Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 832 The Supreme Mage (Second Change)

"You are the Eternal, my disciple. Do you really want to know how to kill yourself?"

"I have to do this, teacher." Salomon said, "The separation of Chaos God Asa's soul caused more instability. I don't know why He gave power to humans in the first place, but now it seems that the separated soul caused even more trouble."

The Supreme Mage of this era nodded and took out the Eye of Agamotto.

"The Eye of Agamotto, or the gem of time, allows users to see the secrets of time. Do you know what else it can be used for? That's right, it is to communicate with yourself in all timelines. It seems that the future me has taught you very well. That is to say, I can know exactly what your purpose is and what will happen in the future, but I don't want to do this, my future disciple. I show what happened in the future, and at the same time I will teach you to sort out the timeline like this, I think you haven't done this lesson yet?"

"Yes, teacher."

"Then our task now is to be a bystander." The Venerable changed the subject, "but the future is yours, so you decide. After the decision, you have to bear the consequences, even if the consequences will live up to everything you have done. It doesn't matter even if you destroy the entire galaxy. Anyway, I will have retired by then, and I can't control anything." Salomon is quite familiar with the Venerable's smile, and this look is imagining retirement life.

The function of the time stone is to display the timeline, showing a past, a present and countless futures. Salomon told the time that Beunita told him—that is, the time when Rosa died—and told the Venerable, and the Venerable activated the Eye of Agamotto, so that Salomon could see clearly what happened at that time. But because this incident has not yet happened, there have been many changes in the scene of Rosa's death, such as Rosa standing under the moonlight dome, such as the dead Rosa lying in Balder's arms, or Rosa and Balder are still alive, and they are facing back to back.

As time passed, the future revealed by the Eye of Agamotto gradually became clearer.

Salomon flicked the screen displayed by the time gem like the progress bar of a video player, and repeatedly checked the screen of Rosa's death. However, those images are like a video with skipped frames. One moment Rosa was still alive, and the next moment she was lying dying in Balder's arms.

"I didn't see who killed Rosa."

"This is the limitation of the Time Stone. Just like the prophecy, you only know the result but don't know whether your resistance is the cause. I believe you must have learned the relevant knowledge." The Venerable said, "The Time Stone is not omnipotent, nor can it be omniscient. It is just a tool. It is us who really get the wisdom from it. Since there are abnormalities, then we can't make a judgment, that is, some existences can obscure the traces of ourselves on the timeline."

"Asa, the God of Chaos, the Eye of the World." Salomon thought of something, "His power is so similar to the Time Stone."

"Yes, the Eye of the World can also perform some of the functions of the Time Stone." His Holiness nodded, "Don't be discouraged, time will strip the truth, we just need to wait patiently."

"I didn't know you liked to make puns. Oh? What is this?" Salomon pointed to the huge black shadow in the sky with a purple tail flame flashing past.

"It's just a battle mech of the Witch Clan." His Holiness said calmly.

These single-player battle mechs are the powerful war machines of the Witch Clan. Since this era does not have a systematic alloy material that can support the mechs, these battle mechs are all alchemy products handcrafted by the Witch Clan themselves. It took hundreds of years to slowly take shape and possess combat capabilities. The effect of these battle mechs is not as expected, even in the face of the Angel of Four Elements Virtue, they can not fall behind. Salomon watched with his own eyes two black battle mechs fly into the sky, easily crushing the body of the superior angel, and at the same time killed several living angel battleships that bombarded the witch's garrison.

When the battle mech faces the angel [wisdom] representing the water element, it does not lose the wind. Salomon saw the metal angel like a large lizard being thrown out by the tail of the battle mecha. On the way, he also smashed a gorgeous giant angel airship with six golden wings made of marble, gold, red sapphire and enamel.

The size of the high-level angel [brilliant] is much larger than that of the mid-level angel, the living battleship [worship], and the living troop carrier [intimate relationship], which are also used as air strike forces. Even if he was attacking the witch's garrison, Salomon had never seen more than ten high-ranking angels [brilliant] in the sky, a strategic weapon.

Beunita jumped out of her battle mech excitedly, delighted at the chance to fight alongside her mother.

The situation seemed to be reversed after the witches activated their combat mechs. The sages who originally drove the mob were killed by the angry witches. The scale of the war is tilting towards one side, not the loss-losing as Kama Taj expected. The Venerable stretched out his hand, signaling Salomon to continue looking down. "I'm not in a hurry, Master." Salomon took off his helmet. Without the help of the detection system and electronic eyes, the scene that was too far away became somewhat blurred, and now he couldn't see who the pilot on the battle mech was. "I know the result."

"Then how do you know if the timeline you live in has been changed?" The Supreme Mage raised his eyebrows, "As far as I know, you and Beunita have already done something to change the past in the future."

"That leaves me speechless, it's your decision."

"Can the future me represent the present me?" His Holiness shook his head. "Can future decisions affect the present?"

"Teacher, this is not a philosophy class..."

"Philosophy in a broad sense can include magic and science, so exploring the truth of metaphysics is not useless, which can help you understand the current situation faster. Anyway, this is an established timeline, including the past you have changed." His Holiness said, "Wait patiently, the direction of events will surprise you."

"Take me to Fenbowinter!" the boy cried when he woke up, much to Constantine's bewilderment. Perhaps it was his golden power armor that made the blurry-eyed boy think it was Salomon, and the boy said what he was going to do without reservation. "I have to stop the other me, we are good and evil..." He took out a card, "This is the solution... Wait, who are you!"

Constantine looked down at the flustered boy.

"Calm down, kid, I'm here to help you solve your problems." Perhaps the same baroque-style golden power armor reminded the boy of Salomon, and he relaxed a little under Constantine's voice. "I am the monarch's guard, and I heard what you said." Constantine said, "But now Finbowente has been blocked, and you can't go up."

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