Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 797 This is not the end (first update)

The dense water vapor gradually dissipated, and Salomon picked up the golden ring that fell on the ground with the tip of his sword.

This is the angel's halo, and the halo represents the angel's class and essence. Unless the witch summoned creatures from the lower plane to devour the angel, or handed the halo to the fallen angel craftsman Luo Dan, if he just left this thing and threw it back, a mid-level angel would be reborn in a short time. As for whether the angel will still be so ugly at that time, it is unknown. After all, it is just a spirit creature, and it can grow whatever it wants. Salomon activated the power of the holy sword, and the scorching sword cut off the halo like cutting butter, completely annihilating the soul of the intermediate angel. This is the power of the holy sword, which completely erases the essence of extradimensional creatures, and any ghosts and monsters will cry bitterly under this holy sword.

He overestimated the combat capability of that angel, it didn't take thirty seconds. At this moment, the subway had just pulled out of the Williamsburg Bridge, and the witches were greeting the lower-level angels who rushed towards them, and Joan had no time to worry about Salomon's behavior of snatching the prey.

"Konstantin, Catherine, Ola. Report the situation."

"I don't think the lower angels in Hell's Kitchen, Greenwich Village, and Soho are a problem anymore, my lord," Catherine said cheerfully. In fact, because the enemy density is not high, the heavy fire team can often solve the problem before the Sisterhood has yet to contact the enemy. Bombs and plasma are not what the ceramic shell bodies of the lower angels can bear. Even if there is a fish that slips through the net, whether it is a long sword flashing with lightning or a chainsaw sword, it can easily cut the flesh and blood of a lower-level angel.

Catherine strongly protested to Ola, asking the heavy fire team to leave some prey for her, otherwise her commando team would be idle and moldy. There is no doubt that Catherine is very satisfied with this battle. Although it is also a "search and destroy" order, this battle is much more enjoyable than the mission performed by the alien planet where the hive is located. Catherine waved her arms excitedly to the roof of another building.

In response, Ola gestured, meaning "leave me alone".

"There are no intermediate angels here, and the situation in the triangle is still unclear. It's over." Aura added calmly. Her voice was nearly drowned out by gunfire as her heavy fire team continued to fire into the sky, killing the lesser angels who swooped down to attack them. The effect of explosive bombs is much better than that of ordinary bullets. It only takes a few shots to kill a low-level angel, but the problem of ammunition plagues the heavy firepower team. "Use more plasma weapons." Aura, who was wearing the crown given by Salomon, said to the team members, "Execute the sniping and interception orders, and then let the puppies of the assault team do more work."

"With the help of Ms. Maximov, I am effectively hunting down middle-level angels." Constantine exudes the smell of ozone and burning fuel. He nodded at the witch, "Ms. Maximov is doing very well. There are not many middle-level angels left in Times Square. Ms. Maximov doesn't mind supporting the Sisterhood if she can."

"anything else?"

"According to the report from the Karma Taj New York Temple, the serpent-shaped superior angel is still hovering at an altitude of about 5,000 feet above Manhattan." Hearing what Constantine said, Salomon couldn't help but look up at the sky. He could vaguely perceive the movement of the superior angel, but it was not as accurate as the Agamotto crystal ball, because the screams that echoed like a baby crying were overlapping, and it was impossible to distinguish them one by one. He can only judge quantities, but cannot accurately measure distances. "I think it may want to enter a stalemate with you, my lord. It is afraid of your attack, after all, you killed the cherub with one blow before. What are you going to do?"

"Let Stephanie make a donation to NYPD, tell them where they need to maintain order, and at the same time set up a foundation to assist the affected people. I will go to that big guy and solve the problem completely." Salomon hung up the communication after giving the order. He sent an encrypted magic message in the direction of the two witches. Although there were only twenty-five words, it was enough to express his thoughts. Sure enough, after receiving the communication, Joan fired two shots in Salomon's direction without showing any weakness. Although she didn't know why her marksmanship was still so accurate from a distance, the two bullets made a precise whistling, and finally hit the mystic's helmet feebly, without even wiping off a bit of paint.

In the direction where the subway disappeared, a purple sword light lit up, and a huge fist braided with hair disappeared in a flash. It seems that the witches have already taken out their melee weapons and are ready to kill. Salomon shrugged, opened a portal according to the angel's location sent by Constantine, and then stepped in.

He's about to get real.

"No one knows whether this is a terrorist attack or an accident?" Detective Carter returned to the passenger seat and closed the car door angrily. She asked the patrol, but she also knew she would not get an answer, because such emergencies stretched from Manhattan to Williamsburg, from low-rise to high-rise. Certainly not a gas explosion, and certainly not an electrical accident. Officer Carter turned his spear and looked at his partner, Detective Fusco. "And you, stop eating!" she yelled. "No casualties reported, no assault suspects, how are we going to work?"

"Maybe you should stop and have some donuts." Detective Fusco, who may be of Italian descent, licks his fingers, ignoring his partner's mania. Ever since he became Detective Carter's partner, he had to endure the occasional harshness of Detective Carter, which was quite familiar to him. Just like a husband who is ordered to wash the dishes, he will do the housework at first, but later he will be completely lazy, thinking that the dishwasher is the greatest invention in the world.

The dishwasher is truly the greatest invention in the world, at least according to Detective Fusco.

"Do you think Iron Man or Captain America will jump right in front of us and take care of everything?" Officer Carter slammed the steering wheel angrily. "Manhattan is like a battlefield! There are some idiots claiming to see angels, and then take to the streets with guns! I don't care about the Avengers, this is New York, and we are the police! If we still don't understand the situation and can't arrest the suspect, then things will definitely cause a lot of casualties. How about the airport? Can we ask the pilot?"

"The two pilots only said that the plane was out of control, and it's not our job to investigate the black box. I say, we should contact the Avengers now. Remember that time in New York? I think it must be an alien invasion, the kind that can be invisible. Or else it's the people from the future." Detective Fusco said, "Anyway, this kind of thing can only be handled by the National Guard and the Avengers, and we can't get involved at all. Eat some, this may be the last donut, and the shop has been buried in the ruins."

Officer Carter glanced at a frosted chocolate donut left in the box, picked it up and took a bitter bite.

"The police call has been handled by the police, and the headquarters asked us to help. There are a lot of people with guns today, and we have to wear body armor." Detective Fusco said, "The chief has contacted the Avengers and the National Guard, and now we have to see who comes first."

"It's not over, Fusco," she said vaguely, "It's not over!"

Ask for a ticket!

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