Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 795: Number of Nuclear Weapons (Part 1)

This Christmas is destined to be troubled for New Yorkers. Although they can't see the invisible, the damage caused by the angels can affect the real world. Two of the three fighter jets of the "Platinum Star" aerobatic team were controlled by the angels, and the panicked pilots without exception chose to activate the ejection seats, allowing the fighter jets to accelerate and dive toward Manhattan.

Bayonetta pinched the gray fur in disgust.

She kicked the fighter "a little" harder, and some black motor oil inevitably stained her pure white dress. This is the dress she prepared for the Christmas party. It is expensive, delicate and easy to get dirty. She was expecting this dress to be torn apart violently tonight. But she thought about last night when Salomon called her behavior in bed a "broken shower", and she scratched and scratched at him like a mother cat. The witch felt that it was not enough, and she should show the little boy she trained since childhood a little bit more.

"Come on," she said to the sorority. Catherine and her team used the weapons of the real plane to hurt the angel in the shallow ether. This is a very incredible thing, not to mention that Catherine can force the angel to reveal its body in the real plane with a loud shout. This is completely impossible for artificial humans who have almost no spellcasting ability. But the witches didn't have time to think about the reasons for this. The most important thing now is to solve these evil spirits flying around the sky.

"Unless this matter is resolved, tonight's Christmas party will not be held, and you will not be able to see your host."

Salomon stood on the balcony of the New York Temple, his eyes gleaming with arcane light. The same is true for Wanda beside him, they are all observing the positions where the angels appear. The previously out-of-control fighter jet had regained control at this moment, and the water mirror in front of him clearly showed the witch's heroic fighting posture in the shallow etheric plane—Beunita and Joan of Arc were each standing on top of a plane, using their own strength to lead the fighter jet away from the urban area. At the same time, those angels were constantly harassing them, but none of them were their opponents. Compared with the witches who are able to do their job with ease, the sororities who are far behind have to work much harder. Their jetpacks are not so easy to catch up with fighter jets, and they can only be responsible for destroying some scattered angels.

The Sisterhood's battle groups are also the only things mortals can see.

Catherine was already in a frenzy of fighting, and Salomon let her go.

Salomon stretched out his fingers and stirred the water in the silver mirror. The mirror that was broken into thousands of pieces showed all the details of the battle at the same time. Wanda was amazed at the secret technique of his teacher. "Kama Taj was blinded by the peace of the upper and lower planes. Now the mystics have been looking for fragments of the past and future in the cosmic cauldron, to see whether the tides of the sea of ​​souls are the shelter of higher forces." He said, "But in any case, those monsters are not allowed to interfere with reality."

"Don't we really need to help?"

"We don't need it yet, these are just some lower-level angels, Bayonetta and Joan of Arc can handle it." Salomon said, "But it doesn't mean that we don't need to prepare. If the middle-level or upper-level angels appear, we have to go. After killing all the angels, Kama Taj will form an investigation team. According to the instructions from the guardian of the temple, His Holiness seems to want me to lead the team."

Wanda feels that Salomon's words mean that he wants to take her to join the investigation team. "Have you ever met an angel before?" she asked, "If there are angels, does that mean there is really a God in this world?"

"Yes, but I was not yet fifteen years old at that time, and the main troubles were solved by the witch and the venerable, and I was only responsible for monitoring the witch's execution of her mission." Salomon pulled his finger out of the silver water basin, made several circles out of thin air, and then two steaming ceramic cups rose up. "You can read the research on gods in the Karma Taj library, and then you will know what Kama Taj thinks about the so-called gods. Gods are not nobler than people, only weak people will bow to hypocritical power and power. Don't say such things next time, Wanda, I don't want my students to be cowards. Constantine, my armor and sword, and power armor for Wanda."

"Yes, my lord." Constantine's voice came from the tablet next to the water mirror, "The dwarves have repaired your armor, and Master Malbus has also repaired it, and the Sisterhood is ready to help you put on the armor. As for Ms. Maximov's armor, I have called up a set of standard Sisterhood force feedback power armor. Do you need any weapons, Ms. Maximov?"

Wanda looked at Salomon with doubts, but her teacher didn't mean to explain, but made the choice for her. "Take a plasma pistol, and the snake bone staff. Constantine, don't take the spiked one by mistake, Vissandi's magic weapon is not suitable for her." After he gave the order, he looked at Wanda, "You still have time to learn how to use the staff. It is a good melee weapon when necessary."

Before Wanda could ask about the so-called "how to use the staff", Constantine interjected, "One more thing, Ms. Stephanie also received the report. She asked if it was necessary to use a strategic weapon—'Hurry up and use up the hydrogen bomb that is about to expire, and the maintenance fee is a lot of money.' These are her exact words. How should I reply to her, my lord?"

"Then load nuclear weapons and use them when necessary." Salomon waved his hand impatiently, "Damn it, how many nuclear weapons do we have?"

"Since Master Marba joined, the Immortal City has produced weapons in accordance with your long-term combat readiness decree. At present, we have more than one hundred tactical nuclear weapons, and more than twenty strategic nuclear weapons. Among them, there are twenty red mercury ground-penetrating nuclear bombs, two neutron bombs, and five intercontinental hydrogen bombs..."

"Enough is enough, no wonder Stephanie complains about the maintenance cost of nuclear weapons." Salomon hurriedly interrupted Constantine's report. He can see these contents as long as he wants to, and he only needs the current tactical nuclear weapons and strategic nuclear weapons to be sufficient. He needs to wait for Marbus to digest the technology of Wakanda and aliens, and then produce weapons belonging to the Immortal City. Otherwise, even if the hardware can pose a threat to the enemy, the software will suffer, just like Hammer Industries in the past.

Wanda pointed into the distance and let out an exclamation. Salomon looked in the direction she pointed, and then cold anger rose in his chest. Even ordinary people can find the residential building that has been hit with a big hole, and a large amount of smoke and particles radiate to the surroundings like an explosion.

"Konstantin, make arrangements immediately, and then teleport to the New York Temple through the teleportation room. At the same time, order the sisters to prepare for battle, and the New York Temple will send you to the shallow etheric plane."

Bayonetta kept jumping in the flames of fighter jet explosions. The air seemed to freeze, and witch time endowed her with extraordinary senses and speed. In her eyes, everything was like a slow-moving tape, dragged into a long syllable. She ended up on a subway train going over the Williamsburg Bridge, and stood on the last car, watching more and more angels gather. The sporadic middle-level angels began to appear frequently, and although the witches were still able to cope, it was not until a gorgeous serpentine angel with a lot of gold ornaments on its body appeared from the sky that Beunita and Joan of Arc became serious.

If they don't want the battle to spread to ordinary citizens, they have to do something dangerous.

Ask for a ticket!

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