Marvel Book of Magical Events

Merry Christmas, ask for leave, don’t raise books, and ask for tickets at the end of the month!

You see, doesn't everything come together?

First it was Christmas, and the plot continued until Christmas. It can be said that my mother was waiting for this day.

However, I have to give the cat an injection today, so I may not be able to finish writing, so I can only ask for a day off. Recently, you also know that I was trying to write the screenwriter of the boxer in the second season of "The Witcher", and then I was blocked. The Twitter account that participated in the screenwriter's Q\u0026A was banned this morning, because it was reported for speaking too poisonously.

Finally, it's the end of the month, and those who raise books can subscribe, so I should ask for a ticket.

Ask for tickets, woo woo woo! ! ! ! ! !

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