Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 820 Underground Karst Cave (Second Change)

Maya Hansen once performed a deep cellular examination of Salomon's body.

This inspection happened when the Praetorian Guards plan was proposed, and Maya Hansen was extremely curious about the physical functions of the mystics, so she had the opportunity to analyze the abnormalities of Salomon and compare them with the physiological functions of the Asgardians to study the differences on the evolutionary path between the two. One of the final conclusions is that the ATP in his body far exceeds the normal data of 50.7 grams. The efficiency of biochemical cycles such as the Calvin cycle, glycolysis, and tricarboxylic acid cycle is astonishing. The speed at which ADP combines with phosphate groups is also amazingly fast. The huge amount of lactic acid produced by exercise is also oxidized into carbon dioxide and water by the heart and skeletal muscles in a very short period of time. The extremely powerful liver and kidneys can also maintain blood sugar balance when he is exercising.

Although the liver hadn't been fully studied at the time, the Immortal City's biolabs have figured out some of the reasons. This is because his mitochondria have extremely high efficiency in synthesizing high-energy phosphate compounds. If this high-efficiency mitochondrial respiratory chain is placed on ordinary people, it will be a terrible neurodegenerative disease with mitochondrial dysfunction and abnormal energy metabolism. However, if it is placed on Salomon, it can become an advantage, because other components of his body are also different from ordinary people.

His mitochondria became a high-secret research project of the Immortal City and a large number of biological laboratories bought by the Immortal City. The uninformed research institute thought that he had received a disease analysis about the defect of the mitochondrial respiratory chain enzyme complex. The Imperial Guard is a plan to copy and imitate the functions of his body based on the body of an ordinary person, but this method of imitation is too expensive, and ordinary people also need to grow some special-purpose organs to obtain this ability. To put it simply, Salomon can carry out strenuous activities for a long time, but his body can supply this part of energy, allowing him to maintain long-term uninterrupted strenuous exercise.

Although the masked sage didn't know the result of this inspection, he still felt the power of Salomon in the most intuitive way. When his arm was weak, the mystic was still swinging the holy sword at the original speed, even faster and faster, as if his power was endless and he would never get tired. He and the mystic seemed to have fallen into a dark tunnel, as long as a thousand years had passed, and Salomon and the masked sage fought several times again.

The battle barely came to an end until they fell into a bottomless lake.

The magical flames ignited all over Salomon's body turned into entities and continuously evaporated the liquid, just like a volcano on the seabed, his body was covered with dense white bubbles. The fierce undercurrent in the water pushed him to drift with the current like a fallen leaf, and the power armor kept broadcasting information such as the pressure and temperature around him to him, making him realize that he was in a terrible situation. Fortunately, the airtightness of the power armor was prepared for space combat, so there was no risk of water leakage. By the time he gradually closed the stigmata to allow himself a clear view, the masked sage had long since disappeared.

The jet engine cut off part of its fuel supply and shrunk part of its chamber to avoid stalling. At the same time, the high-strength turbine blades kept turning while changing the angle, pushing the water flow into the guide tank. This was originally prepared for rainy weather, but at this moment it was used as an underwater propeller, pushing him to the surface of the water together with the water vapor formed by the decomposition of a small amount of lake water.

Salomon's expression was very cold, he already knew the identity of the masked sage. During the fight, he had seen the small brass tube hanging on the sage's chest more than once, and he was sure that the small brass tube was a lipstick, just like he had seen many years ago. It was the lipstick that Beunita's mother gave her before she died, and it was the bullet that killed the "last sage of lumen". Although he didn't know why Balder appeared in this era, who used the power of the eye of the world to bring him to this era, and why the lipstick appeared in Balder's hands, he planned to kill this "last lumen sage".

However, before he could fly out of the water, a stronger undercurrent surged over. The jet engine with reduced power couldn't cope with such a torrent at all, and the mystic was pushed and rolled forward by the torrent in an instant. When he finally reached out to grab a rock in the chaos, a black figure rushed out from the torrent.

Beunita stepped on the stone platform that was advancing continuously, and narrowed her eyes leisurely, carefully distinguishing the huge black shadow in the water that looked like a ray rushing rapidly. "There are shortcuts, but it looks like they're going to have a welcome party." She walked over unconsciously. It was a lower plane creature named [Insidious]. Its body was like a giant ray with two giant eyes. Its main function was to use its internal organs to accommodate members of the bloody battle between the abyss and hell.

Not only the lower plane creatures, many souls who love bloody slaughter will also be taken away by [insidious] after falling into the lower planes. All creatures who board this living troop carrier will be surrounded by the stench of death and rotting flesh, killing each other in its body, and the final winner will step onto the battlefield. As for the dead souls, they will become [insidious] energy, which will be emitted from the eyes on both sides of the pectoral fins, giving it the ability to attack warships.

The mystic waited silently for the lower plane creature to pass by.

He didn't know where he was now, but he could be sure that Balder hadn't gone far. Find him, kill him, that's his purpose. Salomon took a deep breath, the oxygen provided by the recirculating air system filled with the smell of chemicals. No, calm down, he said to himself—his purpose was to find Bayonetta, not kill the Sage, and Bayonetta's safety was far more important than the Sage. He closed his eyes and stretched his mind while remaining focused. There are countless malices in the rushing water, some of which are even stronger and more sinister than the ray-like lower plane creatures that passed by just now.

The tail ring on the little finger of his left hand was hot.

This ring has been burning since meeting the angel at the beginning of the battle, the ultimate power of dominion. Salomon believes that he can command almost any extradimensional creature he sees if he chooses. However, he did not do so, because Kama Taj has only one way to deal with extradimensional creatures. If you are unwilling to obey, you will only die, and forced slavery is meaningless.

He put part of his thinking outside the battle.

When he fell, he felt the resonance from behind, which can only be produced by the artificial man whose intelligence was born from his soul. He didn't know whether the many stigmata he opened would affect the artificial man, but now the communication system was completely disconnected from the entire chain of command, and he couldn't go back to check the situation. Barely suppressing his worries, he cranked up the power of the jet engine and followed. He didn't find Beunita's whereabouts, but he found a place like a portal. His intuition told him that this was the gate to hell, and he was in the subterranean caverns of the towering Fenbowent Mountains.

The assault transport boat landed vertically among the dead bodies on the ground, and the landing gear crushed the angel's body to pieces. The Sisterhood frantically marched along Angel's body, digging through the pile of corpses, cutting up Angel's body, trying to find Catherine from the blood and mud. There was a most ominous and dark thought in their hearts, a presentiment that they would not find Catherine alive.

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