym and TV, no baths and hot springs, and the prison guards can only bring him a lot of books to pass the time-the reason is simple, because what Professor Randolph committed was nothing more than alcoholism and riots, and he cannot be put in a five-star prison for serious criminals.

Professor Randolph didn't want anyone to find him. He kept saying that he would spend the rest of his life in a higher-level prison and never come out again. He also told Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. that no matter what Daisy and Coulson persuaded, Professor Randolph was unwilling to leave the cell.

"You just drank some alcohol, maybe you also attacked the police, and you'll be out in a few months," Coulson said. "Why do you want to stay in prison?"

"To be precise, I finished all the wine." Randolph had a headache when he thought of what happened before, and he still wanted to drink two sips so that he could forget what happened before. "Even if the Asgardians can't drink, I've drank all the wine I've stored for a hundred years."

"Why?" asked Daisy, "why did you suddenly drink up all the wine?"

"I just got into a fight with someone in the bar. I drank a little too much that day." Professor Randolph pointed to his eye sockets, and the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents could still see his swollen eye sockets with broken skin. According to the file, the bar fight happened at least a week ago. This made Coulson a little surprised. He didn't know who beat Professor Randolph so badly in the hand-to-hand combat, and he didn't know why the small wound on Professor Randolph's eye socket couldn't heal for a long time. Without Agent Coulson asking, Professor Randolph, who is an Asgardian, immediately began to brag about his fighting experience. This is a common feature of Asgardians, and they must brag after a fight.

"I got into a fight with a one-eyed old man."

"That's it?" Daisy asked, "You haven't fought, have you? Aren't you an Asgardian?"

"Yes, but the other party is... Forget it, pretend I didn't say it. Anyway, I drank too much that day, and then I drank all the wine in my collection." Professor Randolph was visibly depressed, "I will never step out of prison, don't even think about it."

Seeing that Professor Randolph's attitude became more and more determined, Agent Coulson finally planned to solve the problem.

"I remember you were evading capture, Professor Randolph," he said. "Unfortunately, I have some connections with you Asgardians."


"This little iron fence can't stop you, Professor Randolph. Unless you're willing to help us, we'll find a portal and send you back to Asgard." Agent Coulson raised his eyebrows with a very confident look. "I can guess the attitude of Asgardians towards deserters with my toes, and it's a deserter like you who has been fleeing for hundreds of years."

Professor Randolph grinned, his expression full of ridicule. "This threat is useless to me, Coulson. I think they already know I'm on Earth."

"I promise not, or Ms. Sif would have taken you away a few months ago."

"I mean, they've known since the last brawl in the pub," said Professor Randolph. "I'm going to die. You guys go away and bring me some more wine. I'm going to die. My heart will be pierced by a spear and you'll see my head chopped off and put on a spear. I'm a deserter. My soul will never return to Valhal, and I'll be tortured in Helheim. This is the end of me, Coulson, don't bother me, let me be at peace Meet death."

"Who could do that to you?" Coulson asked. "This is Earth, and nothing can hurt you."

"Your human regime is weak, and it's just a vassal of Asgard. My king has the right to exercise all the powers he was born with here, and he will bring me punishment. Let's go, I have already called several friends and students, and I plan to see them for the last time. Don't bother me, Coulson, if you have any sympathy."

The hearts of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., especially Coulson, were filled with desperation. He knew how to solve this matter, but he also knew that the trouble caused by solving this matter might not be able to bear the current S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I know someone who can help you out." He sighed. He first comforted the depressed Professor Randolph, then turned to look at Daisy Johnson and Melinda May.

"Don't even think about it." Melinda May, who had been silent since entering the prison, said suddenly, "If you insist on doing your own thing, I will never help you solve the problem again. You can also see what S.H.I.E.L.D. has become after he came once. We have no manpower."

Coulson smiled awkwardly.

"What do you mean?" Daisy looked around. She slowly read something from Coulson's expression, and when she understood everything, she immediately expressed strong resistance. "Isn't it? We must be looking for that arrogant megalomaniac?"

"At present, it seems that only he and Professor Randolph can help us solve the problem." Coulson said, "It won't be the same as last time, Daisy. We just ask him to help write an official letter, and we won't let him interfere in the internal affairs of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Ask for a ticket!

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