Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 835: Sincere Education (Part 1)

"Sorry, it's you! I didn't pay attention!" The boy laughed rather embarrassedly.

But Beunita did not let her guard down, and continued to block the path leading behind Rosa, preventing anyone from approaching her mother. "I'm still showing you the same way as before! It seems that someone sent you back five hundred years ago." Just when the boy was about to continue talking, Bayonetta fired again. However, the bullet was blocked by the boy. He didn't seem surprised by Bayonetta's attack, but instead showed a "sure enough" expression. "Looks like you've discovered the truth. They didn't call you Left Eye for no reason, did they?"

"Let me guess about your relationship with that little thing..." Bayoneta took a few steps with a relaxed expression, "I didn't expect you to have such poor clothing taste when you grow up, Prophet."

"You're really smart." The prophet looked around to make sure he didn't see the person he didn't want to see. He laughed, his tone as soft as a dead leaf falling on a quiet brook. "But it doesn't matter even if you recognize me, the witch and the sage are still alive. Two hateful ants, I must get rid of them as soon as possible. I want their things, and I want mine back, which is the eye of the world." Bayonetta did not show her due surprise. Thanks to Salomon's extensive knowledge and strong memory and Karma Taj's collection of books, plus the clues provided by the fragments of the boy's memories, she and Salomon have already inferred the facts almost, and she already knew what the prophet said. It's just that she still thinks it's a bit weird that this guy with poor clothes in the future has the exact same face as that boy.

"My other half escaped to the future, and the Eye of the World cannot be given to him. That's why I killed you, sweetheart!"

"Is that all? Try harder, I can't feel anything."

Bayunita sneered, and slowly dodged several translucent ghost arms stretched out by the prophet's spell, as well as the azure crystals that fell like raindrops. She retreated while shooting, leading the battlefield away from Rosa. The witch's strategy worked. It seemed that the prophet was quite concerned about Beunita's taunting. After confirming that the distance was enough for him to use his fists, the witch with the left eye of darkness stopped immediately. She drew out two long knives named "Asura" and rushed forward, the distance between the two sides was shortened to within the range of the weapon in the blink of an eye, only half the length of the cold weapon.

"When the girl told you to work harder," the witch swung two long knives with incredible speed, slashing at the same one repeatedly with the magical blades, and cut off a ghost's arm with difficulty. Before the Prophet could react, the fist of Madame Butterfly summoned by [Shadow Weaving] hit him like a hammer from the sky. Bayunita turned and kicked, adding to the horrific blow and successfully knocking the Prophet off a cliff. "That means you're not good enough, little guy."

"That's not enough, my dear." The fallen prophet floated up abnormally, and the ghost arm behind him suddenly extended, piercing the rock on the cliff, breaking the rock on which Beunita was standing from the cliff, and then still going up into the sky, like a rocket rising from the ground. Bayonetta and the ten-meter-long giant rock penetrated the clouds in a very short time. When the rising acceleration slowly disappeared, the huge rock began to fall uncontrollably. The thick atmosphere rubbed against the rock, and the air was compressed by a terrible force and quickly heated up, becoming red hot, like a meteorite flying from outside the atmosphere. Burning.

"A stalker is not attractive." Beunita cast a spell and stood firmly on the rock surrounded by hot air. Without hesitation, she attacked the Prophet floating above the boulder. This battle was more dangerous than the previous ones. The witch not only had to avoid the growing ghost arms within a range of more than ten square meters, but also had to avoid the high temperature air and the constantly peeling, hot tiny rocks.

The Prophet believed that he could achieve at least half of the goals this time and get at least one Eye of the World.

Salomon continued to follow the steps of the Supreme Mage, and he was attacked by angels more than once on the way.

The supreme mage of this era seemed to check Salomon's sword skills, so he let Salomon kill with his sword. Just in order to avoid too much movement here from affecting the reality that is happening here, and to prevent the angels from discovering that there is a difficult bone here to besiege, the Venerable will still use the mirror dimension to shield him from the eyes of other angels, preventing other potential enemies from seeing anything happening here.

"You shouldn't have blocked that sword with the arm armor." After the battle, the Supreme Mage said in a reproachful tone, "Even Uru metal and vibranium alloy are not indestructible, you will lose your arm sooner or later."

"At least they only left scratches on the armor, didn't they?" gasped Salomon.

It is indeed troublesome to fight against the several-meter-high angel without opening the stigmata, but it is only a little trouble, and he recovered after taking a breath. He knew that His Majesty didn't want to see him use the arm armor to resist the several-meter-long golden giant sword of the superior wisdom angel [Heroic], but what he pursued was the maximum damage, and the violent fighting method of changing injuries can not only suppress the enemy at the psychological level, but also achieve tactical goals in the shortest time. At the end of this battle, the cherub even felt fear from the psychological level, so that he couldn't even lift his sword. In the end, Salomon nailed it to the moss-covered rock wall with the giant sword. However, Salomon smashed the marble and ceramics on the face with his fists, stripped the bloody muscles and tendons, and let the cherubs howl in pain. Such a scene even made those intermediate angels feel fear and tried to escape from the mirror dimension.

"Then the only thing I can criticize is your fighting style." His Holiness shook his head, "This is too unlike a knight."

"Teacher, fighting is not an art, but a philosophy of pragmatism." Salomon said with a smile. He raised his head and looked at the sky illuminated by fire and the meteorites falling from the sky. "Knights are just a class. I will not restrict myself because of the culture extended by a class. In order to win, I don't mind using any means. This is the truth you taught me, isn't it?"

"Maybe in the future I will agree with you, but now... well, I agree, anyway, it's the same thing we do." The Venerable laughed after thinking about it. You can guess who Salomon learned from with your toes. If His Holiness wants to blame, he can only blame himself. "This is just a beautiful vision in education, just like parents teaching their children not to lie, but they themselves can't do it. Now that you have reached this point, you don't need to insist on such hypocritical statements." Although the Supreme Mage is a bit poor in education, other venerables can be honest and will not hide what their disciples need to know. They will not even mention things that their disciples don't need to know, and they will not deliberately arouse the sense of competition between Loki and Thor like Odin.

"We will be there soon. You will see the end of the Witch Clan and the impact you have brought." His Holiness said, "After that, I still need to leave the earth to deal with some problems. As you guessed, because of this turmoil, those extradimensional creatures will not be at peace. Now the main force of Kama Taj is deployed to the temple and the islands of pain and redemption in the split domain. But I still want to test you, have you guessed the way to return to your own era?"

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