Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 819 Shortcut to Hell (Part 1)

The boy fell into the water so hard that he nearly fainted from the force of the impact.

He resisted the pain in his back, and splashed in the water with his hands and feet, and then he was wrung out of the water by one hand. After he regained his composure and took a little breath, he found that Beunita was already standing on the shore. He looked around and found that he and the witch were in a strange building. A large number of deep and dark arches surrounded the pool where he fell, a large number of ancient Greek Ionic columns surrounded the exquisite vault, and a large number of reliefs spread all over the wall. He and the witch fell from a distant gap above the dome, but the boy hadn't noticed the abnormal height of the fall, nor had he noticed why he wasn't photographed into a piece of meat pie when he fell into the water.

However, he still noticed the injuries on his previous body, whether it was the bruises on his arms or his back that were almost healed.

"It's not easy this trip, isn't it?" The boy was still in the mood to joke, "Where are we?"

"I'm pretty sure it's further away than we started." Bayonetta looked up with her hips akimbo.

Even though Salomon and the Sisterhood stopped a large number of angels, many angels caught up with her and the boy as they fell. She finally killed a few, and then fell to this place. She remembered Salomon's statement that this place was indeed ruled by a family of witches and sages—the Ionic columns were slender and beautiful, and because of their elegant and noble temperament, they were widely seen in temples of ancient Greek female gods. She felt that the style of these buildings was very familiar. If she guessed correctly, then this place was most likely related to the Witch Clan, because there used to be such buildings in the Witch Residence. Since walking up the bridge of heaven to Fenbowente Mountain and then going down is the gate of hell, it is not incomprehensible that the witches once built a building to monitor the gate of hell.

She already guessed what was here.

"I feel like I've seen this place before." The boy got up dripping wet, his face twisted by another headache. He was used to the pain, even though he felt his eyeballs almost popping out of his skull. Facing the witch's questioning gaze, the boy just shook his head, "Beunita, if you want to go to hell so much, I might know a shortcut."

"Really?" The witch pushed her glasses.

Her mind was still on the dome, and she knew what kind of reaction Salomon would have if he saw her fall, but she didn't want the mystic to kill him now, because she still had a lot to figure out. For example, why the lipstick her mother gave her is on that sage, does this mean...

Bayonetta took a breath quietly and didn't continue to think about it.

The boy nodded, and said solemnly, "I'm starting to remember... who am I now. Do you see the stone platform over there?" He pointed to a very abrupt-looking platform on the other side. Different from the edge of the arc-shaped pool, the stone platform is not only a rectangle, but also various dizzying-looking runes are spread all over it. Bayonetta followed his instructions and looked over, easily recognizing the Enochian content. Enochian is the witch's second language, which must be used in both casting spells and fighting. In all courses including Enochian - magic, alchemy, close combat, medicine, etiquette, literature, history, art of pleasure, etc., Beunita is the best witch of that generation, and only Joan of Arc can compete with her.

"Hmm~" the witch nodded, she could guess the purpose of the stone platform without the boy pointing her out. But in order to take care of the boy's self-esteem, and to see what the boy remembered, the witch didn't say anything.

"Turn it on and we'll go straight to the gates of hell under Finnbowent," said the boy. "But don't get too excited, we're not going to have an easy way. By the way, don't you need to find your boyfriend?"

"I don't think anyone can be his opponent, little one." Bayonetta smiled, showing no trace of worry. "We have only one purpose here, and I think he will agree with me to go first."

In the religious terminology of the Abrahamic pantheon, God does not only refer to a single god, but also includes all levels of gods, such as servants of gods. This usage is also reflected in the Abrahamic religious scriptures. For example, "Israel" in the "Old Testament" means "wrestle with God. Because you wrestle with God and man, and you win." But Jacob did not wrestle with God, but wrestled with angels. When the masked sage was in his own era, he was called "the one close to God", which means that he possessed the power to compete with the angels. But if it is a lower-level angel, then he cannot be called the best ever in the sage family, so the angel here refers to the angel of the highest level of four elements who can deal with the highest level without summoning angels.

However, such a powerful masked sage felt that it was becoming more and more difficult for him to parry in front of this mystic mage.

In melee combat, he had no time to summon angels, and he couldn't cast half of the spells of the World Watchers. In addition, when he cast blood magic like [Quick Streamer], he was surprised to find that the mystic could keep up with his movements. The faster he was, the faster the mystic would move. Salomon swung the holy sword into lightning—this is not a metaphor, but a literal intuitive statement. The burning holy sword even made a deafening sonic boom when the air rubbed against it. Although the masked sage holds two broken spears, the two-handed weapon swings faster than the one-handed weapon, and the masked sage has no chance to fight back.

But when he started to resist, he found that the force that followed almost crushed his arm.

Even though he tried to block the holy sword with a broken spear and then used another broken spear to give a fatal blow, the servo system made by the Fifth Demon God's Pillar, the magic armor plate forged by the dwarves of Nilheim, and the protective magic constructed by Salomon himself blocked his attack without any surprise. The gem-studded gold gunshot seemed to have stabbed something smooth and slid to the side. Even if the tip of the gun breaks through the outermost layer of protective magic, the sparks and runes flickering out of nowhere will block any sharp weapon approaching Salomon's body, as if using a twig to stir up the entire swamp.

The masked sage could only raise the broken spear to parry again and again, and then was smashed down by a powerful force. After his third brief contact with the mystic in the air, the acceleration of his fall had reached a terrifying level. The last thing he saw over the shoulder armor of the mystic was the evaporated golden mist of the angel chasing down in the darkness behind Salomon. Immediately afterwards, he and Salomon smashed into the bottom of Fenbowente Mountain, and were completely buried by boulders and mud.

The assault transport boat dived into the canyon, and the attack wings and the weapons mounted on both sides of the fuselage opened fire. Sisterhood members still capable of fighting follow along on either side of the attack wing, dealing with lesser Angels who try to attack the cab. The shadow of Fenbowente Mountain has enveloped them, even if the assault transport ship turns on the lighting, it can't dispel the cold darkness. Their only beacon is the golden spear that is falling rapidly in front of them.

They are following Catherine.

Ask for a ticket!

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