Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 814 Little Trouble (Second Change)

"I'm sending you the location. Can you see me, Catherine?"

"Yes, my lord." In the background of Catherine's voice was the whistling wind and the slight noise of various instruments. In Salomon's mind, Catherine was sitting on the co-pilot with one leg crossed. He knew that this lively artificial man would not wear his seat belt properly. She asked excitedly, "Need fire support? Our pilots can't wait!"

"Did I hear you talking about the bombardment again, Catherine?" The android in charge of flying the plane said bluntly, "I will not do it without the order of the monarch, so you should die. Catherine, don't touch the dashboard, don't touch any buttons! Take your hands away!"

"Maybe the monarch will give the order later, so it doesn't matter if I touch it!" Catherine switched channels excitedly, "My lord, do you need shelling? I'll be the gunner, and I'm sure to hit the target!"

"No, I need vision and early warning." Salomon said. Catherine let out a frustrated whine, far from the image of a heroic female swordsman during the mission. The mystic smiled knowingly. He knew Catherine's temper and didn't take her complaint to heart. Anyway, Tita would heal her.

He originally wanted to take the sky aircraft carrier and sky battleship to hell, so that the bumpkins from the lower planes could see the world. But now it seems that the problem of the real plane needs to be solved first. He needs the sky carrier and the sky battleship to ensure that he and the witch will not be blocked after entering the passage. Anyway, you can hit anyone, even the upper and lower planes. He sent the command code and order priority to the satellite command terminal, and when the others arrived at Noah Dunn Town, they could directly follow the plan he made. At the same time, two fighter jets loaded with missiles also took off at the airport in the Lost City, and the pilots were members of the Malik family. Those two planes carried out suicide missions, and only members of the Hydra family could have such a determination to die. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who talked about "free will" couldn't arrange such cruel missions at all. Only the men recruited by Victoria Hand at the first time during the rebellion could have the consciousness to sacrifice their lives.

He looked at the witch and the boy who were walking ahead. The steps called the Bridge of Heaven have beautiful curves, while the towering supporting columns below are entirely made of stone bricks and stone strips, which is enough to prove that the people who built it here have extremely advanced knowledge of mathematics and physics. If possible, he does not want the next battle to destroy this crystallization of human wisdom, and he wants to hand over this relic to Lara Croft and the scholars recruited in the future.

"Patience, my daughters," he said. "You will have your own battles sooner or later."

"Honey, hurry up!" Bayonetta waved, "We still have a long way to go!"

"Get a motorcycle ready." Salomon said to Catherine, "I will use the portal to deliver."

"A motorcycle?" Bayonetta circled around the motorcycle delivered by the mystic through the portal a few times. This motorcycle is a vehicle built by Mars for those wearing power armor, and it also has twin tubes of plasma weapons on the front, which are powerful enough to melt any enemy in its path. The original group of users was the sorority, so the body of this dark motorcycle is covered with golden rose and lily reliefs, so it is quite in line with the taste inherited by Bayonetta from the witches.

She straddled it and twisted the accelerator with satisfaction, and the mechanical beast immediately let out an astonishing roar.

"This road is so long, we can't use it." The mystic raised his hand, and pointed his thumb over the shoulder armor to the jet engine on the back, "And I don't want to hug this snot-nosed brat."

"I'm not a snot-nosed brat, man!" the boy rolled his eyes. "I always thought you wanted to fight me."

"Believe me, this is not an illusion." The mystic laughed viciously, "Come up quickly, we are in a hurry."

"I need a mission report." Stephanie said to Victoria Hand like this. "I know this is an order from the monarch, but I am in charge of internal affairs and logistics. Even if the intelligence department can operate independently, the internal affairs department must also be involved when it comes to the security of the monarch. I will not allow him to carry out such a dangerous mission without me knowing anything about it!"

"Calm down, I didn't tell you not to let you know." Victoria Hand pushed his glasses and continued to stare at the holographic projection in front of him. The satellite map of Noah Dunn Town, the radar information of the gunboat of the Catherine Assault Team, the engine power of the sky carrier, the fuel and ammunition reserves, and the situation of the carrier aircraft, the routes of the fighter jets, and the preparations of the soldiers of the special operations team are all listed, even including the sisterhood information that only Tita has the authority to give. She waved her hand, and the sensor array in the glove was ordered to shrink Stephanie's call window to one side.

"According to the time, you should now discuss with General Hale at the U.S. Department of Defense, and then bring Ruby over to receive training from the assassination department." Victoria Hand said expressionlessly, "You know the temper of the monarch, he only wants you to complete the mission as planned, and not be affected by emotional factors and make extra troubles."

"I've already spoken to the person in charge of Karma Taj. If I hadn't done so, I wouldn't even know the direction of the sky carrier and the sky battleship!" Stephanie said in a deep voice, "Don't think I'm fighting for power, Victoria. I'm not an agent, I don't care about the Immortal City, I only care about him, and I am loyal to him, not this organization or any ideal. As long as he is there, how many Immortal Cities can be built, he is the most important person. As for you, how many times do I die? Wouldn't even care."

"Hydra's nature only pays attention to the small profits in front of it." Agent Hand sneered twice, "You will know what you should know, Stephanie. You will also know how much the monarch values ​​his ideals. For that ideal, life is just a bargaining chip that can be paid. Oh, yes, there is one more thing. Have you figured out how to deal with the Avengers? They seem to think that the monarch knows all the strange things, including the Christmas attack."

"The sovereign does know."

"Yeah, but the Avengers idiots don't know. The intelligence from Black Widow shows that Tony Stark and Steve Rogers seem to be very angry that the Monarch didn't know - there's so much they don't know, they sure don't know that the Hydra they captured were radicals we sent out - anyway, that goddamn Vision, that goddamn robot seems to see the angel coming. We need to find an excuse. Now that the Monarch is gone, we have to keep the Immortal City open The status quo, don't let them find out that the Immortal City has reached out to the Ministry of Defense. This is your job, Stephanie, you are the head of the Department of the Interior."

"Damn!" Hydra's daughter turned off the communication angrily, "Why did the monarch invite such a troublesome woman!"

"Honey, what happened?"

"It's okay, Dad." Stephanie stood up and picked up the bag in hand. "It's just some minor troubles. I need to attend the regular meeting of the Council on Foreign Relations and talk to Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase about the strategic layout of Immortal City in the Middle East. And Rockefeller, damn Rockefeller!"

Ask for a ticket!

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