Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 816 Enemies from the front and rear (second update)

Catherine was the first to jump down, and the long sword that shone with lightning in her hand easily chopped off the angel's wings. Although they also have wings, the artificial steel wings can give artificial people great strength and amazing mobility. The droids swung their weapons and jumped down one by one, the sound of bolters and chainswords blasting the sky, their rage enough to ignite the feathers of these extradimensional beings. As the cyborg with the strongest faith, Catherine also has the bravest fighting posture. The reaction speed and strength given by the alchemy body are enhanced by the force feedback power armor, making her look like a bloody rose blooming on the battlefield.

The reason why she was able to obtain her current status is not the favor of the monarch, but her swordsmanship and character. Her swordsmanship and combat ability are unmatched in the entire sisterhood. This also allows her to command all assault teams and be responsible for most of the security tasks related to the mystics before the formation of the Imperial Guard. Her combat prowess was on full display in this raid - she smashed the shoulder of a centaur lesser angel with the magazine of her ornate bolt pistol, then stepped on its horse's back and blasted a hole in the angel's body with the bolt gun in her hand. She held the long sword in her hand upside down, piercing the half-human body from top to bottom. She didn't even go to see if the angel was dead, and she threw herself into the next goal.

From encounter to attack, from attack to death, the process only took ten seconds.

The power armor and steel wings are covered in blood, and the rose of the battlefield lives up to its name.

At the same time, the assault transport boat also changed its mission goal, from the initial offense to the defense. Originally, according to Catherine's order in the chain of command, the task of the assault transport ship should be to break through the angel array, and after the sisterhood is dropped near the monarch, it will use fire support to support the besieged monarch for the sisterhood. Higher-level orders, however, directed the Assault Transports to prioritize the safety of the androids. Catherine cursed quietly - this is an order from the monarch. She knew how much the monarch cared about the lives of man-made humans, because he would always refer to them as "my daughters" in normal conversation. But their role is to fight and die, and fighting to the death is the only reward they can give.

The witch's movements during the battle were like a dance. The guns on both hands and feet kept firing, repelling all the angels who tried to approach.

Those were just lower-level angels. All the higher-level angels coming from the direction of the Waterfall Church were killed by Salomon. The mystic has now targeted the middle-level angels. Coupled with the help of the Assault Transport and the Sisterhood, Bayonetta's stress was greatly relieved, and she even had time to slowly play with the targets, killing them bit by bit, like a cat cruelly playing with its prey.

"My lord, I cannot let you go to the holy mountain."

No matter how strong Salomon's fighting ability is, he can't completely hold back every angel flying to Bayonetta, let alone those flying down from the top of Finbowente Mountain. Even though he cast a spell to kill a few of them from a distance, most of the middle-level angels and upper-level angels entered the witch's attack range.

The angels began to wreak havoc on the bridge of heaven, smashing the pavement and breaking the pillars. In front of the power and weapons of the intermediate angels and the superior angels, the bridges made of stone bricks and boulders were cut open like cotton candy. The Witch and the Boy watched as the highest point of the Bridge of Heaven crumbled to pieces, and then beneath their feet. Bayunita raised her chin, stepped on the heel of her high-heeled shoes, and the motorcycle immediately turned around and rushed towards the Waterfall Church.

"What should we do next!" The collapse spread from the highest point all the way down, and the boy's eyes widened in horror, watching the bridge collapse behind him. At the most dangerous time, the collapsing gravel is only a few inches away from the motorcycle tires, and the motorcycle is at risk of falling into the canyon at any time. But that's not the only danger he and the witch face. The speed of the motorcycle could indeed take them away from the collapsed bridge, but it also meant that they were getting closer to the group of angels ahead. And behind them, a senior cherub with a huge sword in his hand threw the giant sword carved with a marble face over. If it weren't for Bayonetta's deft steering with the heel, he would have been cut in half like the bridge deck of the Bridge of Paradise.

He throws back a few cards with his own powers, but such an attack is better than nothing because there are just too many angels. The mastermind seemed intent on putting all the power at his disposal to keep him from reaching Fenbowent. The boy squinted his eyes and yelled into the wind, "We must go to Fenbowent!"

"I know, little one!" Bayonetta frowned and fired a few shots.

Some senior angels bypassed her and the boy and rushed forward, and the witch immediately understood their intentions.

Those angels began to destroy the bridge of heaven leading in the direction of the waterfall church. Even if she summons Madame Butterfly, even if Madame Butterfly can kill a lower or middle-level angel with one fist, the witch can't stop all the angels. They spread their blood and flesh on the short bridge one after another, and then they were crushed by heavy motorcycles weighing nearly one ton. If the friction of the tires was not strong enough, they might even slip due to the undried and volatilized blood of the angels. Even from a hostile standpoint, the witch still has to admire the fighting will of these creatures.

"Maybe it's just plain stupidity," Bayoneta added. She sent a magic text message to the mystic who was still surrounded by angels. A few seconds later, the assault transport ship, which was still greeting the angels with bombs, artillery, and front armor, changed direction and flew towards the witch. Adding up the two sides of the fuselage, a total of two double-mounted explosive bomb cannons and the plasma weapons on the attack wings swept along the bridge of heaven, easily killing most of the angels in the direction of Finnbowente Mountain. Two assault team members in power armor stood on the wings, guns and swords in hand to kill any enemies who tried to break through the titanium alloy armor plate and ablative armor of the assault transport ship.

"What are you talking about?" the boy asked aloud. He wanted to end the matter quickly. Although the climate in the small town of Noah Dunn was warm, it was winter after all, and the sleeveless sweater he was wearing was not very warm, and his hands and feet were cold from the cold just now. He felt that if it weren't for the heat provided by the motorcycle's exhaust pipe, he would have fallen off the bike with frozen hands and feet.

"Nothing." Bayonetta pushed her glasses with the hot muzzle, "Can you drive a motorcycle?"

"What?" The boy had a bad feeling in his heart. Before he could answer, Bayonetta took out two long knives and jumped off the front of the motorcycle. A bunch of black and purple wings stretched out from her back, pushing her towards the closest angel. "Shit!" The boy quickly lay down on the car, holding the handlebar. However, due to height problems, he couldn't step on the clutch and brake pedals of the motorcycle anyway, and lost the magic control of the witch, and the car began to lose control. "Damn! Damn! Why are everyone so unreliable!"

The boy didn't dare to let go of the accelerator directly, and he didn't have any knowledge about how to operate a human vehicle in his memory. If it weren't for the speed of the motorcycle that was slowing down, he would definitely fall to the ground because of the loss of control of the vehicle. He just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, thankful that he had finally stabilized the car, but before he could be happy with his achievement, a violent bump came. The boy only felt himself being upended into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground. The pain in his back and the back of his head almost made him faint, and the pain even made him forget to breathe. His mind went blank, he couldn't figure out what happened, and he didn't know where he was.

Until he saw the golden spear that pierced the motorcycle, and the man in white robe standing next to the burning motorcycle and standing in the thick smoke from the fuel.

Ask for a ticket!

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