Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 796: Entering the Battle (Second Change)

A mid-level Angel emerged, running wildly on the Williamsburg Bridge. The neat rails were trampled flat by an invisible force, and the concrete was crushed. The historic bridge began to shake, the steel cable broke with a groaning sound, and the unbound thin steel wires shot out at an extremely fast speed, whipping the air and making a dangerous whistling sound.

The hurricane blowing out of nowhere shook the bridge, and almost all passengers felt fear and fled towards the front compartment. The subway began to accelerate, and Bayonetta and Joan stood on the last car, waiting for the monster to approach. The monstrosity had a gigantic arm, what could barely be called an inverted pot-shaped body, and a marbled, expressionless face.

The witches are very familiar with that same face, and they have hunted many creatures with this face.

This time is no exception.

A headless mid-level angel with a huge sword in his hand flew over the East River and threw the huge sword in his hand at the witch.

The dazzling golden light flashed away, and a figure in golden armor appeared in midair, dragging two azure blue flames and fell madly, meeting the giant sword flying towards the witch. The long sword in Salomon's hand was pitifully small compared to the angel's giant sword. He swung the long sword like a bat, like a knight challenging a windmill. Accompanied by a violent sonic boom, the giant sword accelerated and flew back at a speed that the naked eye could not catch. The strong wind blown by the blade's rotation drew a white torrent on the surface of the East River.

The headless sage was hit by his giant sword, and before he could utter a wail, his porcelain-like body suddenly shattered, like a blood bag that was suddenly flattened, a large amount of blood that smelled of rosemary splashed out under the effect of the impact, and exploded into a thick blood mist. As if belatedly aware, the face of the headless archangel on the giant sword screamed. The giant sword and the heavy body of the angel rolled over the East River a few times before struggling to sink and turning into a golden spot of light. In the eyes of ordinary people, the splashed river rushes towards the bank like a torrential rain.

Salomon didn't stay too long, he had already used a short-distance teleportation, but there was no time left for him to chant the spell.

Under the joint effect of the jetpack and the flying spell, he passed through the broken steel cable of the Williamsburg Bridge straightly at the speed of the fifth-generation fighter jet, and caught up with the Archangel who was chasing the subway and the witch on the bridge. The monstrosity's long, misshapen hand cut deep into the carriage, tearing apart the steel. Taking advantage of the gap between the witch's firing to attract firepower, Salomon crossed the long sword, and cut off the knee of the powerful angel named "Faith" with the scorching holy sword.

In an instant, the energy angel rolled over due to losing his balance, rolling on the track like a mountain, almost crushing the subway car that was speeding up and the witch standing on the top of the car. The mystic uttered a short incantation that levitated the tumbling Enchantress, and with his shoulder armor knocked out the monster that had nearly destroyed the bridge.

"Your Majesty, ladies. Is the hunt still enjoyable?" he shouted as he stood on the twisting track, waving his hands, smelling of hot air and fuel.

"That's my prey, you idiot!" Joan of Arc was jumping up and down on the disastrously damaged last section of the gradually receding subway, cursing Salomon for taking her spoils. However, Salomon just shrugged and made a gesture, indicating that Joan was too far away, and he couldn't hear what he said. This action made the white-haired witch jump up and down, looking from a distance like a little white-haired man dancing there, very funny. So Salomon smiled, but soon his smile disappeared.

The majestic water vapor rose from the river, and its huge body mercilessly blocked the sun. He put on the helmet under the cover of thick water vapor. The detection system penetrated the thick fog and displayed the enemy's figure on the display screen of the helmet. The bomb supply system started to work, and the composite plasma large-caliber bolter hanging under the left arm armor was automatically loaded, making a crisp "click" sound, and the bullets engraved with deadly runes were waiting to be fired.

It wouldn't be an uphill battle, and things harder to kill than this had died in his hands.

"Thirty seconds," he said. This time is no exception.

Nearly every Sisterhood that could take part in the fight went into battle, and those Sisterhood fighters who took part in the battle wore steel wings for high mobility. The leaders of the Assault Squad and the Heavy Fire Squad are Catherine and Aura respectively, the two most trusted androids hunting and killing the lower third-order angels scattered in the city based on the information provided by Kama Taj. Now the sisterhood in the shallow etheric plane can finally see the appearance of the enemy clearly, and can punish those false angels with the weapons in their hands. Chanting their battle prayers aloud, and wearing burning incense burners at their waists, they worked together with astonishing efficiency, using swords, bombs, plasma, and lasers to their full potential.

Equally efficient is Constantine.

The armor of the Imperial Guard can also be equipped with a flight system, but because its size and armor are far more complex than the force-feedback power armor of the artificial man, the flight system of the Imperial Guard is also large and complex. This was the first time Wanda saw the fighting strength of the Praetorian Guards. The halberd with the bolter was swung at a speed that ordinary people couldn't see clearly. Almost no third-tier angel could survive under his hands for ten seconds. She thought that even the Hulk of the Avengers might die under such a terrible attack.

Constantine cleaned up all the angels he could see like a hurricane.

"Follow up." Constantine's voice was sent into Wanda's earphones through the encrypted communication system. After he finished speaking, he jumped off the New York Times Building on his own, his crimson robe billowing like wings. Constantine activated the jetpack in the gust of wind, stabbed the flashing halberd into the back of a centaur angel, and rushed towards the mid-level angel flying in another direction in the distance.

Wanda jumped down quickly.

Although she is wearing force feedback power armor, this does not prevent her from casting spells to make herself fly. What's more, she has already got the magic staff. If it weren't for the help of force feedback power armor, she might not even be able to hold this exaggerated weapon.

The silver-plated python skull at the top of the Snakebone Staff is encircled within a thick steel ring surrounded by metal spikes arranged in the shape of a cross. When she grasped the heavy metal body of the staff, the eye sockets of the giant python skull instantly lit up with a scarlet light—this was definitely not the skull of a giant python, let alone the skull of an earth creature, but the skull of some kind of magical creature similar to a snake. But before Wanda had time to ask more, she was sent into the battlefield by Master Daniel, and a team with Constantine carried out the suppression work.

She looked to the east with concern.

She could hear the startling wailing of the Williamsburg Bridge to the east, and she knew her teacher was fighting there. Ordinary people may only hear the sound of the steel cables of the Williamsburg Bridge snapping, and the roar of a raging river, but Wanda, who is in the shallow etheric plane, can feel the extremely painful emotions coming from that direction. This emotion is intermittent and then disappears without a trace.

Only then did Wanda breathe a sigh of relief, she felt that if she continued, she would go crazy because she couldn't bear this torture.

"Ms. Maximov!" Wanda woke up suddenly, and Constantine's voice brought her back to reality. She quickly swung her staff, launching several scarlet bandages. Bandages tightly held the leg of a lower third-order angel. Constantine seized the opportunity to alter the course, the jetpack spewing searing cones of flame, and the Praetorian swung his halberd, cutting the tip into the angel's back. The angel let out a cry of pain, and Constantine pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the high-explosive ammunition exploded at close range, completely shattering the angel's body.

The electric light of the electromagnetic shield flickered frequently on Constantine's body. "Please concentrate on it, Madame Maximov."

"Sorry, I will. Don't we really need to help?" Wanda said apologetically, but her gaze was still wandering to the east. Flashes and flames erupted there, and the stench of ionization filled the air.

"It turns out that the monarch's order is for us to wipe out the third-tier angels, so we will do so, unless he changes his order, or his life is in danger."

"what about now?"

"He's more than capable!"

Ask for a ticket!

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