Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 828 Mother and Daughter Meet (Second Change)

"The Eye of the World has the ability to manipulate time and space. The sages and witches have poorly imitated the power of the Eye of the World. This is not incomprehensible. After all, the power of the two Eyes of the World has not been manipulated by even the best of the world monitors for a long time. The Witch and the Sage must find another way to enhance their combat ability." When the silver key that was kept next to him began to release magic power, Salomon remembered the Venerable's conclusion again. The power released from the sage, the witch, and the boy resonated, and the truth of the world will not change its essence no matter what form it presents.

The mystic had just figured out what was going on when he saw Rodin standing in the distance waving at him.

Damn Rodin!

Salomon was sure that Rodin knew everything about the boy, and the reason why Beunita suddenly joined the battle must be because of Rodin's persuasion. However, before the mystic gave the Italian-specific gestures learned from the witch, the magic power released by the silver key opened a black-purple rift behind him, and Salomon, who had no time to react, swallowed it in one gulp. The fallen angel craftsman shrugged - the task assigned to him by the supreme mage has been completed, and his work has also been completed, and now it is time to return to the real plane. As for why the Supreme Master wanted to cheat his disciples, he didn't even bother to think about such things.

Salomon took a deep breath, recited the spell silently, and checked his status.

He looked around and felt an inexplicable familiarity. Although the surrounding environment was dark, it was not gloomy and cold. Instead, it had a familiar sense of gorgeousness. He couldn't help but recall where he had seen this place before. He smelled a burning smell, and there was a faint noise coming from behind the mossy, rain-eroded low wall where he was standing. Although the dancing was quite stupid when several pistols were pressed against his head, and it was very easy to be regarded as a threatening target by others, Salomon still thought that his helmet could still block these bullets.

"Who are you!" The leading woman in the black witch's traditional leather bodysuit raised her hand and knocked on the helmet of the mystic with a gun. According to Salomon's observation, the gold thread embroidered on the bodice was very delicate, much more complicated than those women behind her. Salomon had never known the coat of arms of the Witch Clan, and he didn't know what these precious metal threads and gemstones represented, but he could still tell that this person was probably a mid-level commander. The woman was wearing a veil that covered the lower half of her face, but the impatience between her brows was very obvious, "Are you with the sages! Tell me, we don't have time!"

"He is wearing golden armor, he must be with the sages! Damn man, there is no good thing!"

"Kill him! The sages have killed so many of our people!"

"He's so tall! Do you want him to take his helmet off so we can see?"

"Now is not the time to choose a spouse!" The leading woman turned her head and cursed in a stern tone, lest the young people who had entered puberty mislead the topic. She stared at Salomon, "Don't act rashly, take your hands off your weapons. We don't have time to interrogate you now, so you must tell me who you are, or..."

"I know that you are fighting with the sages and the creatures of the upper plane." Salomon said in a deep voice. He followed instructions and made no threatening gestures. "Ladies, take it easy, I have a common enemy with you. I'm looking for a sage, and I'm going to kill him."

The witch who led the team asked, "Who?"

"Balder," said the mystic, "I must kill him here. Tell me where he is?"

A shorter woman behind the leader suddenly asked, "Could this person be Rosa's admirer?"

"Shh, don't mention that name!" The witch in the lead looked at the mystic with vigilance. She shouted loudly, but the revolver in her hand still dropped slightly. Now that the Witch Clan has lost a lot of combat power in several defensive battles, they must save where they can. If the man was really an enemy of the sages as he claimed, it would be a good thing anyway, as long as this unexpected reinforcement could kill the enemy.

"I don't care why you want to kill Baldr, the sage who caused everything to happen, but you must come with us. We must monitor you until we can confirm that you are really what you say."

"I agree, take me now, I can't wait."

Bayonetta stepped on the meteor and landed on the ground.

"I know where this is, and I also know what era this is." It took her a little less time to react than Salomon, after all, she had lived here. What's more, the fact that she has traveled through time more than once in participating in the event about the Eye of the World is somewhat common. She walked towards the fountain square, and was attacked by the lower angels. However, before she could make a move, a series of bullets precisely hit the head of the flying angel, and the plasma mixed with the rain like an explosion.

Bayonetta looked up and saw a woman in a black silk tights was methodically cleaning up the lower angels near the fountain square. The woman's movements were unhurried, and she even had time to show off her skills, arranging the fired bullets in a neat row. Obviously, these angels were no match for her, and almost all lower-level angels could not survive a round under her hands. Bayonetta also knows this move. She watched the surrounding angels burst into brilliant blood, and immediately had a guess about the identity of this woman.

The woman had the butterfly-rimmed eyes that Beunita once had. She stood on the lamp post and said to Bayonetta below, "We will be defeated soon, and we will gather everyone in the clock tower. We must stick to the end." Suddenly, the person felt that the witch's clothes below were not right, she jumped down, and walked towards Bayonetta stepping on the rain, "You are..."

She saw a face almost identical to her own.

With just one glance, the impulse from the blood told her the other party's identity. The clever witch immediately guessed the general reason why Beunita appeared in this era, because Beunita's Eye of the World was given by her, and she was the holder of the Eye of the World in the previous generation. Because of this, she was able to actively cast the spell [Witch Time], because she used the power of the Eye of the World itself. However, the rude angels couldn't read the atmosphere at all, interrupting her original idea of ​​chatting more. The witch in the past fired a few shots into the sky angrily, and Beunita knew her mind. Although she didn't reveal the relationship between them, Beunita quickly followed and began to cooperate with her biological mother's actions.

Without too much words, the fighting styles of the two witches are exactly the same, and they cooperate with each other very tacitly.

After dealing with these low-level angels, the witches from the past and the future raised their heads to look at the sky. Several huge portals flew out living battleships called [Worship], mid-level angels, and closely behind the several living battleships was a four-element virtuous angel, representing the fire element [Perseverance]. As soon as the giant dragon angel with two dragon heads saw the two witches in the fountain square, it immediately swooped down and rushed towards them.

But before it fell, the deafening noise of jet engines attracted the attention of all intelligent creatures.

Bayunita saw a golden meteor falling straight from the sky, piercing the Angel of Four Elements with one blow.

"Who is that?" The witch from the past let out a chuckle, "I heard your heartbeat."

"It's just a little boy I raised, and I don't know how he came here." Beunita turned her head and pretended to be careless and said, "He did this on his own initiative, and I didn't ask for anything."

"You're actually blushing!"

"Well, it's because he's doing well, whatever..."

Ask for a ticket!

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