Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 830 Search Team (Second Change)

"This is the third search team."

Men with short gray hair and grim faces send reports to makeshift headquarters through headsets encased in light flak armor helmets. This is a team responsible for intelligence work located on the periphery of the battlefield. Their armbands are painted with red shields and golden steel gloves with silver skulls inlaid on the back of their hands, representing that this force belongs to Victoria Hand's intelligence department. This five-member team was all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who followed Victoria Hand during the HYDRA Rebellion, and were later taken in by the Immortal City to evade official US arrests.

There are many such teams, and now they are all scattered on the outskirts of Fenbowente Mountain to perform exploration tasks.

The loyalty of these people can be guaranteed, because Agent Hand made a regulation, using the resources of the Immortal City to arrange their families, and even the education of their children is fully responsible for the education of the Immortal City, without them paying a penny. It can be said that the Immortal City controls their loyalty by controlling their families, but this kind of job that does not have to pay back the mortgage, can retire on time, will not be pulled by the boss to do unwitting human experiments, will not deduct pensions, and has a large pension is far better than their previous treatment. As for the renunciation of superstition required by the Immortal City, it is easy to accept. After all, this is the age of science, and they only need to verbally renounce their religious beliefs. Their BOSS's BOSS's requirements are not very strict.

"We found a refugee at the location of the church. Male, aged between twelve and under fifteen, with strange hair color. Comatose."

"Received." The intelligence agent's emotionless voice made Joel feel cold from the bottom of his heart. He'd seen the intelligence agents, and he knew they seemed to have been partially brainwashed to combat the mental contamination of the more horrific missions. This change occurred after the Retribution participated in a mission on the east coast of the United States. Joel didn't know what happened at the time. He and his team were on vacation in New York at the time, but he subconsciously believed that the mission must be related to this year's east coast earthquake.

"It has been transferred to the chain of command." The intelligence analyst said, "Please hide on the spot and wait for support."

Joel waved his hand, and the team dispersed immediately.

Instead of reaching the target, they turned their guns on the boy. The Immortal City has long since evacuated the local residents, and it is the most abnormal thing for a refugee to appear at this moment. However, they didn't take this matter too seriously. After all, there was no roll call and approval during the evacuation. There was no guarantee that there was a naughty boy who was hiding, and they hadn't discovered it until now. "I hate bureaucracy." The only woman in the line opened her mask. "I also hate the smell of recirculated air."

"Selena, if I were you, I wouldn't open it. Who knows what pollution is here." A slightly younger voice came from the team's communication channel. This is Andreas. During the Hydra rebellion, he participated in the aircraft carrier internship because of his excellent grades and escaped by luck. Andreas was also drawn into the ranks of the Immortal City when Victoria Hand cleaned out the Hydra agents on the carrier.

Compared with other people in the team, Andreas is much younger, and he behaves in accordance with the rules of SHIELD Academy. Veteran Selena often teases him. Others didn't have much opinion, because anyone could see that the red-haired woman had some interest in the young man Andreas.

"Biochemical pollution? Don't make me laugh, this is an excuse we used to use in the past." Selena held the experimental model plasma rapid-fire rifle, she said with a smile, "We all know that this mission has nothing to do with biochemical pollution, we are fighting the devil."

"Scientifically speaking, it should be an extradimensional creature." Andreas said sullenly. He is responsible for accurate shooting, so the guns in his hands are longer, heavier and more precise than other people's weapons. He didn't always take the job of sniper, but because of the shortage of manpower, he had to fill it first. "The order requires us to take a full set of protective measures," he said. "The order from above always makes sense."

"It's also possible that I wanted to be lazy, so I didn't modify the protection program. We were like this when we were in S.H.I.E.L.D.." Selena told the truth without hesitation. "If we were fighting werewolves or vampires, I would do this. I remember that you asked for sick leave during that mission, Andreas."

Selena took Andreas's words as a deaf ear, and taught him with the leisurely attitude unique to veterans, "At that time, there would be women wearing power armor as assaulters. We only needed to clean up the battlefield, but if any enemy's body fluids splashed on the skin, then this person was finished. into?"

"Really?" Andreas asked dubiously.

The rest of the team laughed. "If only I could grow feathers," Victor the Assault said cheerfully, "so that when I go to the beauty parlor to pluck the hair on my butt, I can scare the women."

"I think they'd choose to moult you with a spray gun, like you would a turkey."

"Alright, be quiet! Selena, put on your mask!" Captain Joel didn't smile. He has been paying attention to the orders from his superiors in the communication channel, using his authority to understand the transfer of teams of the same level as him. As a veteran who participated in the Gulf War, Joel has been plagued by nightmares, and was later recruited directly from the army by Victoria Hand into S.H.I.E.L.D. Because of this, he will join the Immortal City with his squad.

"Be vigilant, support has arrived."

Joel thought about who would come to his aid. Whether it was the Second Search Team nearby, or the invisible young women of the Sisterhood who wore power armor and never showed up, but when help actually arrived, he realized how wrong he was. It was a three-meter-tall giant wearing gorgeous golden armor. The giant rode a high-tech floating vehicle into the church. The search team was dumbfounded by this unexpected support.

"Joel, the captain of the intelligence department's third search team?" The golden giant lowered his head, staring at Joel with blood-red eyepieces. Although the giant's tone was gentle, Joel couldn't help but feel the fear on the physical level, as if all his attention was filled with this golden giant. He knew that this man was a super soldier of the Immortal City, a super soldier stronger than Captain America, who directly belonged to the Monarch's Guards.

He took off his helmet and winked at the rest of the team, for fear that Selena, a reckless guy, would shoot at the guards. He had seen what the Janissaries did in training in the arena, and if he wanted to, the Janissaries could kill everyone here in the blink of an eye before they even had time to pull the trigger.

Joel summoned up his courage and swallowed, "Yes... yes, sir."

"I am Constantine, the Janissary, here to hand over the refugees."

"It's right there, sir." Joel pointed to the marble floor in the center of the church covered by a thin stream of water. "We're not too close."

"You did the right thing, Joel. Your team did a good job too, including the sniper who kept aiming at me." The Imperial Guard praised, "Continue with your mission, I don't want to disturb you."

"Yes, sir!"

It wasn't until the Janissaries grabbed the boy and left the church that Joel suddenly realized that his heart was beating surprisingly fast.

"Jesus, who is that man?" Victor leaned over, "How could someone be so tall, wouldn't it be a robot?"

"That's a guard." Joel took a deep breath as if a drowning man had just been rescued. "That boy... the boy we found has a different identity."

Ask for a ticket!

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