Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 815 Killing Time (Part 1)

"You finally dare to face me. This is not your world, you shouldn't be here." The indistinct voice said.

The boy's headache struck again, this time no one expected it.

Salomon suddenly felt that it was perfectly reasonable to treat the boy as a ticking time bomb, because the boy's headaches could affect others. Before that, both Beunita and Salomon thought that the boy's headache symptoms were recalling certain things, and the image was at best a projector, not only the boy could recall, but other people could also watch the movie. In the beginning, Salomon just looked at it with a joking eye, and also teased the boy's projector function, but no one expected that he would have the ability to interact with reality.

"Things that are originally one should be one, you must be eliminated!"

In the blurry image he showed was a boy who looked exactly like him, except for the boy himself, the mystic and the witch could only hear the slurred words. The boy in the video seemed to just wave his hand, but the boy in the real world flew out as if he had been punched. This is not a matter of magnitude. They hurriedly fired at the image while rescuing the boy who had been knocked off his motorcycle and nearly fell off the Bridge of Paradise.

"What the hell is going on here?" Now there is no way to go, and no one can feel at ease until this matter is figured out. However, the boy who got up after being twisted by Salomon's collar was also very confused, and he couldn't figure out why the memory image this time had this ability. "Why do your memory images attack you? What exactly do you remember?"

"I..." The boy was dizzy and incoherent, with a painful expression on his face, and it seemed that he couldn't sort out his memory in a short time. Salomon didn't dare to use magic to explore his brain right now. Such a spell requires a quiet and focused environment, and the caster needs to be in a state of defenselessness. Otherwise, it is very likely that the out-of-control magic will burn the nerves and become dementia.

He wanted memories, not lobotomies.

They are located in the middle of the Bridge of Paradise, and the slope angle is extremely large. If it is not for the powerful motorcycle horsepower, it is impossible to drive up this steep slope thousands of meters long. This place is quite high from the ground. If Salomon hadn't been quick-eyed and quick-handed just now, the boy would definitely fall into a puddle of flesh. The mystic poked the boy's head lightly, trying to wake him up in this way.

"Some medicine?"

"Be careful, have you forgotten my situation at that time?" The witch said softly, "This matter is not that simple. I don't think he will remember it until he reaches his destination. Put him down and let us take a step by step. The road is still very long."

"Damn it, I haven't encountered a worry-free thing since I came here!" Salomon shook his head and put the boy back on the back seat of the motorcycle. Bayonetta saw him turn his head suddenly, as if listening to something. Immediately afterwards, Salomon drew out the holy sword, which really startled the boy. The witch also thought that Salomon had discovered something wrong, and planned to attack the boy. However, the mystic just pointed the tip of his sword at the sky, and Beunita also reacted quickly, and she quickly turned off the accelerator and rushed in the direction of Finbowente Mountain.

"What happened?" At this moment, the boy was still in the dark, unable to figure out the situation for a long time.

Yet he soon knew.

At first, the mystic and the witch were still wondering why there were no other enemies to attack the boy after the angel of power. Now it seems that those angels are gathering, intending to rely on numbers to completely kill the mystic, witch and boy on the bridge of heaven. Beunita rode the roaring beast, pressed the switch, and the two scorching plasmas melted the two centaur-type lower-level archangels that had just walked out of the portal at a very close distance. Salomon jumped out of the car, and the power of the jetpack increased, pushing him to smash the wreckage of the angel, opening a passage for Beunita—the lower-level archangel was just an appetizer, and the sky and the ground ahead were densely packed with portals.

The mystic spoke briefly to Bayoneta, and then was pushed by the thrusters and crashed into the biggest guy in the sky. It was a superior cherub with a great golden sword and a face on the lattice, Salomon had killed one in New York.

At the same time, a missile dragged a long white smoke and accurately hit the largest superior angel. Suddenly, violent flames and deafening explosions swept across the sky, and the assault transport boat roared through the air with the roar of the engine. The angels originally wanted to chase, but those angels who tried to stop were killed on the thick armor plate.

Catherine danced excitedly in the co-pilot, wishing she could jump out and give those angels a few hits.

The heavy-duty bomber machine gun hung under the assault transport boat opened fire with full force, slaughtering the lower-level angels like cavalry rushing into the infantry phalanx. When encountering the ultimate angel blocking the way, the cannon mounted above the gunboat would fire, smashing the supersonic explosive shells into the angel's body. Beunita rushed out of the smoke and dust against the gust of missile explosion, and headed for the top of Finbowente Mountain. Salomon swung the holy sword, and the jet propulsion accelerated him to a terrible speed, and the G value generated during the maneuver would make people faint directly.

Few angels could stand under his hands for too long, even if they were not cut into several pieces by the holy sword, they would be smashed into pieces by him with shoulder armor or knees. Even the largest cherub was stabbed through after being baptized by technological products. But even with the help of assault transport boats and mystics, the number of angels is still outrageous. Many angels turned their targets and went straight to the witch and the boy.

"Little thing, hold on tight!" The witch pulled up the front of the car, turned around and jumped up to stand on the handle, and turned to face the chasing angel. The wind blew in the boy's ears, and he had to lie prone on the seat, holding on to everything he could.

"Why are there so many angels!" The boy was filled with cold wind as soon as he opened his mouth, "How many more are there!"

"It doesn't matter how many he is, just kill them all!"

Bayonetta took out her pistol, pointed it at the angel and pulled the trigger. The first fast-moving silver bullet left a tiny dent on the angel's armor, and the following bullets accurately hit the previous bullets, like a chisel hitting the same position repeatedly, until it pierced through the armor and flesh, and shattered the angel into a ball of blood with white feathers floating around. Standing on tiptoe, with an elegant figure, she danced face to face with the angels and sharp blades passing by.

"Let's dance! Till death do us part!"

The artificial man in charge relied on the super maneuverability of the assault transport boat to slam left and right, smashing a bloody path in the dense array of angels. The corpses of lower-level angels and fragments of middle-level angels rained down on the ground, and the sky was covered with scattered bloody feathers. "Open the ramp hatch!" Catherine called to the team to activate the steel wing thrusters. She tapped her toes excitedly, her steel boots banging on the steel plates. She clenched the hilt of the long sword repeatedly, as if she wanted to switch on the power long sword before jumping out of the cabin. "Sisters, it's time to kill!"

Ask for a ticket!

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