Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 834 Right to Choose (Second Change)

"Your sin is ignorance and blind obedience!" The mystic pronounced the crimes of the mob in a thick voice.

The villagers were terrified, they did not understand why Salomon said this, but soon there was a shout from the crowd, and someone brandished a weapon to kill the false angel. Expressionlessly, Salomon stretched out his power armor-wrapped palms, pushed aside the pus-and-blood-smeared rusty agricultural tools, smashed their heads into their chests with his fists, and then threw the smashed bodies aside like trash. After walking a few steps, his power armor was covered with blood, but he didn't care, continuing to kill methodically.

Killing is not too difficult for Salomon, but he has never killed ordinary people.

No matter how much he hates these mobs, he must abide by the precepts of Karma Taj. Perhaps the Venerable saw his molten gold-like anger buried deep under the armor, and the Supreme Mage readily told him that these people must die. They had been directly incited by the creatures of the upper plane, and their emotions were not natural. Later, they lived in the Lagnar Order on the Isle of the Sun. Except for a few survivors, they were all immigrants from other parts of Italy. This is a rare extermination-level action by Kama Taj, and the executor of this action is Salomon—"You blindly follow inhuman things, embrace the evil of the soul." He fired the bolt gun at ordinary people for the first time, "Superstition is the number one sin. Your soul has been corrupted, and you have betrayed the most noble reason and wisdom. There is no cure for you."

The killing ended soon. One explosive bomb was powerful enough to cut a human body in half. It took only one magazine to run out, and Salomon cleaned up all the living creatures in the square. He didn't spare any creatures whose brains were corroded by extradimensional forces, not a single one. The burning fire was extinguished, and the charred corpses were scattered all over the square. The rain washed away the carbon ash and blood, forming dirty red and black streams on the ground. He has never encountered any sages or angels. These mobs are just cannon fodder and tools used by them to attack the witch's garrison. No one cares about their life or death.

"Is it better?" His Holiness asked, standing by the foul-smelling stream. "Does this help you control your emotions?"

"I didn't kill because of my emotions, teacher." Salomon took off his helmet, his eyes full of loneliness. The Salem Witch Trials could even be called civilized compared with this turmoil, which consisted of nothing but mindless killing and inexplicable hatred. "Why do human beings embrace superstition so eagerly and abandon noble reason and wisdom like a shoestring?" He asked in a deep voice, "If human beings embark on this path, will they be able to get rid of ignorance and walk out of the earth in the future?"

"This is the problem you will have to solve in the future, and I don't have a definite answer to this question. I believe you have studied history, and I can only tell you that human beings have unlimited potential, but they need correct guidance to upgrade." His Holiness shook his head. "In any case, the outer dimension relies on the power of the spirit. If you take this path, it means that you will be an enemy of all outer dimensions. I can only give you the best things, and then let you face that future. This is all Kama Taj can do."

"I won't regret it, teacher, this is not the first time I have seen ignorance and blind obedience erupt into fanaticism. I just complain a little, I am not disappointed with human beings, I am only disappointed with myself." The mystic mage sighed deeply, "Although I have planned the future, but when I see the bad side of human beings, I feel sad again. I just wonder if I should bear all this with the human heart, can I really do it..."

"I don't have much doubt about your ability."

"Me neither, I know what the stigmata are."

"But you have a choice, my disciple. Bearing such a burden is a kind of cruelty for anyone. I believe that the future me must have said similar things. You can choose to give up, and the decision is in your hands." The venerable pointed to the silver key hidden under the breastplate by Salomon, indicating that this is another way out. Salomon shook his head without much hesitation—it was not what he wanted to learn from the first generation of supreme mage Agamotto to abandon his human identity. He had never even had such an idea, and he even despised it. This is also one of the reasons why his relationship with Weishandi is not so good.

"But don't make a decision so hastily, Salomon. Time will give you the answer, and you need time to think about it." The Supreme Mage said with a smile, "But that's another issue that we shouldn't discuss now. Come on, your lesson is not finished yet, let's move on, and you will see the wonder of the timeline."

"Can I kill some sages or angels?" Salomon asked.

"Of course, my disciple, you can do whatever you want." His Holiness seemed like a parent who promised to buy a gift for the child. "Anyway, they are all going to die. It doesn't make much difference who dies. Of course, the premise is that they have completed their work. I know this is cruel, and what you saw before will continue to happen, but this is what they have to do."

Beunita and Rosa didn't spend too much time on their way to the tower. Even though they killed several quaternary angels at the cost of sacrificing precious battle mechs, they still dragged their exhausted bodies to the final line of defense of the Witch Clan. However, what came into view was not the fighting figures of the witches, but meteorites falling from the sky. The burning meteorite precisely smashed through the hundreds of thousands of years of towers standing in the Witch Clan, and the knowledge and technology accumulated over the years were either buried under the ruins or burned in the raging fire. Under the white full moon, there were all the broken corpses of the witches. The pair of witches that Rosa had sent to the tower before had died, and a quick glance showed that there were no survivors. Those witches who managed to escape the collapse soon died in the hands of the angels.

Even Rosa was shocked by the sight.

"No! He won't do such a thing!"

It was none other than the four-element angels who had survived under the hands of Beunita and Rosa who broke out the meteorite rain. In order to wipe out the Witch Clan and seize the Eye of the World, the upper plane spared no effort to send a large number of powerful individuals who were originally hidden. Rosa didn't expect that her lover actually ordered those angels to do such a thing—although Beunita wanted to say that the one who did such a thing was the Balder he knew, but she swallowed those words for the sake of her mother's grief. A violent explosion exploded at the feet of Beunita and Rosa, and Beunita quickly dragged Rosa, who was immersed in sadness, to the side to prevent her from being affected by the fireball sprayed by the four-element angel [Perseverance].

Rosa didn't hesitate for too long, and immediately launched a counterattack. The ease and leisure that Salomon had seen completely disappeared. As the most powerful witch and the holder of the Eye of the World in the last era, Rosa showed amazing talent. She swept across the ruins with a fury that Beunita had never seen before, like a fire bursting out of a rock, whether it was shooting, melee or summoning magic, it was stronger and more sophisticated than what Beunita had ever cast. And the dragon-like head of the four-element angel [Perseverance] that destroyed the tower was also screwed off by Rosa, and she also summoned the creatures of the lower planes to drag the [Perseverance] angel into the abyss.

Bayoneta shot suddenly, and the bullet knocked away a spot of light that was attacking Rosa.

She saw clearly who the person who attacked Rosa was. "Little thing, why are you here?"

Ask for a ticket!

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