Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 798 Angel's Blood (Second Change)

Beunita had just hacked to death the last angel of power with a very rough method, and the flesh and blood under the angel's white porcelain skin splattered all over the ground. Although the blood quickly evaporated into golden spots, the smell of rosemary still stained her hair, almost overpowering the scent of the diamond lily perfume she used. She drove her long knife into the marble face of the angel, and crushed the gold ornaments that adorned her armor with her high heels. "The little boy said he was going to heaven?" she asked. "Did he say he wanted our help?"

"I don't think that thing can trouble him." Joan turned her wrist, relieving the soreness caused by the hard-wired angel's attack before, "Since when have you worried about him like a mother? I remember that this is Miranda's job. Your little boy is crying in the sky. Are you going to nurse him?"

Bayonetta laughed, "When did you become so irritable, Joan?"

"Maybe it's because I didn't decapitate the angel." Jeanne exhaled. "It's a good thing we didn't follow his stupid advice. If we had used the bolter, I'd have had more than soft-tissue bruises."

The snake-shaped superior angel's head was nearly ten meters high, and the exposed sharp metal fangs were tightly stitched together, reflecting the sunlight above the clouds. The elegant streamlined body is covered with gemstones and halos, the geometric metal wings and the clock with rubies inlaid on the top of the head with intricate patterns all show the perfection of this creature.

It was a huge monster, compared to it, Salomon's was like a newborn kitten, but the moment the superior angel saw him, it backed away crazily as if it had met a natural enemy, trying to escape from Salomon's pursuit. The only thing that can be called a threat are the few mid-level power angels accompanying the high-level angel. The jetpack behind Salomon ejected a scorching cone-shaped flame, propelling him towards the snake-shaped superior angel in front of him. At least five middle-level angels and a large number of lower-level angels stepped forward to stop them, but in the face of Salomon who untied the stigmata and the holy sword that gradually lit up, those middle-level angels could not last long.

"Stop!" The superior angel has enough intelligence to carry out dialogue and thinking.

The face of the snake-shaped superior angel is located under the head, like a cobra, and it also erects its upper body like a cobra, flapping its deformed small wings and golden claws. No matter how it looks, no matter how urgent the situation is, the voice of the superior angel remains quiet and peaceful, with a sense of tranquility and nobility, and even accompanied by the high-pitched chant chorus in the void. When Salomon pierced through the white porcelain skin and bright red flesh of the middle and lower angels, and smashed through the clouds with the scent of rosemary all over his body, the upper angel immediately shouted.

"We can talk. All we need is Umbra's Witch!"

Salomon responded with a cascade of bombs.

Different from the bombs used by others, the bombs he uses are alchemy products made by himself, and the engraved runes can enhance his hit rate. The alloy materials used in those bullets also contain a small amount of vibrating gold. Under the action of high explosives, the bombs can even drill a small penetrating wound on the body of the superior angel, causing a cavity effect and messing up its internal organs. Although the high-level angel can heal quickly, even if the high-level angel is resistant to attribute attacks, the pain caused by the enchanted bomb is not so easy to dispel. What's more, every bullet that hits a snake-shaped superior angel will burst into flames and lightning, and the bone meal of black magic creatures is even more poisonous to upper-plane creatures.

Likewise, he possesses bolts laced with Upper Plane metals, which he can replace as necessary. If it wasn't for witches who hated the roughness of bolt guns, he even wanted to replace them with this kind of durable firearms. If it wasn't for the alchemy materials being too expensive, he also wanted to replace this kind of bullets for all the armed personnel of the Immortal City.

The jet engines did their duty faithfully, propelling Salomon whizzing like a meteor into the marble face of the High Angel.

"Did you see it?"

"Of course I saw it." Beunita stood on tiptoe while trampling a little angel to death, and looked towards Midtown across the river bank. No one could ignore the huge figure descending from the sky. The vision and magic of the witches allowed them to see more clearly, including the blood spurting from the superior angel. The blood dispersed into the air like a drizzle, and residents of Brooklyn and Queens were surprised to find themselves suddenly smelling strong rosemary. If one compares the temperature in Manhattan to Brooklyn, some neighborhoods in Brooklyn are at least two degrees Celsius hotter, all because of the bleeding from the superior angel.

"You will pay for what you disgusting creatures have done before!"

Salomon swung sword after sword, methodically using the blade and explosion to cut open the blood and flesh of the superior angel, peeling off the skin and muscle. He activated the jetpack from time to time to avoid the angel's huge metal claws, allowing the superior angel's metal claws to grab off his white porcelain skin and gold-encrusted blood-red armor that were comparable to high-strength alloys. He was covered in rosemary-scented angel blood, and the blood evaporated into golden spots. He was also glowing, the blazing holy sword and the blazing stigmata worked together, allowing him to kill the superior angel slowly and slowly, implanting the concept of pain deeply into this soul, even though he knew that this superior angel would never be resurrected, and would never come to the plane of reality one day.

Some lucky or unlucky ones who have been sprayed with the blood of angels who have not had time to volatilize will find that the chronic diseases and injuries that have been bothering them will suddenly heal, and some originally healthy bodies will inexplicably suffer from cancer due to out-of-control cell proliferation. The latter is more difficult to detect, but the former, such as the restoration of sight of the blind and the recovery of the lame, is more obvious. So it won't be long before some pious guy claims to be inspired to "Save America, restore order to Protestants and get rid of gays and blacks and Mexican stowaways," or "Destroy America and restore order to Protestants and kill gays and blacks and Mexican stowaways."

The difference between the two is actually not that big.

But that was later, and now the future popes are running away, because the place of battle for the witches has moved from Williamsburg to the Green Point community. Mostly Polish immigrants live here, there are plenty of restaurants, bars and live music venues, not too many high-rise buildings, but most of them are warehouses rented by poor artists.

This gave the witches room to flex their fists.

"Looks like he's doing a good job." Bayonetta turned sharply and fired a shot behind her. The bullet hit the marble face of a superior cherub. Not long ago, angels of the same type tried to siege the witch, but Salomon killed it with his own great sword. The witch is very satisfied that such an opponent is not completely dead. If all the high-ranking angels are killed by Salomon, then how can she be a night cowgirl in the future.

Just as the philosophic angel swung the huge sword and rushed forward, the huge arm woven and summoned by the black hair punched forward violently. Madame Butterfly, who was the demon contracted by Beunita, enthusiastically urged Beunita to summon her again, but the witch habitually ignored this urging.

"Then it's our job."

Ask for a ticket!

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