Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 806: The Masked Sage (Second Change)

The lowest level of angels surrounding the boy is also the third-level angels, and the shimmering wings and halo surrounded the entire fountain square, completely dispelling the shadows. But this high-brightness sacred scene is not relaxing, and the boy tries to stall for time with some wisecracks that the sage doesn't intend to listen to.

He waved his hand, and immediately thrust out the spear, stabbing at the boy with a sharp whistling sound piercing the air. But surprisingly, the sage's first attack was blocked by four cards thrown by the boy. However, the boy didn't feel well either. The protective magic he cast was as thin as paper in front of the spear, and it only slightly deflected the spear's direction.

Before he could recover, the sage's next attack arrived.

The boy rolled on the ground in embarrassment and avoided the blow. When he seized the opportunity to throw a card to attack, the card containing his power was easily shattered by a white peacock tail feather. The boy grinned from ear to ear in surprise. Before encountering Bayoneta and Salomon, he had already fought some lesser angels, and the enemies he defeated proved that his cards could work. However, his strength was unable to cause harm to the man in white robe in front of him, and his attack created the conditions for the man to attack.

The boy rolled and crawled to avoid the attack. The sharp spear almost chopped all the floor tiles on the fountain square, and the strong wind from the gun tip made the boy's skin hurt and bleed. The angels haven't shot yet, and they seem to be watching an execution.

His life was like a candle in the wind, he couldn't block any more attacks, he was about to die.

Just when the golden gun tip was about to hit the boy's eyes, deafening noise and dazzling white light suddenly exploded in the fountain square. Both the sage and the boy couldn't help but close their eyes to prevent their senses from being hurt by too strong stimulation. However, closing the eyes could not prevent the dazzling light from leaving a terrible black shadow on the retina, and the boy could see nothing and hear nothing.

He suddenly felt a terrible heat erupting around him, followed by the terrible sound of metal colliding and rubbing, hot and viscous liquid with the smell of rosemary poured down like a torrential rain, and the smell of ionized air filled his nostrils.

"What kind of adult would bully children." Bayonetta stood on the roof and pushed her glasses, her tone very joking. The boy felt himself being pulled up suddenly, and the icy wind beat against his face, waking him up from the dizziness caused by the noise and bright light. When he regained consciousness, he immediately realized his situation and couldn't help screaming in horror—he found that he had come to the roof from the fountain square, and Beunita was twisting his collar and pulling his feet off the ground. Under the witch's feet, the angel's corpse was bleeding and slowly emitting golden light spots.

The boy immediately began to struggle, "I'm not a child!"

"You have the final say, little one." The witch let go of her hand graciously, and threw the boy on the roof. Her gaze shifted to the battle in the plaza. Salomon in golden armor and the sage in white robes swung their weapons and moved at a speed invisible to the naked eye, and the shrill screams between the weapons made the tiles of the surrounding houses tremble.

"Who is that person?" The boy rubbed his buttocks that hurt from the fall in shock, "How could that person summon those ugly monsters?"

"Sage. As far as I know, the last sage should be dead." The witch put her finger on the trigger and raised her vigilance to the highest level. Her face still maintained a casual expression, "Aren't you amazing, little thing? Aren't those monsters supposed to be your subordinates?"

"Shut up, I was careless this time!" The boy jumped up suddenly, "I don't know why they say that, it has nothing to do with me!"

"Really?" Beunita chuckled and fired a shot at her side. Angels are still pouring in, and she has her own battles to contend with. "Little guy, let me see your skills!"

She and Salomon's surveillance went smoothly at first, whether it was the appearance of the angel or what the angel said to the boy, both the witch and the mystic could hear clearly. Although it is not clear why the angel called the boy "Lord", Salomon can still infer that the man behind the command of the angel is worried that the boy who calls himself "Loki" will go to Fenbowent-in the boy's memory, the mystic saw him fighting the angel, but at that time Salomon was still worried that it was a scam, a false memory that the boy deliberately revealed, or that the man behind the scenes stuffed in for him to see. There are countless examples of making wrong decisions because of the wrong memory of the other party, and Salomon has learned those painful lessons long ago.

It wasn't until Sage showed up that the whole thing started to spiral out of control.

The last sage is dead, the biological father Badr who was killed by Beunita. Salomon is very sure, and the documents in Karma Taj's library can also prove that Baldr, who possessed one of the eyes of the world, is completely dead and can never be resurrected. Recognizing that it was a sage who attacked the boy, the mystic activated the teleportation spell urgently and threw him and Bayonetta near the boy. He is responsible for blocking the attack of the sage, and the witch is responsible for cleaning up the angels, and they cooperate quite well.

"Unregistered spellcaster!" Salomon gave the enemy a very unique title. "In the name of Kama Taj and the supreme mage, you are arrested! Resist is death!" When the sword and gun collided, he activated the bolt gun under the armor, and the tail of the large-caliber bullet flew towards the sage with flames. The witch family and the sage family have the same source of power, that is, the magic extended from the eye of the world, so the spells of the witch have corresponding versions among the sages.

Witches have [Witch Time], and sages have [Swift Light].

Salomon can prove that this is true, otherwise how could those explosive bombs exploded in the hands of the sage?

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the mystic activated the jet engine, kicked the sage out with his armored legs.

"There is something called a mass fuze." The bomb blasted the sage's palm into blood, but did not cause further damage, as if the sage's glove was harder than the alloy plate of a light armored vehicle. In the eyes of the mystic, both the sage's robe and the protective spell cast on him exude a strong magical aura.

Although the effect of the magic has not yet been analyzed, and there is no time to find targeted cracking spells, the holy sword can always break these spells by violent means. The sage's flawless gold-plated spear is full of hacking marks. There are not many weapons in the world that can compare with the holy sword, and the sage's spear is obviously not one of them.

"As far as I know, the sage family has very powerful technology. How come you don't even know about this kind of thing?" The mystic pointed his sword at the sage, "I remember that Kama Taj has completely destroyed the blood lineage of the sage family. Where did you come from? Or are you a newly cultivated sage?"

"Who are you?" The sage's voice was slightly dull, "What's your relationship with the witch?"

"She is my girlfriend. Unfortunately, I cannot invite you to the engagement banquet, because you will die later." The mystic replied, "I am the mystic of Kama Taj, what do you think?"

Salomon felt that the eyes behind the sage's mask were focused on his face, and seemed a little dissatisfied with this answer. The sage responded, and silently took out three gorgeous white peacock tail feathers, and threw them into the sky. Accompanied by a brief incantation, the golden portal suddenly opened, and an extremely huge four-element virtue angel, the two-headed dragon [Perseverance] representing the element of fire, came to the plane of reality.

"This is a bit too much." Salomon couldn't help complaining, "If this is the case, then I have to call foreign aid."

Ask for a ticket!

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