Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 829 Cross-era communication (first update)

Bayonetta stood there and waited for a while.

Sure enough, after a while, the golden figure piercing through the Angel of Four Elements rushed up from the bottom of the cliff with the roar of the engine and steam all over his body. In the process, he lightly killed the angels' small living battleship tens of meters long. The witch in the past put aside the attack on the resident for the time being, and watched with great interest as her daughter adjusted her expression to welcome her lover. However, Beunita waited not only for the mystic, but also for a large group of witches who followed her. They followed the meteor tail drawn by the mystic in a panic, but when they saw the witch beside Beunita, they couldn't help slowing down, as if hesitating whether they should come forward to say hello.

Except for some younger witches who would say hello heartlessly and loudly (the one who asked Salomon to take off his helmet before), other witches who knew the past taboos had a skeptical attitude.

"Should I praise your charm, my dear? How can you provoke so many women in such a short period of time!" Bayonetta crossed her hips angrily, and pushed her glasses with the muzzle of her gun. Even when a mystic in heavy power armor fell from the sky and fell in front of her, she still held her chin up, looking proud. "Shouldn't you explain your relationship with your traveling companions?"

"I just met them on the way to kill the target. They promised to take me to the battlefield. I think the target should be there." Salomon didn't speak too clearly, because there were other people here. He turned his head and saw two pairs of identical gray eyes. "This lady is... hiss..." He looked at Bayonetta and got a slight nod in reply. This made Salomon tense immediately. He looked around, for fear of encountering Beunita and Joan of Arc in this era.

"Good evening, boy." The witch from the past greeted with a smile on her face. She issued orders to the group of witches who followed Salomon, asking them to shrink their defenses and concentrate their forces on the tower, and issued a series of orders such as activating the war machines treasured by the witches. Although the group of witches were dissatisfied, they still agreed to this order. After all, in the face of the life and death of this group, personal perceptions can be put aside.

"Rosa, this is the last time you order me." The leading witch turned her head and left, seeming to have some grudges with this witch named Rosa in the past. She gave him a nasty look as she passed the mystic who had taken off his helmet, and smiled a vaguely apologetic smile. After finally waiting for the group of witches to go far away, Salomon focused on the witch named Rosa next to Beunita, instead of the smashed marble fountain. Facing the witch's scrutiny, even Salomon was too embarrassed to move, and didn't know what to talk about for a while.

He tried his best to send a cryptic spiritual message to Beunita, intending to negotiate a confession with her, so as not to let her mother know that their real purpose was to kill the sage Balder, and then stand against them. However, Rosa smiled very understandingly, and did not ask Bayonetta and Salomon any questions, but walked aside to allow them time to communicate.

"Where's the boy?" Bayonetta asked.

Salomon shook his head and said in a worried tone, "I'm not sure if he was teleported to this era."

Both she and Salomon roughly guessed the boy's identity.

Legend has it that the God of Chaos Asa, the immortal god of chaos, observes the world on the holy mountain. For some unknown reason (Salomon’s malicious speculation is inappropriate here), he divides his power into two parts and gives gifts to the sages and witches respectively. It is impossible for such an immortal to die so simply, so Salomon believes that the identity of the boy should be a part of the original holder of the Eye of the World, the God of Chaos Asa.

Because of this, when the two eyes of the world reunited with their original owners, they exerted their true power, sending the sage and the witch to this era and to the station on Sun Island. This is the real purpose of the Eye of the World, to send the holder to the past to modify history. Although this will trigger a series of terrible multiverse shocks and complex timeline disturbances such as "the birth of parallel universes", when facing the critical moment of the survival of the race, no matter what the price is, it is acceptable.

In view of the opposite mark on the prophet's forehead and the boy's, and combined with the vague legend, it is very easy to speculate that the so-called prophet is actually another part of the chaos god Asa, and has a binary opposite relationship with the boy. Perhaps it is precisely because of this relationship that words such as "become one" appear in the boy's memory.

But the problem is, no one knows why that boy lost his memory and why he appeared in the future with that appearance. Salomon can only guess that this may have something to do with the power imbalance of the Eye of the World after Balder's death, but this does not explain why Balder in this era chose to side with the Prophet to hunt down the boy. This part of the motivation is still shrouded in layers of mystery.

Until Beunita told him the scene she observed with the eyes of the world when traveling through time and space. That was the sage Balder standing in front of Rosa, questioning someone. However, this scene has no cause and effect, which is confusing.

"We've got into a big trouble, and we still have to solve it." Salomon stroked Bayonetta's shoulder with a hesitant expression. They all know the ending of this defensive battle. Whether Beunita, who has come to this era, can accept this ending again is the biggest question—Beunita has dreamed of that situation in her sleep more than once, showing a rare fragility. She has the right to choose, because she is the holder of the Eye of the World. If she wants to change the past and save her mother, even Salomon, as a partner, cannot object, unless he stands on the side of Kama Taj to stop it. The witch seemed to see Salomon's worry. She held the mystic's fingers and patted the back of his hand comfortingly, which made Salomon seem to be the one in trouble.

"It's okay." She said with a smile, the rain dripped intermittently from the tip of her hair, and her tone couldn't hide her disappointment. Salomon couldn't help but leaned down and kissed this woman of unimaginable tenacity. Salomon told Bayonetta how he came to this time - the matter about the silver key needs to be treated with caution, but why the Eye of the World resonates with the silver key is not something that can be figured out now. He also showed Beunita the spell attached to him by the Venerable, perhaps this magic from the Eye of Agamotto has been protecting him from dying in time travel.

"Okay, young people." After a while, Rosa clapped her hands and attracted the attention of the mystic and Bayonetta. She winked at Bayonetta, approving of her daughter's gaze. Beunita couldn't help blushing, which made the mystic a little confused, because he had no idea what Beunita had said to his mother, so that Rosa would look at him with such strange eyes, and it was impossible for Beunita to tell him that she had planned to teach him since she was a child after seeing Salomon for the first time. Although she has now completed her little plan, it is still too shameful to say it. A witch with a stronger personality would rather die than say such embarrassing things.

"Now is not the time to make out, we still have things to do!"

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