Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 781 Stupid Agent (Part 1)

Putting aside impetuous eyes and focusing on the truth, you will find that although the Immortal City has a large number of high-tech weapons and equipment and well-trained soldiers, and is still training soldiers and conducting genetic modification experiments, it is essentially a military organization, and Salomon is a warlord leader. The term warlord was not a pleasant term at all, and he knew it well, but he also knew that sooner or later he would have the opportunity to change this title to a higher-level title.

After all, this world is full of idiots who claim to be gods when they have some ability, and want to rule the world when they have some money. He is better than those idiots no matter what. Stephanie's vision for the future is ambitious, and her devotion is unquestionable. The desire for power of the blood of Hydra made her know what to do and what not to do.

For example, she chose to ignore the communication sent by Agent Coulson after answering it, because she could make a decision on her own.

S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Immortal City's research on the monolith went in two diametrically opposed directions. The S.H.I.E.L.D. desperately traced the whereabouts of the megalith after the Napoleonic Wars, and the Immortal City went to the Middle East to find ancient legends. This was the direction of research Salomon set out, and Stephanie was convinced of it, because she had never seen the monarch go wrong. But since the Immortal City did not have a professional archaeological department, Stephanie contacted Salomon's most familiar adventurer and archaeologist, Laura Crawford, and asked this lady who had experienced at least two thrilling archaeological adventures to help.

"Paintings, sculptures, and books are all works of art created by humans in the past to praise certain things, certain virtues, and certain legends. These things are the basis of the culture and way of thinking that define a population. Culture is another ship that carries us to the sea of ​​stars. If we lose these things, lose our culture and way of thinking, then even if we reach the end of the universe, we can only be called beasts using high-tech tools." Salomon once expressed his views on past art and culture, "We will establish a similar department in the future, It’s about protecting and discovering what’s left in this world, and protecting our culture. It’s an important way to define who we are, and it’s part of the conquest.”

That means a lot of funding, Stephanie thought.

Lara Croft called back with surprising speed, asking enthusiastically if any interesting relics had been found.

Salomon is Lara Croft's only investor, because she will never be able to reveal the truth of her investigation to the public. But even so, the adventurer still enjoyed it—especially after the Immortal City began to wipe out Holy Trinity, even the news of slandering her in the London tabloids decreased a lot, and she became more cheerful and even had time to practice shooting and fighting. In view of Salomon's behavior of burning money for investing in Lara Croft's adventure business in the past, Stephanie could only reluctantly allocate a sum of money with a smile, and promised a certain amount of armed support, so that Lara Croft could make an indelible contribution to the world's cultural heritage.

And that damn private jet!

Although nominally private jets are Salomon's personal assets, the users are basically Lara Croft. In fact, Stephanie also wanted to take that private jet, but because Salomon liked the safety, speed and firepower of the assault transport boat, the comfort was second. Therefore, Stephanie, who often followed him everywhere, could only bear the hard seat of the assault transport boat. I have to say that the bumping of the assault transport boat is really painful. What made her even more angry was that it was said that the archaeologist still had some unclear relationship with Salomon. Although she couldn't use the power of the intelligence department to investigate clearly, this legend was enough to make her feel unhappy.

"I also need to visit a friend of my father's in Norway," Laura said apologetically.

Gritting her teeth, Stephanie sent a message to the airport to start arranging for Lara Croft to fly to Norway. The archaeologist claimed that after finishing his private affairs, he could begin to study the materials given by the Immortal City, and there would definitely not be too long a delay. Stephanie is not interested in investigating which friends of Lara Croft's father, Richard Croft, are in Norway, or she will find out that the S.H.I.E.L.D.

"I still have guests!" Professor Randolph was very annoyed by Agent Coulson and his team. "Leave the information and come back to me in a few days." He said, "If I can't give you an answer, then whatever you do is fine."

"We're not punks, Professor Randolph." Agent Coulson smiled. "We just want to ask for your help. And I'm afraid we don't have a few days left. We have to solve the problem now."

"I see." Professor Randolph stood up and glanced towards the end of the corridor outside the cell. He lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "Then did you bring me something?"

"There are inspections at the gate of the prison."

"You agents, you must have a way to bypass the inspection!"

Agent Coulson throws Daisy a look that means "I told you so". Daisy scrunched her face and pulled a small wine board from her chest. "Only this." She stuffed the small wine plate in, "No comments are allowed, and no smells are allowed."

"Human women are trouble." Professor Randolph muttered, and eagerly opened the small wine bottle and drank it down.

Daisy wrinkled her face in disgust.

"Now, look at these things. This is all the information we have so far." Coulson handed over the photo of the boulder, the liquefied video, the scanned picture of the parchment, and Fitz's guess about the boulder. Professor Randolph directly skipped over the data and charts written by Fitz, and turned directly to the page with the pattern like a child who just learned to read.

"Portal?" Professor Randolph raised his head in surprise.

"Yes, a portal." Coulson said, "I believe that you have been hiding on Earth for so many years, and you must have been worried that one day the Rainbow Bridge will take you away, so you must have studied the relevant legends."

"But I haven't seen this stone."

"Think about it again."

"I haven't finished yet... I've seen this, an ancient Hebrew word that means death." Professor Randolph pointed at the scanned pattern of the parchment with his finger, "Where did you find this thing?"

Daisy couldn't wait to answer, "It's in the hands of a gangster in the old town of Tangier. Since you care about this thing, it means you've seen it."

"It's just an ordinary ancient Hebrew word. But your observation is very keen. Although this word is common, I saw it once in a place where it shouldn't appear, in England." Professor Randolph licked his lips. "I was invited to a noble banquet at that time. Although the European nobles learned to take a bath again at that time, the smell was still not very good. I saw a very beautiful lady at that time, but when the smell of her perfume dissipated in the morning..."

Agent Coulson interrupted the old guy in time and continued to recall the past, "Ahem, we're not here to hear you talk about past affairs, Professor Randolph."

"Okay, okay. I did see the word in England. It's etched on the wall of an old castle in Gloucestershire. I was a little drunk, so I didn't pay much attention."

"If we provide a map, would you be able to point out the location of the old castle?" Agent Coulson asked.

Facing this kind of question, Professor Randolph just pointed to his head. "How are you stupid, Son of Cole?" he said, "Can't you just turn on Google Maps and find it?"

Ask for a ticket!

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