Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 786 Imperial Guard Constantine (Second Change)

General Hale wasn't here to surrender, at least not in her look.

"I thought I'd see your daughter, Hale." Gideon Malik stepped forward to meet her in the wind of the helicopter. This is a very clean and tidy woman. She is wearing a simple black women's suit and a heavy velvet coat. Her long golden hair is tied into a tight bun behind her head. Even her makeup is not as delicate as that of ordinary women. Her nails were cut very short, she didn't wear any jewelry, and she revealed a capable temperament everywhere. "I even specially prepared a gift for her!"

"I don't know where you heard the rumors, Gideon." General Hale's face remained unchanged, "I'm still unmarried."

"Oh, I must have misremembered. I'm sorry, I'm too old." Gideon Malick shouted with a smile, "Come with me, the temperature in the Alps is too low. I've lit the fire, so you can keep warm. Tonight is a good time to drink mulled wine, and you must always drink the red wine that Stephanie personally selected."

"I'd love to, Gideon." General Hale followed Gideon Malik off the tarmac.

This is an ancient castle, built hundreds of years ago, once belonged to a down-and-out nobleman. The previous generation of Malik family spokesmen bought this place after World War I, and used it as a summer resort in summer. In summer, the air here is cool, and you can see green pastures and flocks of sheep as far as you can see. However, it is winter now, and the cold wind in the mountains carries some snowflakes, wandering in the channel made of blackened stone bricks. Although General Hale was wearing heavy clothes, her face was still livid with cold. The warmth brought by the brazier lit in the passage was insignificant. The smell of burning wood, fuel and burning metal almost made her feel like she was in a certain war workshop.

Even knowing that her bodyguards are always behind her, she is still uneasy about this negotiation. The sound of the helicopter engine became farther and farther away, and finally disappeared completely in the winding passage. Gideon Malik held out his hand, inviting General Hale up the stairs.

"Maybe I need a companion." She took Gideon Malik's arm. "I think I might get lost."

"It's an honor, ma'am," Gideon Malik replied with a smile, leading General Hale into the castle. Unlike what he imagined, this place is not a deep and dark lair of terror, but a gorgeous and warm palace. General Hale thought he had entered the king's room in a trance. A crimson banner was hung on the throne in the center, on which a soaring eagle was embroidered with golden silk thread, surrounded by golden laurel wreaths. Over the smaller seat next to the throne, another flag hangs. That is the Hydra in ancient legends with pure black as the background color and white lines. In addition, there are some shields painted with badges neatly arranged on the walls on both sides of the hall. Although General Hale has not studied heraldry, she can still tell what those badges represent.

Snakes, scales and fangs, these emblems all have these elements.

These are the crests of the Hydra family.

"The most important function of history is to let us know where we came from." Gideon Malik patted General Hale's palm. He felt the woman's fingers were cold, just like the snow-covered branches outside the castle. General Hale smiled, expressing that he was extremely interested in history.

"It's still too cold here, let's go to a warm room and have a delicious meal." He led General Hale through a door. General Hale was surprised to find some women in black armor standing here, and she was keenly aware of the high technology contained in those armors. Since the Department of Defense's plan to force Tony Stark to hand over the technology failed, the United States' power armor research has stood on the same starting line as other countries. She didn't expect the Malik family to have such technical prowess.

Instead of introducing the women, Gideon Malik introduced General Hale to the portraits that hung in the hallway. “Every portrait here is of a person who has had great achievements and contributions,” he said, “including the Malik family.”

General Hale forced a smile and said, "I'm glad you opened up the history of the Malik family to me, but you know I don't have much time."

"Sorry, I've made another old mistake. I'm too old. Please follow me." He led General Hale on. The further you go, the darker the light in the corridor. The electric lights disappeared, only the lit candles and lanterns. General Hale saw something shiny ahead that she thought was a light.

It was a giant wearing gorgeous golden armor. He had occupied all sights since he appeared, and the height of the corridor seemed barely able to accommodate his presence. He is like a golden statue wearing a crimson cloak. On the thick golden shoulder armor are sculptures of skulls and eagle wings. Various delicate reliefs of the sun, moon, flowers, trees, runes, and animals are engraved on the surface of his armor. The breastplate and arm armor are decorated with priceless gemstones, reflecting the candlelight in the corridor. The pointed helmet with the wings of an eagle is decorated with red tassels, and the huge halberd that ordinary people can't use is loaded with weapons of amazing caliber.

General Hale felt her courage thinning out as she approached the giant, and it took all of her willpower to keep from screaming and ordering the bodyguards behind her to shoot. She regretted her lack of preparation, she never expected the Malik family to have such strength.

No, not right!

She suddenly understood Gideon Malik's purpose in taking her around the hall. Gideon Malik told her in a tactful way that the Hydra now has a master, and these are the powers possessed by the master of the Malik family. Super soldiers, power armor...General Hale has no doubts that this is just the tip of the iceberg of the powers that the mysterious figure possesses.

She is now the one who has come to surrender, and she has to show her worth. When the giant spoke, General Hale felt the air in his lungs being sucked out.

"He is waiting for you," said the giant. He raised his arms in an inviting gesture. It was only then that General Hale noticed that this was not a piece of medieval armor, but a piece of power armor that humans could not complete with current technology. He looked at General Hale's bodyguard, "Just you, and you. Except you."

"We all understand, Constantine." Gideon nodded, opened the door, and dragged General Hale, who was still in a trance, inside. Gideon didn't want to blame General Hale's behavior. Her composure was the result of years of military training. He'd behaved worse than her when he first met the Janissaries. General Hale's bodyguard hesitated, wondering if he should follow up. He looked at the thickness of the shoulder armor and felt that the pistol he was carrying could not penetrate such protection at all, and it was impossible to even leave a trace on it.

"She will be all right," said the giant again, "as long as she pleases my master."

"Your master?" The bodyguard felt that all his nerves were calling the police, and he felt the danger of the giant in front of him. His fingers were numb, his legs and feet were weak, but years of service experience allowed him to barely stand instead of falling to the ground, "Did you use the super soldier serum?"

The Giant did not answer, but fell silent. He stood upright, like a robot that had been powered off.

Ask for a ticket!

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