Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 831 Obtaining Eternal Sleep (Part 1)

Bayonetta has witnessed her own mother's death on more than one occasion.

However, when faced with the temptation to change the past and the established history, she appears quite indifferent. Even though she knew that she would regret her current decision repeatedly in the future, she still faced the unbearable psychological torture from the bottom of her heart, and the coming life and death with amazing will. She looked at Rosa who was walking ahead with great nostalgia, but she didn't dare to tell her what was about to happen next.

Rosa also seemed to have noticed something, and she never mentioned the future. She was the previous holder of the Eye of the World, so she naturally knew what this meant.

"I can't go with you." The mystic walked beside her. His voice was hoarse due to lack of water, and the corners of his eyes were full of tiredness. He faced the strongest person in the history of the sage clan twice, and this kind of battle beyond ordinary people will still bring fatigue after he closes the stigmata. "I was not sent to this time node by the Eye of the World, but the Silver Key. I have to return to our time in another way."

"I know." Bayonetta said, "Then can I ask you to do something?"

"Yes, I don't think this incident will disturb history much, I can do it." Salomon looked at Rosa's back and nodded. He knew what the Witch wanted him to do without Bayunita asking. "No one will disturb her, I assure you. But I cannot give all witches such peace. Do you remember what we saw in that mansion?"

Salomon was referring to the energizers that were found in the Isabel Mansion five hundred years later.

Those devices are shaped like the Iron Maiden, a long iron awl that goes straight up into the chest from behind. At that time, he discovered that the iron maidens were full of corpses, souls, flesh and blood, etc. became nourishment, and the blood of magic power was continuously extracted from the corpses to supply the magic power used to revive Jubilus five hundred years later and the eternal passage to the upper plane. It is conceivable that those corpses are the witches who died in this war, even including the witch team he met before. They will all face their deaths in this war, and the only survivors are Theresa, who was later called Beunita, and Joan of Arc, who was brainwashed and taken away by the sage.

Regardless of whether there is Rosa's body in the Isabel Building on Sun Island, Salomon will stay until the end to witness the end of the Witch Clan and bury Rosa in a place where no one will ever disturb him. This is the shared responsibility of being a mystic and a witch companion. Salomon has already figured out what to do.

"It's okay." Bayonetta shook his fingers, "Please be sure to hide her where no one will know."

Rosa looked at the back of Salomon leaving, and couldn't help being a little curious. Before leaving, Salomon gave a solemn salute, which made Rosa have a very good impression of him. A polite person will never be hated no matter where he is, not to mention that this person is quite good-looking. She glanced at Bayonetta. "Isn't your little lover coming with you?"

"He still has things to do." Bayonetta smiled, completely unable to see the look of sadness on her face before, "After all, I am a housewife, and men have to take care of outside things."

"I don't think you will suddenly learn how to wash dishes, Theresa." Rosa saw the truth at a glance, "He is such a sweetheart, isn't he? How did you find such a cute little guy, and then captured his heart, tied him by your side so that he couldn't leave you, and made him have to endure your temper?"

Bayunita raised her voice triumphantly, her mother's almost identical face full of pride.

"You know, witches always do it."

The direction Salomon is going is completely opposite to the witch's tower that Bayonetta and Rosa are going to.

He started the jet engine and flew towards the arena outside the witch's garrison, across a bottomless canyon covered in thick fog. On the way, he encountered more than one attack from angels and sages, and witches who didn't know the truth also attacked him. In addition, there were mobs holding torches and farm tools. Under the instigation of the angels, they launched a witch trial against the witch family. These guys who were so fanatical that they lost their minds were not afraid of Salomon at all, and even dared to wave their weapons and try to attack him. Except for some unlucky mob that stood in his way and was crushed to pieces by him, Salomon didn't even care, not even interested in firing his bolter and killing those who fled.

He fell straight to the ring-shaped arena outside the station.

Five hundred years later, Beunita will face the four-element angel [Perseverance] representing the fire element here, and then blast the entire arena to the sky. Although it is still intact today, it has been abandoned by many people and no one has repaired it. It is almost exactly the same as it was before the battle five hundred years later. He stood on the still intact Roman-style walls of the arena, where he could directly see the burning buildings and harsh shouts across the canyon, and the soaring black smoke almost drowned the moon.

There is no one here, and the fat in the black iron brazier reflects the white moonlight coldly.

"Teacher, I'm here." As soon as the words fell, the light of the portal lit up in the gloomy forest.

"My future disciple, you must be my favorite one, otherwise how would I give you the holy sword." The supreme mage of this era looked at the holy sword in the scabbard of Salomon with great interest, "What task did I give you in the future? Did I come to observe the fall of the World Watcher? Or came here to clean up all the extradimensional creatures that came to the plane of reality?"

"The former has been completed a long time ago, teacher. As for the latter, I believe it won't take long." Salomon said, "What I want to know is the story of Asa, the God of Chaos. After the God of Chaos was split into two parts, where did the immortal soul go? And... how do I kill these souls completely?"

"You want to kill an immortal, don't you?"

"This is your goal? A boy?" Victoria Hand stood in front of the bed in the infirmary. She grinned and asked angrily, "I didn't expect that you would intercept the communication of the intelligence department, and then get involved in the work of the search team. I thought your transformation was to make you better in battle, Constantine!"

"Unless the monarch directly orders me to join the battle, all of this is not my duty." Constantine was not angry because of Victoria Hand's yin and yang, but explained slowly, as if the halberd he was holding was for reasoning.

"This boy is very important. The electronic eye system of the Monarch's power armor has photographed him and his abnormal behavior. The Monarch marked him so I can see it." He pointed to the boy lying on the hospital bed who had been injected with a sedative, as well as the busy medical staff, "In any case, this boy must be under our control. The medical staff has already contacted the biological laboratory to analyze the DNA samples collected from him. When will the mystics of Karma Taj arrive? I need them to examine the boy's soul." .”

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