Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 818 Cruel Reason (Second)

Most of the angels couldn't catch up to him, but the few angels who managed to get close to the mystic were all evaporated into golden light spots floating in the huge shadows cast by the holy mountain. Salomon swooped down quickly, dragging the golden mist evaporated from the angel's corpse and the magical flames from his own stigmata. The jet engine pushed him to catch up with the masked sage standing on the wreckage of the bridge of heaven at a very fast speed. His blazing soul bloomed with a temperature enough to vaporize steel. Two men met with cold hatred, no bragging, no nonsense, and when the distance between them narrowed to the reach of weapons, they immediately began to fight beyond the reach of mortals.

The masked sage holds a long spear that has been broken in two, and uses it as a long and short sword, and his fighting style is very flexible.

This time he didn't show mercy, he knew that if he still had contempt and kindness like the battle in Noah Dunn Town, then he would definitely die in the hands of this person. Karma Taj, the World Watcher's foe and friend. Although they are all monitoring the outer dimension, the starting point is completely different. Kama Taj has more enemies, and the inheritance does not rely on bloodlines, and it develops extremely rapidly. The masked sage is sure that this person is the disciple of the Supreme Mage. Only the Supreme Mage can cultivate such a powerful fighter, and only the Supreme Mage's disciple can inherit this holy sword.

If it was before that incident, the sage would still have the curiosity to explore why this man's soul is so hot, but now he only wants revenge, and this man is the obstacle to his revenge. The holy sword and the two short spears waved like lightning, and each collision of the weapons was like a miniature supernova explosion, a brief flash of light illuminating the gloomy and snow-covered valley. Even if you don't see this scene with your own eyes, you can feel the aftermath of this fierce fight that keeps falling downwards.

"My lord!" On the assault transport boat, the Sisterhood assault team had regrouped. The situation is not optimistic, because the commando team is not entirely composed of artificial people, and a small number of ordinary girls who have undergone military training and religious education have also become Catherine's subordinates. In this melee with a disparity in numbers, their ammunition was even far less than the enemy's. Many girls suffered injuries to varying degrees, and even Catherine herself was pierced through her thigh by a sharp knife. She saw, through the open ramp hatch, Salomon swooping down into the deep shadows cast by Mount Finnbowent, and she cried out in terror.

However, there was no response from the communication channel, only a dead silence.

Anger and horror filled her heart, and she didn't even realize that tears were streaming down her face. Regardless of her injury and the dissuasion of her companions, stepping on the bootprints covered with dried blood, she jumped off the ramp hatch of the assault transport boat again, relying on the small amount of fuel remaining in the steel wing module to dive down. Faced with this reckless move, the android in charge of driving the assault transport boat was very anxious, but just when she was about to drive the assault transport boat to protect Catherine, she heard an exclamation from the communication channel of the sisterhood, and she also felt a burst of heart palpitations.

Almost all the cyborgs had the same feeling. Whether it was Tita in the command room of the sky carrier or Dinah in New York, they both looked in the direction of Finnbowente Mountain at the same time. Artificial people are called "my daughters" by Salomon, even though they are born from ether particles, they can indeed share the soul power from Salomon. On the assault transport boat, the members of the sisterhood who were still capable of fighting jumped off with Catherine, completely ignoring whether the flight function of the steel wing module was intact.

Because they saw that when Catherine's figure overlapped with the last blood-red afterglow of the sinking sun beside Finnbowente Mountain, the steel wings actually began to have a mechanical structure and did not allow it to stretch, growing into a pair of huge wings like a living thing. With the help of electronic eyes, many girls can even see clearly the distinct feathers on the pair of wings. The girls felt dazed for a while, Catherine's vague figure seemed to really have a pair of wings, and a high-pitched humming faintly sounded in their ears. In an instant, the Sisterhood communication channel was flooded with pious prayers, and even the pilot felt the frenzy—not all girls believed in the Sisterhood's beliefs, and for those human girls who hadn't seen Salomon in person, they always had doubts in their hearts. But when they saw the ugly creature with angel wings and halo, and saw the figure of Catherine, all doubts disappeared.

Catherine was unaware of her changes, and she didn't even think about why her steel wing module could still fly. She had dropped her helmet long ago, lest the constant beeping of the power armor's siren would disturb her fight. With a terrifying murderous intent, she rushed to the [temperance] angel who was beaten to death by Madame Butterfly, because that was the biggest obstacle standing in front of her and preventing her from rescuing the monarch. She dropped her bolt pistol and charged forward, swinging her longsword, destroying her foes with pure violence and fury. In front of the huge body of the angel of four virtues, the small Catherine can't even compare to a mosaic window pattern on it, but the angel of [temperance] immediately reacted. It dragged its bloody and broken body to meet the shining Catherine, but the angel with shattered white porcelain skin was directly pierced by the golden light shining from Catherine's body, and the artificial man was like a golden spear thrown from the sky, and ruthlessly smashed into the dark shadows under Finnbowente Mountain.

"We have to speed up," Tita said. However, facing the "suggestion" from the sisterhood, Mo Du couldn't deny it. In order to convince the mystic from Karma Taj, Tita could only speak her own judgment. "I believe the sovereign is in great danger," she said. "Our cyborgs were born from the soul of our Lord, and we are more closely connected with him than ordinary people can imagine. We are the daughters of the sovereign. We feel the heat of the sun from the soul of our Lord. This is not normal. He is desperate! He needs us! This is what we were born for, the mystics of Kama Taj! We need a portal to send these three ships There, even if there is a risk of being shot down!"

"I know." Mordo said indifferently, his attitude made the members of the sisterhood on the bridge very angry. Without waiting for Tita to refute, Modu continued, "It's not that I didn't notice his state. The reflection of his soul in the sea of ​​souls is stronger than anyone imagined. What you see is only a carrier named Salomon Damonet. In addition, your monarch likes to be lazy and doesn't want to exert his own strength at all. That's why he needs an exercise. Can you understand me when I say this? Well, it seems that I can only explain to you clearly in simple words... This is an order from the supreme mage, my lord." Those who want Salomon to show his true strength and face up to his own essence."

"We know what a monarch is!"

"Yes, he knew it too, but he refused to admit it because he was escaping." Modu said, "The Venerable gave him a lot of time to enjoy life...Although he is a bit busy, it is still a mortal life after all, and he also enjoys it. It is because of this that he created you, the Imperial Guard, the Immortal City, and relies on your power to accomplish that ideal. However, he must face himself, even if he doesn't admit it, it doesn't matter. He needs this power to deal with other threats in the universe."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because he is the future ruler, isn't that reason enough?"

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