Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 825 Nepotism (Part 1)

Rodin waved his hand with ease as if he was standing on the side of the road hailing a taxi, and a huge blurry figure immediately protruded under the blood-colored sea of ​​clouds. The figure circled around the blood-colored cloud tornado in the distance for a few times, and then rushed to the cliff near Rodin and the mystic at an extremely fast speed with the excitement visible to the naked eye like a shark discovering its prey under the sea. This is a ray-shaped lower plane creature named [Insidious].

Salomon had seen the creature in underground caverns, swimming like a predator in the dark, icy waters.

Compared with the one he had seen before, although the slimy black skin of this lower plane creature was also covered with insane and corrupt colors, it was obviously smaller than the previous monster, with denser chaotic patterns, and its pectoral fins spread about twenty-three to twenty-four feet. Even so it was a monstrous beast, and whenever he saw the creature he thought of a bat—a creature that embodied the shadows and fears of the dark seabed, the silent hunter that lurks beneath the sand and reef. Rodin invited the mystic to jump off the cliff, climb onto the pectoral fins of [Insidious], and walk to the head of the giant beast to look down at the floating gravel and islands, as well as various small companion creatures of the lower plane. Completely ignoring the disgusted expression on Salomon's face, the fallen angel artisan greeted, and the ray-shaped lower plane creature flapped its pectoral fins again. Roaming in the air full of sulfur and stench was as easy as being in water, and gliding forward slowly and unexpectedly smoothly.

Even though there was still some distance to the destination, Salomon could still hear the ear-piercing female screams and gunshots from the barren floating island above the blood-colored sea of ​​clouds on the way. But this was not enough for him to be sure that Bayonetta was there. After all, he passed some unsightly places during the few minutes of riding [Insidious]. The games of killing and lust among the humanoid lower plane creatures opened his eyes. It was Madame Butterfly's astonishing height and the shrill laugh of the female demon that really allowed him to determine the location of Beunita. From a distance, Madame Butterfly seemed to be hitting something in her favorite way—that is, pumping her fist. What is even more surprising is that there is a female demon in a long white dress and a headdress resembling a full moon lunar eclipse cruising outside the floating island, constantly hunting and killing all lower plane creatures who hear the news.

Salomon recognized at a glance that this was Madame Styx, Joan's contract demon. Obviously, the unlucky guy who stole Joan's soul is being besieged by the contracted demons of the Witch Clan. When [Insidious] arrived on the floating island with the mystic and craftsmen, the huge Lady Styx lowered her head, and her blood-red yang stared at the mystic and Rodin. The palm with bright red nails was tightly clutching another lower-plane creature of the same type. The pungent smell of stinky sulfuric blood and rotting flesh accompanied the blood waterfall. Rodin took a deep puff of the cigar, and then threw the remaining cigar butt aside. "Remember to tell me why you came here, mystic. This is your real body, you'd better be careful." The fallen angel craftsman said softly, "Don't mess with women, this is advice, I don't want to be attacked for such a ridiculous reason."

Although Mrs. Styx's appearance is full of the succubus style of the lower planes, Salomon still recognizes her real body. He talks to Mrs. Styx in the attitude of respecting an ancient Titan god, but it's just respect. Even Visandi can't make Salomon bow his head. "Exalted Oceanides, ruler of the Styx," he said, "you should know why I have come."

Oceanides, the goddess of the ocean, can be classified as a type of nymph. The reason why she is called Mrs. Styx is because she is in charge of one of the five rivers of Styx surrounding the lower planes, and the reason why the shadow will take the shape of a moth after signing a contract with her is because there are folklore at that time that moths will take away souls after people die, or moths are changed by the souls of the dead. Legends, sacrifices, and prayers will more or less affect the worshiped, which is an eternal law.

Salomon spoke her real name, which was both respectful and threatening.

On the one hand, remembering the name means remembering the priest, which is extremely important for a titan from the Olympus gods, unless he is like Hecate who doesn't care about worldly affairs. On the other hand, mastering the real name means mastering the power. A real name can be played in the hands of the mystics of Kama Taj. Because of this, the supreme mage will spend a lot of effort to cover up Salomon's real name, so that he can see but not hear, and it is difficult to write and speak.

Salomon expressed his attitude that he must pass.

"Athena invites you to dinner, of course, after this matter is over." Lady Styx Oceanides nodded and moved out of the way to the floating island. Even the well-informed Fallen Angel craftsman frowned, not knowing what to say. Salomon shrugged and took a sip of the cigar presented by Rodin. "Whether it is the inheritance of Kama Taj or my personal blood can be traced back to the Olympus gods, not to mention that my relationship with the Titans is closer, so this is just nepotism."

Even Baron Mordo was taken aback.

He never thought that Salomon had such a large number of war machines. After the giant tanks ran over the town, a large number of self-propelled artillery were also driven into the artillery positions outside the town, and began to conduct firepower reconnaissance on the position on the mountainside of Finbowente Mountain. In addition, there are various types of mortars and howitzers, full of the tactical style of the big gun doctrine, as if it is a posture to launch a local war. Not to mention that there will be fighter jets loaded with nuclear weapons, and experimental high-tech weapons erected at various locations in Finnbowente Mountain, including but not limited to laser weapons, plasma weapons, electromagnetic weapons, etc. Baron Mordo really doesn't know what kind of tactical goals Salomon's men want to achieve.

However, Tita and Sophia didn't put all their minds on the upcoming small war. Even now that the normal (actually not so conventional) forces of the Immortal City had been deployed near the battlefield, they still cared about the mystic. Different from Tita's pure worry, Sophia deeply understands how important Salomon is to the people of the Lost City - Sophia and her people have an extremely important task, which is to supervise the war. They have the best equipment and have the power to kill any coward under their command. They have to do this, because the enemy in this war is not ordinary people, but extradimensional creatures, and no one knows whether the spirit of ordinary soldiers will be affected.

Even Sophia herself couldn't be sure that she wouldn't be affected.

She has always been worried that if she loses her commanding ability, the supervisory team, which relies on the relationship between superiors and subordinates to supervise each other, will be completely paralyzed. If Salomon can't come back, then the Lost City people who do this nasty job will definitely be ostracized, and then they can only be stationed at the Lost City base. No one wants to go back to the past, the kind of creature that walked nearly a hundred kilometers to exchange living supplies after hunting. The only solution now is for Salomon to complete his mission and come out of Finbowent Mountain. Sophia frowned and told Victoria Hand about it, but the head of intelligence just glanced at her curiously and assured that such a stupid situation would not happen.

Is this silly girl questioning the monarch's overall planning ability?

Ask for a ticket!

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