Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 791 Christmas Special (Part 1)

"This is your gift, Wanda." After the dinner, Bayonetta took out the gift she had prepared for a long time. Wanda was quite surprised when she received the gift. There was no mention of giving a gift in the invitation letter, which made her quite embarrassed because she had nothing on hand to give back. Encouraged by Salomon's eyes, Wanda took a deep breath and carefully tore open the gift wrapping paper.

The witch's taste is exactly the same as Salomon's. Gemstones, precious metals, guns and swords, even if Salomon was not involved in the preparation of Christmas gifts, he could guess the scope of the gifts. But this gift was a little exaggerated. He had never seen anyone put a ruby ​​and a dagger on a large-caliber revolver. It's just that he didn't dare to raise an opinion, because not long ago, Beunita had cleaned him and Joan neatly, and then asked Dinah to make a new main course for them to eat. Wanda was amazed by the strange surroundings of the home, and the strange-looking silver revolver could no longer frighten her.

Compared with the gift given by Bayonetta on behalf of the witch, Salomon's gift is more intimate. It was a pair of dark red gloves, with a big letter M woven with yellow wool on the back of the hands, the overall shape was quite cute. If it wasn't for Bayonetta's reminder, Wanda Maximoff would never have guessed that these gloves were woven by Salomon herself.

"Christmas Eve needs to give each other gifts." Salomon blinked at Wanda, "We all know that Pietro plans to spend time in the Avengers base, so we plan to invite you to come and spend Christmas with us. Don't think that we have any religious beliefs, we just want to find a way to spend money, so don't expect us to have any prayers. You are like us, you have to face some demons and monsters, and you are alone..."

Wanda's expression was indescribably complicated. "Thank you, thank you very much..."

Bayonetta hugged Wanda who was about to cry into her arms, and Salomon was envious when she saw it. Had he been the one to prepare for Christmas himself, he probably wouldn't have thought of inviting Wanda, and if it weren't for Bayonetta, his relationships would have been pretty bad. He quietly grimaced, and then received another slap on the shoulder from Joan. "Let's watch a family comedy." Bayonetta patted Wanda on the back, then glanced at the mystic from the corner of her eye, "Anyway, no one needs to sleep tonight, in any sense."

"Give me ten minutes, and then I will join your little activities." Salomon stood up holding the cat, turned a corner in the corridor and walked into the study. Constantine has already walked into the study from the door of the apartment, because besides Salomon's safety needs to be guaranteed, many materials in this study also need to be protected. In the game between Constantine and Dana, he successfully persuaded Dana to hand over the security work that this part of the sisterhood hadn't noticed to the Praetorian Guard. Constantine nodded to Salomon, and at the same time handed over a report - the report was the official business that Salomon missed during dinner. Salomon took a cursory look at it and immediately focused on one of the tasks. This task came from Stephanie's memo, but Salomon didn't need a memo, he didn't forget MI5's investigation of the Gloucestershire Castle.

Poor Stephanie is still working in Europe, and old Malik has to deal with entertainment from politicians and chaebols. The Malik family has been overwhelmed by various official duties this Christmas, so Salomon has no intention of using this trivial matter to bother Stephanie.

He dialed an encrypted satellite phone to Victoria Hand, the head of intelligence, and asked her to take over the job.

The intelligence service works in 24-hour shifts throughout the year. For this kind of work intensity, this kind of atmosphere of using people like animals, Agent Hand feels like he has returned to S.H.I.E.L.D. "Take the surveillance from the Gloucestershire office," he said. "In the name of the CIA, ask MI5 to check whether the two people in the surveillance are MI5 agents. If not, send MI5 a request for coordinated arrest."

"And if so?" Agent Victoria Hand asked.

"Could it be that the British government has the final say?" Salomon asked rhetorically. Weary laughter came from the other end of the phone. "Remember to go to the password box in my office to receive this year's intelligence department's year-end bonus. You know the password." Salomon said, "One of the blank checks is for you, and you have the right to write the number you want on it. Stephanie was supposed to send the intelligence department bonus, but now she is busy with other things."

"Thank you, boss."

"You're welcome, after all, I want you to work overtime on Christmas Eve, and I'm not a stingy guy like Nick Fury." Even at this time, Salomon still did not forget to ridicule the style of S.H.I.E.L.D. If he didn't know that Nick Fury would not meet him 100%, he would definitely send the former S.H.I.E.L.D. director a gift, such as a few S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. "It's very likely that people from S.H.I.E.L.D. will be caught on the surveillance. I can guess with my toes that MI5 will never catch them. But it doesn't matter, as long as they get rid of Gloucestershire."

"May I ask, why is S.H.I.E.L.D. going there?"

"You can unlock part of the data in the archives according to your own authority, and find the voyage records of the Retribution sky carrier." He said, "I sent you high-tech documents with genetic code locks and iris locks for this purpose. I know you don't care about that small document, but I still want you to see the built-in program of that document."

Victoria Hand on the other end of the phone took out the certificate in the drawer with doubts. Following Salomon's instructions, she opened the black wallet, put her finger on the skull emblem representing the intelligence department, and at the same time placed the double-headed eagle emblem on her cheek, allowing a burst of blue light to shine on her eyes. Agent Hand felt a tingle in his fingers, and then the seemingly ordinary ID wallet immediately began to show its powerful functions.

She can browse all the electronic devices around her through the holographic projection, and obtain the data and control rights of the electronic devices through its built-in programs. The most powerful function of this certificate is the entered genetic code lock, which grants authority by determining the random genetic sequence code. Victoria Hand's authority is red level nine, which means that she can see almost all information related to the real plane except magic information, as well as a small amount of top-secret information related to Kama Taj.

"It's too bad, it actually involves Hydra and ancient legends in the Middle East?"

"Yes. But don't worry, our archaeologist Laura Crawford has already set off. I just hope that this job does not disrupt the gift given to her by fate." Salomon said, "I plan to let Laura Crawford take charge of an organization dedicated to collecting cultural relics in the future. This organization needs to be supervised by you and the magic department that will be established. I hope you can be prepared. After all, many relics on the earth are related to very dangerous magic. Even after 1,500 years, they have not been fully excavated."

Victoria Hand sighed.

"I finally understand why you want to give me a bonus, boss."

Ask for a ticket!

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