Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 824 The Power of Technology (Second Change)

It was a battle Salomon dreamed of, and his original vision for the Immortal City.

The only pity is that he doesn't have time to watch this little war right now.

He has always been eager to use human technology and wisdom to fight against creatures in the outer dimension, instead of getting involved in dangerous magic like Kama Taj, causing risks before fighting the outer dimension. Because of this, the selection of mystic apprentices is extremely harsh, to avoid recruiting apprentices from posing a threat to humans in turn. Even though the number of people in the school of Karma Taj is quite large for the magical world of the earth, it is far from enough for the threat of outer dimensions facing the entire world.

Every blast of a bolter, every firing of a missile, every bombardment of a battleship on Finnbowente was the culmination of years of hard work, to prove to Kama Taj, to the Sorcerer Supreme, and to himself that the outer dimensions were not indispensable to the human race as a whole. Karma Taj is just a baby carriage of the human race. Sooner or later, Karma Taj will end his mission by himself, and human beings will stand independently on the top of the galaxy.

There are a large number of angels gathered on the snow peak, and the Immortal City can only advance the battle line to the mountainside.

It is not that the higher-level angels and even the Angels of Four Elements have tried to push back the offensive of the Immortal City, but under the indiscriminate bombing of the two sky battleships, even the Angels of Four Elements must remain cautious. The intelligence department set up a large number of anti-aircraft guns, anti-aircraft missile towers, Wakanda air defense laser towers and other facilities on the mountainside controlled by ordinary human soldiers wearing dark bulletproof armor. Sophia from the lost city led her tribe and recruited soldiers to dig trenches and build positions. These soldiers wear light exoskeleton power armor and are armed with heavy bolters and plasma, among other experimental individual weapons made and produced by Wakanda.

Part of the Sisterhood's heavy firepower team and assault team formed several mobile lines of defense to shuttle between the positions, destroying any angels who broke through the firepower defense network and tried to destroy the air defense positions through teleportation. Other Sisterhood fighters worked in concert with the assault transports, trying to make their way to the summit of Finnbowent. However, the Sisterhood's offensive was not violent. Several times, they voluntarily gave up the main road in the mountain, and retreated back to their positions before the angels counterattacked, allowing the anti-aircraft firepower to kill the angels. This is not because they don't want revenge, but because their mission, apart from killing the lower-level and middle-level angels, is to cover the assassination department and infiltrate the top of Finnbowente Mountain to collect intelligence for the command department.

Up to now, the situation on the top of Fenbowente Mountain is still shrouded in a fog. Even if the assault transport boat is equipped with ground-penetrating bombs, it cannot be used easily, so as not to cause the mountain to collapse and cause casualties to its own personnel. The intelligence department had to cooperate with the stalkers from the assassination department to find out the geological structure and the top of Finnbowente Mountain. Before that, the situation was temporarily at a stalemate. Neither the Angel nor the Immortal City were willing to take a step closer.

Even the little mage Wang who was far away in the small town of Noah Dunn felt the ground under his feet tremble, and the town of Noah Dunn shrouded in darkness was once again continuously illuminated by the burst of fire from weapons, as if day had come again. This is still a sporadic offensive before the decisive battle. Neither the sky battleships nor the sky aircraft carriers have used their full strength, and the Immortal City has not yet invested all their war preparations.

Mage Xiao Wang, who had never personally experienced the technology of modern human warfare, and all the other proud young mystics felt a bit of physical fear, especially when they saw the giant tanks produced by the Immortal City rumbling through the narrow streets of Noah Doon Town, and their tracks easily crushed the historic houses and statues.

Master Xiao Wang finally knew why the Supreme Master asked these rookies who had just walked out of the training ground to participate in this mission.

He has a good relationship with Salomon, and he is a member of the mystic family, so he knows more information. For example, at this moment, there is another armed force on Mars ready to go. If the battle in the Immortal City on Earth is unfavorable, Mage Hamil will go to Mars through the portal to pull out the power at the bottom of the tank. No one knows what kind of technology Salomon has hidden on Mars, so that the Supreme Mage has to keep it secret or even participate in it, covering up all traces with highly confidential contracts and magic. Master Xiao Wang sincerely hopes that the situation will not go to this extreme. Something that can make the Supreme Master actively violate the precepts must be quite terrifying.

Victoria Hand bit her lip, her eyes fixed on the holographic projection command table.

Her intelligence service still needs to wait for a report from the Institute of Geology acquired by the Department of the Interior. In fact, she is more inclined to use armed satellites to conduct fire reconnaissance on Finnbowente Mountain before finding out the situation (not a stupid weapon like the Rod of God), or directly use tactical nuclear weapons to destroy the mountain. Whatever the enemy is scheming on top of the mountain, a tactical nuke will do the trick. It's just that before that, her monarch must come out of Finbowente Mountain-for those armed personnel who are still on the ship, especially the Guards, the task is far less important than the monarch. As long as she gives such an order irresponsible to the safety of the monarch, waiting for her is a bomb or a sharp halberd.

It's just that in this case, she still has some tasks to complete.

"Report the direction of the wind," she asked. After getting the exact information, the head of the intelligence department issued an order. "Prepare to release the poisonous gas, and order the frontline soldiers to observe the damage caused by the poisonous gas to the creatures in the outer dimension." For the Immortal City, the international biochemical weapons convention is as useless as the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. In order to kill these creatures that do not belong to the real world, any weapon that can be used will be used. As for whether these weapons would cause irreparable damage to the town of Noah Doon, this question did not exist in Victoria Hand's mind at all.

Get rid of the enemy first, and then talk about it later.

Salomon sighed, his face hidden behind his helmet was full of worry. He couldn't see Beunita and the boy when he looked left and right, because he was a step behind when he entered the gate of hell, and the chaotic teleportation separated him from the witch again. The environment here is quite harsh. Drought, high temperature, giant blood-colored tornadoes in the distance are constantly eroding the rocks with sand and gravel, abnormal gravity affects every stone here, and all kinds of disgusting lower plane creatures are hidden in invisible corners. "Good evening, Rodin." He pointed to the dent on his armor plate, "Are you here to provide maintenance services?"

"I'm just here to complete a work." Rodin threw a cigar to the mystic. The cigar contained herbs added by Rodin, a gift Salomon gladly accepted. The fallen angel craftsman said, "Are you looking for Beunita? Don't worry, she has already found the demon who captured Joan's soul, so let's go first."

"Then did you see a boy?" Salomon gestured near his thigh, "It's about this tall."

"No." Rodin waved his hand, "Beyonetta wants me to wait for you here and show you the way. I don't know why she is worried that you won't be able to survive here. After all, your authority is quite powerful. If you don't show up again, I will leave. If the timing is missed, this work will never be completed."

"Take me there," said Salomon, "I just hope Bayonetta is gentle."

Rodin showed a smile that could scare hundreds of children to tears, "Me too."

Ask for a ticket

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