Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 785 Do everything yourself (first update)

Stephanie waited after ringing the doorbell. She is no stranger to New York penthouses, but this is the first time she has come to Salomon's residence in New York. The last time she came to Salomon's cloakroom through the portal. That previous decision meant that Salomon would have to go even less to the university, but it did not mean that he would be able to withdraw from his official duties in the Immortal City. Stephanie had brought many of the documents he requested, all of which he needed while working from home.

Dinah, who was wearing a short dress, opened the door for her. Stephanie silently looked at the figure and clothes of the first artificial human being created, instead of the oil paintings hanging in the corridor and the seemingly random marble sculptures, guessing Salomon's true taste. Without saying a word, Dinah led her directly through the corridor - she caught a glimpse of two beautiful women in cool clothes in a room with an open door, vinyl records were playing music from the 1950s, and another room was full of equipment used in a chemistry laboratory. Some rooms were even larger than the entire apartment, and some rooms were still unable to be illuminated by sunlight even with the curtains open, and shouts that could freeze blood came faintly from the shadows. Stephanie hurriedly followed the footsteps of the maid. After passing through several closed doors and stepping over the fat gray cat lying arrogantly in the middle of the corridor, Dinah led her to the study, where Stephanie saw the mystic in pajamas.

Stephanie took a deep breath quietly.

"It's just in time, dear Stephanie." Salomon turned the pen in his hand, and the corners of his energetic eyes narrowed happily. "I spent a morning studying financial issues, and then I thoroughly discovered the fun of this number game." Even when he was talking, his peripheral vision still did not leave the computer screen, and the jumping numbers and curves affected the wealth of billions of people. "The possibility of the Fed raising interest rates is getting higher and higher, and continuing to export currency liquidity will only lead to the outbreak of the economic crisis again, and then shrink the assets of the chaebols. This is absolutely not allowed, so stocks should be shorted and shorted, and then convert banknotes into the materials we really need." He said, "I think we can buy commodities at the bottom next year, including oil, grain, precious metals and industrial metals."

"That's what you hire an agent for, and let them make money for you instead of doing it themselves."

"I know, I know, it's not a good thing to do everything by yourself, but I just want to play games." Salomon smiled at Stephanie's accusation, "I can't help itching my hands when I think of attacking Jewish chaebols like Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase. I know that these companies are investors in the United States, and they can even launch the Securities Regulatory Commission to investigate me, but so what? When they react, I will change my identity and continue to stir up trouble in the stock market!"

"You will embarrass me when I take you to Columbia University for dinner, my lord. The Jews of the Frankfurt School are representatives of the chaebol. The various theories they put forward are to make the chaebol better. Even the Malik family has to establish a good relationship with them." Stephanie frowned and handed the document to the mystic, covering the parchment with geometric figures and complex runes that made people dizzy at a glance. "Our infiltration plan is going too slowly , The assets embezzled by the Immortal City can't shake the chaebol's control over the world at all."

"The military expenditure of the Immortal City is as high as 80%, Stephanie." Salomon's eyes made the daughter of Hydra somewhat puzzled, "When those chaebols transformed their wealth into stocks, mansions, yachts, jewelry, and banquets, the Immortal City transformed their wealth into planes, tanks, guns, ammunition, training troops, and various high-tech weapons and equipment. No matter how closely the chaebols and the military-industrial complex are tied together, they cannot have a real army after all. Fighting against the private army of the Clinton family proved the immortality There is a huge difference between the city and the plutocrats, they are plutocrats, and we are warlords. If you put a gun on their heads, then we have the final say."

"This is too rough and inappropriate. Have you forgotten how Kennedy died?" Stephanie said, "We have controlled several banks and investment institutions, and at least maintain a superficial cooperative relationship, which is beneficial to the Immortal City."

Stephanie ruled out the Avengers after considering all the variables. As long as the evidence is not caught, the Avengers have no reason to attack the Immortal City, and part of the job of the intelligence service is to erase the evidence, including any information about Salomon-even if it is caught, Natasha Romanoff can help as an insider buried in the Avengers. It's just that Stephanie doesn't like that unstable double agent. She prefers the methods used by Hydra-born agents, assassination, bribery, whatever works, and efficiency comes first.

"It's really inappropriate. We haven't declared war publicly." Salomon nodded. "I'm just reminding you to change your way of thinking. Our previous actions have left the U.S. intelligence agency with no time to act as a watchdog for the plutocrats. Maybe some Middle Eastern terrorist organization will admit it, and then the U.S. will start another war to stimulate the economy. But that's for the future. Even before we start the war, we can prepare and eat up the U.S. military allocations and supplies. I'll see what happened after I got off work yesterday."

"After reading it, tell me why you asked someone to build a tomahawk."

"Well... I can't go to Europe recently, but it doesn't mean that I can't participate in some activities of the local people in New York and other planets. The new blood of the sisterhood needs exercise, the number zero needs exercise, and other candidates of the Guards need exercise after undergoing surgery and the cultivation of time stones." He said, "I sent them to alien planets to use time dilation to give them time to exercise. This is knowledge that teaching machines can't teach. There is nothing simpler and more direct than an ax for killing people, and I also need to relax."

"Then what are those?"

"Oh, that's a sweater I knitted myself!" Salomon raised his chin proudly. Although the colors of these furs were a bit ugly, he didn't care, and called it art instead. He found that the term postmodern art is really useful, and it is no wonder that a group of painters with poor skills can use it to justify themselves.

"I'm going to give you one too! Pick the color yourself, and I'll knit a glove for you."

"Please don't do this, my lord." Stephanie sighed, "Take a good look at the financial situation. Funding Laura Crawford will cost a lot of money, and you may even be charged with destroying cultural relics. If you want to preserve history, then the money can add up to build a small museum. I don't understand what is important about her, is it her figure?"

"Don't be angry, my dear secretary, money has never been a problem. Lara Croft naturally has her important place, but now is not the time." Salomon said, "When the Mars mining ship is built, we can go to the asteroid belt to mine. If you can't wait, then I will give you some of Karma Taj's secular assets to take care of."

"Okay, then let's talk about General Hale. Tomorrow is the time for negotiations. We should figure out how to get the most out of her."

Gah, the scriptwriter for The Witcher Season 2 blocked me.

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