Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 807: Triggering Technique (Part 1)

The four-element angel [Perseverance], which represents the element of fire, waved its gorgeous white wings. Under the command of the sage, the dragon head inlaid with red and blue gemstones opened its huge mouth and spit out a terrible torrent of magma towards the mystic below. Salomon's reaction was very quick. When he recognized what type of angel the sage summoned, he took out the shield given by Athena from the void, and showed the professionalism of Kama Taj's top mystic.

"My dear, come and help me!" Salomon called Bayunita without hesitation, without any pretense.

It's not that he can't beat the Angel of Four Virtues. Perhaps when he saw the Witch and the Angel of Four Virtues for the first time, he really didn't have the ability to kill those deformed guys, but for the current mystics, it only takes a little time to kill the Angel of Endurance, whether it is using the spell bestowed by Yog-Sothoth or the holy sword.

However, Salomon didn't have time, because his opponent was not an angel of four elements, but a sage who possessed the terrifying spell of [Swift Streamer] and the standard [Witch Time]. Even with the blessing of the stigmata, Salomon's reaction speed couldn't be fast enough to stop time. No matter how strong the armor plates of his power armor were, there were still gaps between the armor plates. Therefore, as long as he distracted a little, he might be fatally injured by the masked sage. He had to stay focused, or the golden spear point would not be as simple as scratching the embossment on the power armor next time.

The witch raised a finger, and Salomon agreed without hesitation. It was a small secret code between them, used to fight over who would be the "Midnight Bedroom Cowboy." Beunita tacitly summoned Madame Butterfly to deal with Siyuande. The previous angels were almost killed by her. She only needs to change her mind to deal with Siyuande angels.

This violent female demon seems to have some kind of communication channel with Beunita. After learning that she can kill a large number of angels today, she voluntarily paid part of the magic power required for summoning to allow half of her body to emerge from the witch's summoning circle. The moment Madame Butterfly appeared, she punched [Perseverance] Angel's chubby body with a marble face, and the angel's white porcelain skin suddenly shattered, and the porcelain pieces together with hot blood fell like dense rain.

Madame Butterfly let out a cheerful cry, followed by several punches.

The Witch's battlefield moved from the ground to the sky. Even so, the collision between the two giant beasts still created a hot gray hurricane on the ground. Almost everything that was not fixed in the small town of Noah Dun was blown down by the sudden gust of wind. If the sage and Salomon were not wearing head armor, they would definitely be blinded by the dust and gravel wind.

"Will you only hide under women's skirts?" The sage didn't seem to care about the wailing of the [Patience] angel at all, but stood there unexpectedly and launched a taunt. Even without using the vision that can see through the ether, Salomon could hear the uncontrollable anger in the masked sage's tone. "Come on, let me try your skills!" The masked sage raised his spear and pointed the tip at Salomon's eyes, "If you only have this level, you will die here today!"

"I'm an egalitarian, so I don't see any shame in it."

Even though he said so, Salomon still put on a posture. He covered the lower half of his face with his shield so that the sage could not see his mouth movements, and used the sound of sand and stones beating against armor and shield to obscure his pronunciation. Whether it's melee combat or magic duel, information is an extremely important means of victory, and Salomon doesn't want the masked sage to guess what magic he just cast. He didn't even want to use the commonly used [Mirror Image], because he knew that every sage was a very powerful spellcaster, and it was really easy to see through the illusion of [Mirror Image].

"However, I personally still have some confidence in my sword skills. Close combat is a compulsory course for Kama Taj. In addition, there is one more thing—" The masked sage stood there, waiting for the mystic to continue. "——I remember that the world monitors would sell their souls to their respective contracted planes, and then reincarnate there as plane creatures. So, is the guy who is being beaten now an acquaintance of yours? Do you have any deep hatred with him?"

It seemed that the sage hadn't guessed that Salomon's topic could span that far, and he couldn't even keep up for a while. In response, the sage threw his spear at him.

Although that conversation happened many years ago, Salomon still remembers it very clearly.

"Both the right eye and the left eye have the ability to manipulate time and space, which is why Celesa appeared."

After the Sun Island incident ended, the supreme mage had time to continue educating his disciples. Before Jubilus died completely, His Holiness was observing the direction of the incident and arranging the work of the mystics. He didn't have time to separate the unique spells of the two groups of witches and sages who claimed to be world watchers, and explain them clearly to Salomon.

"The magic of [Witch Time] is a parody of the Eye of the World. It achieves the effect of approximating the cessation of time by enhancing the senses, rather than real manipulation of time. You can also find similar magic in Kama Taj's library, but our mystics have failed to integrate the foundation of this magic into their blood. The reason why they can cast such magic so easily is not only because of the powerful magic in their blood, but also because this kind of magic is their instinct, and it only needs a little learning to perform it." His Holiness said, " If it is the owner of the Eye of the World, such as the witch who wants to live with you, it is very likely that she can cast the magic of stopping time at will. If you are interested, you can ask her, as long as she is willing to be honest with you."

Salomon and the witch have lived together for many years and know each other well.

He has already figured out how to deal with magic like [Witch Time], which accelerates the senses to a near time stagnation. One of the usage methods combines event monitoring (triggering), calling, etc. Basically, as long as there is a little programming learning experience, it can be understood. It only needs to slightly modify the process and goals, and it is a very effective coping method. Although he and the Witch often used magic in very unscrupulous places, it did not mean that the countermeasures he came up with were not easy to use. Beunita and him have developed the usage of this spell to the extreme, including but not limited to pulling another person into the spell effect and transferring the effect of [Witch Time] to another person. The cooperation between Beunita and Salomon was used in the battle not long ago.

To put it simply, if the sage uses [Swift Streamer], then the [Trigger Spell] prepared by Salomon in advance can be connected to the prefabricated spell to automatically counterattack. The reason why he was so sure that the sage would do this was because he had just secretly made a divination and predicted the sage's actions. Maybe you will forget what magic is when you see mystics hitting people with protection spells, but divination spells and protection mages are both specialization factions of Kama Taj.

Salomon dodged the attack calmly, and a tenth of a second later, the sage appeared behind him and caught the golden spear. The masked sage stabbed a spear at the "slow" Salomon without hesitation, but when the tip of the spear touched the exquisite relief on the mystic's power armor, the magic of the mystic was activated.

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